33.履道坦坦,幽人貞吉。——出自《履·九二爻》(1 / 1)





Treading the path that is level and easy, a quiet and solitary man will enjoy good fortune, if he is firm and correct.——- from The Second Line, Undivided, Lu

Modern interpretation: If people are all self-effacing and courteous, there would be a smooth development without twists and turns. Everyone would feel ease and comfortable, and keep firm and correct to enjoy good fortune.

Moral: People should avoid odd behaviors which scandalize the public. More importantly, they should not abandon themselves to show-off for troubles.

Glossary: The second line, a strong line undivided, of this hexagram occupies the middle place of the trigram, which is supposed to symbolize a path. Strength in docility is like treading a path cut straight and level. No response to the fifth line creates the image of a quiet and solitary man who sticks to his virtue.