(1)形容詞作主語補語。如:Man is born free,and everywhere he is in s.One who believes himlf the master of others is heless a greater slave than they.(Jean Jaques Rousau)
(2)形容詞作賓語補語。如:We all have a few failures under our belt.It’s what makes us ready for the success.(Randy K.Milholland)
4.作主語或賓語形容詞用於“定冠詞+形容詞”結構中,起名詞作用。如:Only the shallow know themlves.(Osbsp;Wilde)If the ribsp;could hire the poor to die for them,the poor would make a very nibsp;living.(Jewish Proverb)
5.作狀語If necessary,I’ll go instead of you.Most remarkable of all,he never suffers from nerves on the stage.
前置形容詞的排列順序英語中高級口譯資格考試語法必備第九章形容詞兩個或多個形容詞同時修飾一個名詞,名詞前麵形容詞的排序是:限定詞 描繪性形容詞 尺寸大小 形狀 年齡、新舊 顏色 國籍 材料 質地材料 中心名詞。如: a famous a e poeta beautiful,big,old,red,e wooden tablean attractive little old yellow booka large round wooden tablea small blabsp;plastibsp;bagthe first beautiful little white e stone bridgea very valuable Egyptian bronze bsp;名詞化的形容詞有些形容詞可以和定冠詞連用,表示一類人或物,這時它近似一個名詞。用作名詞的形容詞叫做名詞化的形容詞。
(1)形容詞作主語補語。如:Man is born free,and everywhere he is in s.One who believes himlf the master of others is heless a greater slave than they.(Jean Jaques Rousau)
(2)形容詞作賓語補語。如:We all have a few failures under our belt.It’s what makes us ready for the success.(Randy K.Milholland)
4.作主語或賓語形容詞用於“定冠詞+形容詞”結構中,起名詞作用。如:Only the shallow know themlves.(Osbsp;Wilde)If the ribsp;could hire the poor to die for them,the poor would make a very nibsp;living.(Jewish Proverb)
5.作狀語If necessary,I’ll go instead of you.Most remarkable of all,he never suffers from nerves on the stage.
前置形容詞的排列順序英語中高級口譯資格考試語法必備第九章形容詞兩個或多個形容詞同時修飾一個名詞,名詞前麵形容詞的排序是:限定詞 描繪性形容詞 尺寸大小 形狀 年齡、新舊 顏色 國籍 材料 質地材料 中心名詞。如: a famous a e poeta beautiful,big,old,red,e wooden tablean attractive little old yellow booka large round wooden tablea small blabsp;plastibsp;bagthe first beautiful little white e stone bridgea very valuable Egyptian bronze bsp;名詞化的形容詞有些形容詞可以和定冠詞連用,表示一類人或物,這時它近似一個名詞。用作名詞的形容詞叫做名詞化的形容詞。
(1)名詞化的形容詞泛指一類人,作主語時要求動詞用複數形式。如:Its failings notwithstanding,there is mubsp;to be said in favor of journalism in that by giving us the opinion of the uneducated,it keeps us in toubsp;with the ignoranbsp;of the unity.(Osbsp;Wilde)Sin is a dangerous toy in the hands of the virtuous.It should be left to the genitally sinful,who know when to play with it and when to let it alone.(H.L.Mehe jealous are troublesome to others,but a torment to themlves.(William Penn)