Learn to u it.The children will help you.Now,when I want you,this is what you will hear.
Maria:Oh,no,sir.I’m sorry,sir!I could never ao awhistle.Whistles are fs and cats and other animals but not forchildren and definitely for me.It would be too humiliating.
Captain:Fraulein,were you this much trouble at the abbey?
Maria:Oh,much more,sir.
(Captaihe whistle again.)Maria:I don’t know ynal.
Captain:You may call me“captain”.
Maria:(to children)At ea.Now that there’s just us,would youplea tell me all your names again and how old you are?
Liesl:I’m Liesl.I’m 16years old,and I don’t need a governess.
Maria:I’m glad you told me,Liesl.We’ll just be good friends.
Friedrich:I’m Friedrich.I’m 14.I’m impossible.
Maria:Really?Who told you that,Friedrich?
Friedrich:Fraulein Jophine.Foverness ago.
Louisa:I’m Brigitta.
Maria:You didn’t tell me how old you are,Louisa.
Brigitta:I’m Brigitta.She’s Louisa.She’s 13years old,and you’resmart.I’m 10and I think your dress is the ugliest one I ever saw.
Kurt:Brigitta,you shouldn’t say that.
Brigitta:Why not?Don’t you think it’s ugly?
Kurt:Of cour.But Fraulein Helga’s was ugliest.I’m Kurt.I’m 8.
I’m incible.
Kurt:What’s“Incible ”?
Maria:I think it means you want to be treated like a boy.
Marta:I’m Marta,and I’m going to be ven on Tuesday.I’d like apink parasol.
Maria:Pink’s my favorite color too.Yes,yiret.And you’re fiveyears old?My,you’re practically a lady.I have to tell you a cret.I’venever been a governess.
Louisa:You don’t know anything about being a governess?
Maria:Nothing.I’ll need lots of advice.
Louisa:The best way to start is to shout to our father to mind hisown business.
Friedriust never e to dinner on time.
Brigitta:Never eat your soup quietly.
Kurt:Duri,always blow your no.
Giret:Don’t listen to them,Fraulein Maria.
Maria:Oh,why not?
Giret:Becau I like you.
Frau Schmidt:All right now,children,outside for your walk.Father’sorders.Hurry up.Quick,quick,quick.
Frau Schmidt:Fraulein Maria,I’m Frau Schmidt,the houkeeper,Maria:How do you do?
Frau Schmidt:How do you do?I’ll show you to your room.Follow me.
Maria:Poor little dears.
Selected Se 3:
Reverend Mother:You’ve been unhappy.I’m sorry.
Maria:Reverend Mother.
Reverend Mother:Why did they nd you back to us?