Miss Lang:I wa to be.
Mr.Holland:You know what we’ve been doing wrong,Miss Lang?
we’ve been playing the notes on the page.
He went to play the music of the Kingsmen which is a very famousRock&Roll band in the U.S.
Miss Lang:Well,what el is there to play?
Mr.Hollahere’s a lot more to music than notes on thepage.The guys,for example,now,they ’t sing,and theyhave absolutely no harmoni.And they’re playing the samethree chords over and ain.And I love it.Do you?
Miss Lang:Yeah.
Miss Lang:I don’t know.
Mr.Holland:Yeah,you do.
Miss Lang:Becau it’s fun?
Mr.Holland:That’s right.Becau playing music is suppod tobe fun;it’s about heart;it’s about feelings and moving peopleand somethiiful in being alive.And it’s not about notes ona page;I could teach you notes on a page;I ’t teach you thatother stuff.Do me a favor.Pick up your clari and play with me.
Miss Lang:Okay.
Mr.Holland:And this time no music.(Take the music book away.)Miss Lang:Oh.
Mr.Holland:Becau you already know it.It’s already in yourhead and your fingers and your heart.You just don’t trust yourlfto know that.Okay,here we go.Ready?Owo,three,four.
(Music starts,Miss Lang failed.)Miss Lang:Ah!
Mr.Holland:okay,let’s do it again,and this time not so much lipon the mouthpiece.
Miss Lang:Okay.
Music starts again,still Miss Lang failed for a d time.
Miss Lang:Oh!
Mr.Holland:All right,no,no,don’t do that.Let me ask you aquestion.
Miss Lang:What?
Mr.Holland:When you look in the mirror,what do you like bestabout yourlf?
Miss Lang:My hair.
Miss Lang:My father always says that it reminds him of a sunt.
Mr.Holland:Play the sunt.Clo your eyes.Owo,three,four.
Music starts for the third time,and it goes on very nidsmoothly,Miss Lang smiles.
Mr.Holland:Don’t stop playing.
Selected Se 4:
The gymnasium is full,crammed with students and townfolks.
There is a banner over the stage:Good-bye,Mr.Holland.All arecheering,applauding.Mr.Holland is overwhelmed.
The applau finally dies out and Mrs.Lang address the crowd.
Mrs.Lang:Oh,thank you.My apologies for my tardiness,and,uh,Principal Wolters,I’d like to know……Yes,I brought a notefrom my mother.(audience laughing)Mr.Holland had a profoundinflueny life.On a lot of lives,I know.A,I get thefeeling that he siders a great part of his own life misspent.Rumor had it,he was always w on this symphony of his and this wasgoing to make him famous,rich.Probably both.But Mr.Hollandisn’t rid he isn’t famous,at least not outside of our little town.