Charlie:You fucked up,all right?So what?So everybody does it.
Get on with your life,would ya?
Mr.Slade:What life?I got no life!I’m in the dark here!Youuand?I’m in the dark !
Charlie:So give up.You want to give up,give up……’cau I’mgivin’up too.You said I’m through.You’re right.We’re boththrough.It’s all over.So let’s get on with it.Let’s fu’do it.Let’sfu’pull the trigger,you mirable blind mother fucker.Pull thetrigger.
Mr.Slade:Here we go,Charlie.
Charlie:I’m ready.
Mr.Slade:You don’t want to die.
Charlie:Aher do you.
Mr.Slade:Give me one reason not to.
Charlie:I’ll give you two.You dahe tango and drive a Ferraribetter than anyone I’ve ever en.
Mr.Slade:You’ve never en anyone do either.
Charlie:Give me the gun,el.
Mr.Slade:Oh,where do I go from here,Charlie?
Charlie:If you’re tangled up,just tango on.
Selected Se 2:
Mr.Slade:But not a snitch!
Mr.Trask:Excu me?
Mr.Slade:No,I don’t think I will.
Mr.Slade:This is such a crock of shit!
Mr.Trask:Plea watch your language,Mr.Slade.You are in theBaird school,not a barracks.Mr.Simms,I will give you one finalopportunity to speak up.
Mr.Slade:Mr.Simms doesn’t want it.He doesn’t o belabeled……Still worthy of being a Baird-man.What the hell is that ?
What is your motto here?Boys,inform on your classmates,save yourhide;anything short of that,we’re gonna burn you at the stake?
Well,gentlemehe shit hits the fan,some guys run and someguys stay.Here’s Gharlie fa’the fire,and there’s Gee hiding inbig daddy’s pocket.And what are you doing?Yonna rewardGee aroy Charlie.
Mr.Trask:Are you finished,Mr.Slade?
Mr.Slade:No.I am just getting warmed up.I don’t knoent to this place.William Howard Taft,William Jennings Bryant,William Tell,whoever.Their spirit is dead,if they ever had one.
It’s gone.You’re building a rat ship here,a vesl foingsnitches.And if you think you’re preparing the minnows formanhood,you better think again,becau I say you are killing thevery spirit,this institution proclaims it instills,What a shame!Whatkind of a show are you guys putting ooday?I mean,the onlyclass in this act is sittio me.I’m here to tell you this boy’ssoul is intact.It’s noiable.You know how I know?Someonehere,and I’m not gonna say who,offered to buy.Only Charliehere wasn’t lling.
Mr.Trask:Sir,you’re out of order!
Mr.Slade:Out of order,I show you out of order.You don’t knowwhat out of order is,Mr.Trask.I’d show you,but I’m too old,I’m too tired,and too fug blind.If I were the man I was five yearsago,I’d take a flamethrower to this place!Out of order?Who thehell you think you’re talking to?I’ve been around,you know?Therewas a time I could e.And I have en.Boys like the,youhaheir aims torn out,their legs ripped off.But there isnothing like the sight of an amputated spirit.There is no prostheticfor that.You think you’re merely nding this splendid foot soldierbae ton with his tail between his legs,but I say youare exeg his soul!And why?Becau he’s not a Baird-man,Baird-man.You hurt this boy,yonna be Baird-bums,thelot of you.And,Harry,Jimmy,Trent,wherever,you are outthere,tuck you too!