It was ay, sleepy, try station and there was hardly anyone on the platform except themlves. Suddenly Lucy gave a sharp little cry, like someone who has been stung by a .

“What’s up, Lu?” said Edmund—and then suddenly broke off and made a noi like “Ow!”

“What oh—”, begaer, and theoo suddenly ged what he had been going to say. Instead, he said, “Susa go! What are you doing? Where are yio?”

“I’m not toug you,” said Susan. “Someone is pulling me. Oh—oh—oh—stop it!”

Everyoiced that all the others’faces had gone very white.

“I felt just the same,” said Edmund in a breathless voice. “As if I were being dragged along. A most frightful pulling—ugh! it’s beginning again.”

“Me too,” said Lucy. “Oh, I ’t bear it.”

“Look sharp!” shouted Edmund. “All catch hands aogether. This is magic—I tell by the feeling. Quick!”

“Yes,” said Susan. “Hold hands. Oh, I do wish it would stop—oh!”

moment the luggage, the at, the platform, and the station had pletely vahe four children, holding hands and panting, found themlves standing in a woody place—such a woody place that branches were stig into them and there was hardly room to move. They all rubbed their eyes and took a deep breath.

It was ay, sleepy, try station and there was hardly anyone on the platform except themlves. Suddenly Lucy gave a sharp little cry, like someone who has been stung by a .

“What’s up, Lu?” said Edmund—and then suddenly broke off and made a noi like “Ow!”

“What oh—”, begaer, and theoo suddenly ged what he had been going to say. Instead, he said, “Susa go! What are you doing? Where are yio?”

“I’m not toug you,” said Susan. “Someone is pulling me. Oh—oh—oh—stop it!”

Everyoiced that all the others’faces had gone very white.

“I felt just the same,” said Edmund in a breathless voice. “As if I were being dragged along. A most frightful pulling—ugh! it’s beginning again.”

“Me too,” said Lucy. “Oh, I ’t bear it.”

“Look sharp!” shouted Edmund. “All catch hands aogether. This is magic—I tell by the feeling. Quick!”

“Yes,” said Susan. “Hold hands. Oh, I do wish it would stop—oh!”

moment the luggage, the at, the platform, and the station had pletely vahe four children, holding hands and panting, found themlves standing in a woody place—such a woody place that branches were stig into them and there was hardly room to move. They all rubbed their eyes and took a deep breath.