The Bulgy Bears were very anxious to have the feast first and leave the cil till aftererhaps till tomorrow. Reepicheep and his Mice said that cils as could both wait, and propod st Miraz in his own castle that very night. Pattertwig and the other Squirrels said they could talk a at the same time, so why not have the cil a all at ohe Moles propod throwing up entres round the Lawn before they did anythihe Fauns thought it would be better to begin with a solemn dahe Old Raven, while agreeing with the Bears that it would take too long to have a full cil before supper, begged to be allowed to give a brief address to the whole pany. But Caspian and the taurs and the Dwarfs overruled all the suggestions and insisted on holding a real cil of war at once.
When all the other creatures had been persuaded to sit down quietly in a great circle, and when (with more difficulty) they had got Pattertwig to stop running to and fro and saying “Silence! Silence, everyone, for the King’s speech”, Caspian, feeling a little nervous, got up. “Narnians!” he began, but he never got any further, for at that very moment Camillo the Hare said, “Hush! There’s a Man somewhere near.”
The Bulgy Bears were very anxious to have the feast first and leave the cil till aftererhaps till tomorrow. Reepicheep and his Mice said that cils as could both wait, and propod st Miraz in his own castle that very night. Pattertwig and the other Squirrels said they could talk a at the same time, so why not have the cil a all at ohe Moles propod throwing up entres round the Lawn before they did anythihe Fauns thought it would be better to begin with a solemn dahe Old Raven, while agreeing with the Bears that it would take too long to have a full cil before supper, begged to be allowed to give a brief address to the whole pany. But Caspian and the taurs and the Dwarfs overruled all the suggestions and insisted on holding a real cil of war at once.
When all the other creatures had been persuaded to sit down quietly in a great circle, and when (with more difficulty) they had got Pattertwig to stop running to and fro and saying “Silence! Silence, everyone, for the King’s speech”, Caspian, feeling a little nervous, got up. “Narnians!” he began, but he never got any further, for at that very moment Camillo the Hare said, “Hush! There’s a Man somewhere near.”
They were all creatures of the wild, aced to being hunted, and they all became still as statues. The beasts all turheir nos in the dire which Camillo had indicated.
“Smells like Man a not quite like Man,” whispered Trufflehunter.