“It’s getting steadily nearer,” said Camillo.

“Two badgers and you three Dwarfs, with your bows at the ready, go softly off to meet it,” said Caspian.

“We’ll ttle ’un,” said a Black Dwarf grimly, fitting a shaft to his b.

“Don’t shoot if it is alone,” said Caspian. “Catch it.”

“Why?” asked the Dwarf.

“Do as you’re told,” said Glenstorm the taur.

Everyone waited in silence while the three Dwarfs and two Badgers trotted stealthily across to the trees on the northwest side of the Lawn. Then came a sharp dwarfish cry, “Stop! Who goes there?” and a sudden spring. A moment later a voice, which Caspian knew well, could he heard saying, “All right, all right, I’m uake my wrists if you like, worthy Badgers, but don’t bite right through them. I want to speak to the King.”

“Doctor elius!” cried Caspian with joy, and rushed forward to greet his old tutor. Everyone el crowded round.

“Pah!” said Nikabrik. “A renegade Dwarf. A half-and-halfer! Shall I pass my sword through its throat?”

“Be quiet, Nikabrik,” said Trumpkin. “The creature ’t help its ary.”

“This is my greatest friend and the savior of my life,” said Caspian. “And anyone who doesn’t like his pany may leave my army:at once. Dearest doctor, I am glad to e you again. How ever did you find us out?”

“By a little u of simple magiajesty,” said the Doctor, who was still puffing and blowing from having walked so fast. “But there’s no time to go into that now. We must all fly from this place at once. You are already betrayed and Miraz is on the move. Before midday tomorrow you will be surrounded.”

“Betrayed!” said Caspian. “And by whom?”

“Another renegade Dwarf, no doubt,” said Nikabrik.

“By your hor Destrier,” said Doctor elius. “The poor brute knew er. When you were knocked off, of cour, he went dawdling back to his stable in the castle. Then the cret of your flight was known. I made mylf scarce, having no wish to be questioned about it in Miraz’s torture chamber. I had a pretty good guess from my crystal as to where I should find you. But all day—that was the day before yesterday—I saw Miraz’s trag parties out in the woods. Yesterday I learhat his army is out. I don’t think some of your—um—pure-blooded Dwarfs have as much woodcraft as might be expected. You’ve left tracks all over the place. Great carelessness. At any rate something has warned Miraz that Old Narnia is not so dead as he had hoped, and he is on the move.”

“Hurrah!” said a very shrill and small voice from somewhere at the Doctor’s feet. “Let them e! All I ask is that the King will put me and my people in the front.”