“Nay,”said the King,“you lood me from the tree; you glided before me like a snake last night in the wood and took Puzzle; and you, Eustace, killed your man.But you are too young to share in such a bloody end as we others must meet tonight or, it may be, three days hence.I e you—nay, I and you—to return to your own place.I should be put to shame if I let such young warriors fall in battle on my side.”

“No, no, no,”said Jill(very white when she began speaking and then suddenly very red and then white again).“We won’t, I don’t care what you say.We’re going to stick to you whatever happens, aren’t we, Eustace?”

“Yes, but there’s o get so worked up about it,”said Eustace who had stuck his hands in his pockets(fetting how very odd that looks when you are wearing a mail shirt).“Becau, you e, we haven’t any choice.What’s the good of talking about oing back!How?We’ve got no magic for doing it!”

This was very good n but, at the moment, Jill hated Eustace for saying it.He was fond of being dreadfully matter-of-fact when other people got excited.

“Nay,”said the King,“you lood me from the tree; you glided before me like a snake last night in the wood and took Puzzle; and you, Eustace, killed your man.But you are too young to share in such a bloody end as we others must meet tonight or, it may be, three days hence.I e you—nay, I and you—to return to your own place.I should be put to shame if I let such young warriors fall in battle on my side.”

“No, no, no,”said Jill(very white when she began speaking and then suddenly very red and then white again).“We won’t, I don’t care what you say.We’re going to stick to you whatever happens, aren’t we, Eustace?”

“Yes, but there’s o get so worked up about it,”said Eustace who had stuck his hands in his pockets(fetting how very odd that looks when you are wearing a mail shirt).“Becau, you e, we haven’t any choice.What’s the good of talking about oing back!How?We’ve got no magic for doing it!”

This was very good n but, at the moment, Jill hated Eustace for saying it.He was fond of being dreadfully matter-of-fact when other people got excited.

When Tirian realized that the twers could not get home(unless Aslan suddenly whisked them away), he wahem to go across the Southern mountains into Arland where they might possibly be safe.But they didn’t know their way and there was no oo nd with them.Also, as Poggin said, ohe enes had Narnia they would certainly take Arland in the week or so, the Tisroc had always wao have the Northern tries for his own.In the ead Jill begged so hard that Tirian said they could e with him and take their ce—or, as he much more nsibly called it,“the advehat Aslan would nd them.”