The King’s first idea was that they should not go back to Stable Hill—they were sick of the very name of it by now till after dark.But the Dwarf told them that if they arrived there by daylight they would probably find the place derted, except perhaps for a ery.The Beasts were far thtened by what the Ape(and Ginger)had told them about this new angry Aslan—or Tashlan—to go near it except when they were called together for the horrible midnight meetings.And enes are never good woodsmen.Poggin thought that even by daylight they could easily get round to somewhere behind the stable without beihis would be much harder to do when the night had e and the Ape might be calling the Beasts together and all the enes were on duty.And when the meeting did begin they could leave Puzzle at the back of the stable, pletely out of sight, till the moment at which they wao produce him.This was obviously a good thing, for their only ce was to give the Narnians a sudden surpri.

Everyone agreed and the whole party t off on a new line—Northwest—toward the hated Hill.The Eagle sometimes flew to and fro above them, sometimes he sat perched on Puzzle’s bao o even the King himlf except in some great need—would dream of riding on a Uni.

This time Jill aace walked together.They had been feeling very brave when they were begging to be allowed to e with the others, but now they didn’t feel brave at all.

“Pole,”said Eusta a whisper.“I may as well tell you I’ve got the wind up.”

“Oh you’re all right, Scrubb,”said Jill.“You fight.But I—I’m just shaking, if you want to know the truth.”

“Oh shaking’s nothing,”said Eustace.“I’m feeling I’m going to be sick.”

“Don’t talk about that, foodness’sake,”said Jill.

They went on in silence for a minute or two.

“Pole,”said Eustace prently.

“What?”said she.

“What’ll happen if we get killed here?”

“Well we’ll be dead, I suppo.”

“But I mean, what will happen in our own world?Shall we wake up and find ourlves ba that train?Or shall we just vanish and never be heard of any more?Or shall we be dead in England?”

“Gosh.I hought of that.”

“It’ll be rum for Peter and the others if they saw me waving out of the window and thehe train es in we’re o be found!Or if they found two—I mean, if we’re dead over there in England.”

“Ugh!”said Jill.“What a horrid idea.”

“It wouldn’t be horrid for us,”said Eustace.“We shouldn’t be there.”

“I almost wish—no I don’t, though,”said Jill.

“What were you going to say?”