“And what happehen?”said Jill.

“Well, it’s not very easy to describe, is it, Edmund?”said the High King.

“Not very,”said Edmund.“It wasn’t at all like that other time when we were pulled out of our own world by Magic.There was a frightful roar and something hit me with a bang, but it didn’t hurt.And I felt not so much scared as—well, excited.Oh—and this is one queer thing.I’d had a rather sore knee, from a hack at rugger.I noticed it had suddenly gone.And I felt very light.And then—here we were.”

“It was much the same for us in the railway carriage,”said the Lord Digory, wiping the last traces of the fruit from his golden beard.“Only I think you and I, Polly, chiefly felt that we’d been unstiffened.You youngsters won’t uand.But we stopped feeling old.”

“Youngsters, indeed!”said Jill.“I don’t believe you two really are much older than we are here.”

“Well if we aren’t, we have been,”said the Lady Polly.

“And what has been happening since you got here?”asked Eustace.

“Well,”said Peter,“for a long time(at least I suppo it was a long time)nothing happehen the door opened—”

“The door?”said Tirian.

“Yes,”said Peter.“The door you came in—or came out—by.Have you fotten?”

“But where is it?”

“Look,”said Peter and pointed.

Tirian looked and saw the queerest and most ridiculous thing you imagine.Only a few yards away, clear to be en in the sunlight, there stood up a rough wooden door and, round it, the framework of the doorway:nothing el, no walls, no roof.He walked toward it, bewildered, and the others followed, watg to e what he would do.He walked round to the other side of the door.But it looked just the same from the other side:he was still in the open air, on a summer m.The door was simply standing up by itlf as if it had grown there like a tree.

“Fair Sir,”said Tirian to the High King,“this is a great marvel.”

“It is the door you came through with that ene five minutes ago,”said Peter smiling.

“But did I not e in out of the wood into the stable?Whereas this ems to be a door leading from o nowhere.”

“It looks like that if you walk round it,”said Peter.“But put your eye to that place where there is a crack between two of the planks and look through.”

Tirian put his eye to the hole.At first he could e nothing but blaess.Then, at his eyes grew ud to it, he saw the dull red glow of a bohat was nearly going out, and above that, in a black sky, stars.Then he could e dark figures moving about or standiween him and the fire:he could hear them talking and their voices were like tho of enes.So he khat he was looking out through the stable door into the darkness of Lantern Waste where he had fought his last battle.The men were discussing whether to go in and look for Rishda Tarkaan(but none of them wao do that)or to t fire to the stable.