He looked round again and could hardly believe his eyes.There was the blue sky overhead, and grassy try spreading as far as he could e in every dire, and his new friends all round him laughing.
“It ems, then,”said Tirian, smiling himlf,“that the stable en from within and the stable en from without are two different places.”
“Yes,”said the Lord Digory.“Its inside is bigger than its outside.”
“Yes,”said Queen Lucy.“In our world too, a stable once had something i that was bigger than our whole world.”It was the first time she had spoken, and from the thrill in her voice, Tirian now knew why.She was drinking everything in even more deeply thahers.She had been too happy to speak.He wao hear her speak again, so he said:
“Of your courtesy, Madam, tell on.Tell me your whole adventure.”
“After the shod the noi,”said Lucy,“we found ourlves here.And we wo the door, as you did.Then the door opened for the first time(we saw darkhrough the doorway when it did)and there came through a big man with a naked sword.We saw by his arms that he was a eook his stand beside the door with his sword raid, resting on his shoulder, ready to cut down anyone who came through.We went to him and spoke to him, but we thought he could her e nor hear us.And he never looked round on the sky and the sunlight and the grass.I think he couldhem either.So then we waited a long time.Then we heard the bolt being drawn oher side of the door.But the man didn’t get ready to strike with his sword till he could e who was ing in.So we suppod he had been told to strike some and spare others.But at the very moment when the door opened, all of a sudden Tash was there, on this side of the door; none of us saw where he came from.And through the door there came a big Cat.It gave one look at Tash and ran for its life just in time, for he pou it and the door hit his beak as it was shut.The man could e Tash.He turned very pale and bowed down before the Monster, but it vanished away.