Neighborhood Relationship 鄰裏關係(2 / 3)

作為鄰居(neighborhood),低頭不見抬頭見,要處理好雙方的關係。要做一個受人歡迎的好鄰居,應做到以下幾點:一是愛心(love)最重要,要有樂於助人的熱心(warm-hearted)。二是要尊重鄰居,在有可能影響鄰居正常生活(normal life)時,要設身處地為鄰居著想。三是平常心(normality)也是一個重要因素。社會地位高、生活富裕的人,不要目中無人,而弱勢群體(vulnerable groupbrdisadvantaged group),也不必自慚形穢。還有,串門(drop around)也要適可而止,要適時告辭;鄰居緊閉大門時,沒有十分必要不要輕易敲門;不管鄰裏關係多麼融洽,也不要介入鄰居的私生活(private life);在鄰居真正需要的時候,及時幫把手,但要懂得及時退出。

Key words & Sentences


They live in good neighborhood with one another.


Some of us tried at first to be neighborly but they emed to want to keep their own pany.


We shall be living here for a long time, so we must keep in touch well with the neighbours.


The neighborhood relationship in modern society is being lighter and lighter.


He was a good neighbor and well respected for h his word.


Distaives are not as helpful as eighbetting well along with neighbors is very signifit for our lives.


We maintain cordial relations with our neighbors.


Goals and Objective: Try to make a design for Virtual unity through and studying the life of people in the Virtual unity, iing the neighborhood in physical unity and the unication in virtual world.


If a neighborhood allows broken windows to stay that way, and fails to replace them, the neighborhood will deteriorate becau vandals and other unsavory people will assume no one cares.


It was found that the subjective crowdedness at home, home facility adequacy, living venien unity, tidiness of unity enviro, and satisfa with neighborhood relationships were key factors affeg the overall residential satisfa of the urban elderly.


From the angle of sociology, this paper ana1ysis social ditions that food unity relationships of inhabitant districts. It points out that using “tral public space” to promote unity relationship and using “courtyard style” to improve neighborhood relationship.