Receipt Friends by Wine 以酒會友(1 / 3)

Wine Clubs are a developiension of modern wine culture. Wine clubs are desigo provide ers with a ries of witles on a monthly or quarterly basis that they would otherwi have to find and purcha on their own. Wine clubs often behave in a themed manner, providing recipients with red wines, white wines, or a mixture of the two. Wine clubs are most frequently offered by vineyards or specialty wine shops, but they also be found as indepe bodies.

酒文化(wine culture)是指酒在生產、銷售、消費過程中所產生的物質文化(material culture)和精神文化(spiritual culture)的總稱。酒文化包括酒的製法、品法、作用、曆史等酒文化現象。既有酒自身的物質特征(physical characteristics),也有品酒所形成的精神內涵(spiritual otation),是製酒飲酒活動過程中形成的特定文化形態(culture type)。酒文化在中國源遠流長,不少文人學士(scholars and men of letters)寫下了品評鑒賞美酒佳釀(vintage wine)的著述,留下了鬥酒、寫詩、作畫、養生(health maintenance)、宴會(ba)、餞行等酒壇佳話。酒作為一種特殊的文化載體(culture carrier),在人類交往(interpersonal iion)中占有獨特的地位。酒文化已經滲透到人類社會生活中的各個領域,對文學藝術、醫療衛生(health and medie)、工農業生產、政治經濟各方麵都有著巨大的影響和作用。

Key words & Sentences


Grape pig is the greatest celebration in the winemaking regions. We should not fet, however, that every region in Hungary has some sort of wine culture.

Wine Clubs are a developiension of modern wine culture. Wine clubs are desigo provide ers with a ries of witles on a monthly or quarterly basis that they would otherwi have to find and purcha on their own. Wine clubs often behave in a themed manner, providing recipients with red wines, white wines, or a mixture of the two. Wine clubs are most frequently offered by vineyards or specialty wine shops, but they also be found as indepe bodies.

酒文化(wine culture)是指酒在生產、銷售、消費過程中所產生的物質文化(material culture)和精神文化(spiritual culture)的總稱。酒文化包括酒的製法、品法、作用、曆史等酒文化現象。既有酒自身的物質特征(physical characteristics),也有品酒所形成的精神內涵(spiritual otation),是製酒飲酒活動過程中形成的特定文化形態(culture type)。酒文化在中國源遠流長,不少文人學士(scholars and men of letters)寫下了品評鑒賞美酒佳釀(vintage wine)的著述,留下了鬥酒、寫詩、作畫、養生(health maintenance)、宴會(ba)、餞行等酒壇佳話。酒作為一種特殊的文化載體(culture carrier),在人類交往(interpersonal iion)中占有獨特的地位。酒文化已經滲透到人類社會生活中的各個領域,對文學藝術、醫療衛生(health and medie)、工農業生產、政治經濟各方麵都有著巨大的影響和作用。