The Secret of Numbers 數字的秘密(1 / 3)

Some raditionally have alternative words to express them, including the following:

Pair, couple, brace: 2

Trio: 3

Dozen: 12

Baker’s dozen: 13

Score: 20

Gross: 144

Ream: 480 (old measure) 500 (new measure)

Great gross: 1728

Numbers should be distinguished from numerals, the symbols ud to reprent numbers. Boyer showed that Egyptians created the first ciphered numeral system.[citation needed] Greeks followed by mapping their ting numbers onto Ionian and Doric alphabets. The number five be reprented by both the ba ten numeral “5”, by the Roman numeral and ciphered letters. Notations ud to reprent numbers are discusd iiumeral systems. An important development in the history of numerals was the development of a positional system, like modern decimals, which reprent very large numbers. The Roman numerals require extra symbols for larger numbers.

人類最早用來計數(ting)的工具是手指和腳趾,但它們隻能表示20以內的數字。當數目很大時,大多數的原始人(primitive man)就用小石子來記數。漸漸地,人們又發明了打繩結來記數(t by tying knots)的方法,或者在獸皮(animal skin)、獸骨(animal bone)、樹木、石頭上刻畫記數。中國古代是用木、竹或骨頭製成的小棍來記數,稱為算籌(ting rod)。這些記數方法和記數符號慢慢轉變成了最早的數字符號(數碼numerical code)。如今,世界各國都使用阿拉伯數字(Arabiumerals)為標準數字。

Some raditionally have alternative words to express them, including the following:

Pair, couple, brace: 2

Trio: 3

Dozen: 12

Baker’s dozen: 13

Score: 20

Gross: 144

Ream: 480 (old measure) 500 (new measure)

Great gross: 1728

Numbers should be distinguished from numerals, the symbols ud to reprent numbers. Boyer showed that Egyptians created the first ciphered numeral system.[citation needed] Greeks followed by mapping their ting numbers onto Ionian and Doric alphabets. The number five be reprented by both the ba ten numeral “5”, by the Roman numeral and ciphered letters. Notations ud to reprent numbers are discusd iiumeral systems. An important development in the history of numerals was the development of a positional system, like modern decimals, which reprent very large numbers. The Roman numerals require extra symbols for larger numbers.

人類最早用來計數(ting)的工具是手指和腳趾,但它們隻能表示20以內的數字。當數目很大時,大多數的原始人(primitive man)就用小石子來記數。漸漸地,人們又發明了打繩結來記數(t by tying knots)的方法,或者在獸皮(animal skin)、獸骨(animal bone)、樹木、石頭上刻畫記數。中國古代是用木、竹或骨頭製成的小棍來記數,稱為算籌(ting rod)。這些記數方法和記數符號慢慢轉變成了最早的數字符號(數碼numerical code)。如今,世界各國都使用阿拉伯數字(Arabiumerals)為標準數字。