Chief–in of Chief of Staff, Chieftain, Chief, Hereditary Chief, and War Chief. The prent head of Samoa is titled a Paramount Chief.
PrincebrPrincess–Addressing often given to the sons and daughters of ruling monarchs. Also an addressing of the upper nobility in the Holy Roman Empire and its subsidiary territories until 1918. The German term for this addressing is Fürst which looly translates as prince.
ArchdukebrArchduchess–An historical addressing of the Habsburg Dynasty that ruled Austria and Hungary until 1918.
Grand DukebrGrand Duchess. Historical addressing of the Romanov Dynasty that ruled Russia until 1917. Also ud in various Germanic territories until World War I.
Earl (t outside the UK)brtess
EmirbrEmira–Arabic PrincebrPrincess
Leader–The head of state of North Korea is addresd Great Leader. The de facto head of state of Iran is addresd Supreme Leader.
SultanbrSultana (title)–Arabic for “powerful ruler”
選擇稱呼(addressing)要合乎常規,要照顧被稱呼者的個人習慣,入鄉隨俗。在工作崗位上,人們彼此之間的稱呼是有其特殊性(particularity)的。要莊重(solemn)、正式(formal)、規範(regulated)。在國際交往(iional unication)中,一般對男子稱先生(Mister),對女子稱夫人(Madame)、女士(Ms.)、小姐(Miss)。已婚(married)女子稱夫人,未婚(unmarried)女子統稱小姐。不了解婚姻情況的女子可稱小姐,對戴結婚戒指的年紀稍大的可稱夫人。這些稱呼可冠以姓名、職稱(professional title)、銜稱(title)等。如“布萊克先生”、“議員(nator)先生”、“市長(mayor)先生”、“上校(el)先生”、“瑪麗小姐”、“秘書小姐”、“護士小姐”、“懷特夫人”等。
Chief–in of Chief of Staff, Chieftain, Chief, Hereditary Chief, and War Chief. The prent head of Samoa is titled a Paramount Chief.
PrincebrPrincess–Addressing often given to the sons and daughters of ruling monarchs. Also an addressing of the upper nobility in the Holy Roman Empire and its subsidiary territories until 1918. The German term for this addressing is Fürst which looly translates as prince.
ArchdukebrArchduchess–An historical addressing of the Habsburg Dynasty that ruled Austria and Hungary until 1918.