New Cohabitation Era 新同居時代(3 / 3)

Couples who live together before marriage and tho who don’t both have about the same ces of a successful union, acc to a federal report out Tuesday that turns earlier cohabitation rear its head.


Of tho married 10 or more years, 60% of women and 62% of men had ever cohabited; 61% of women and 63% of men had cohabited only with the ohey married.


Meanwhile, 66% of women and 69% of men married 10 years had never cohabited.


Paul Amato, a sociologist at Pennsylvania State Uy, says the new data suggest that “maybe the effect of premarital cohabitation is being less of a problem than it was in the past. ”


If it bees normative now, maybe it’s not such a big deal.


Here’s a real differen the types of cohabitations out there.


Tho who live together after making plans to marry etting engaged have about the same ces of div as couples who never cohabited before marriage.


But tho who move in together before making any clear decision to marry appear to have an incread risk of divorce.


Men who were engaged when they moved in with their future spou had about the same odds that their marriage would last at least 10 years as tho who didn’t live together before the wedding: 71% faged men and 69% for non-cohabiting men.


The nature of itment at the time of cohabitation is what’s important.


To leave the premarital inhabitation to private life and personal choice is a symbol of development and adva of social awareness.


Thousands of people cohabit without being married.


Co-habitation is one of the manners for love affair.