The ing aging society has made it more urgent for the adoption of termeasures. It is no doubt that the most signifit measure is to build a solid eic foundation. Meanwhile, more importance should be attached to the overall development of social curity, welfare and rvice. What’s more, family care and unity rvices shall also be enced.
老齡化的速度(the aging rate)是指社會中60歲或65歲以上老年人口(the old population)的比重增長速度。它主要受出生率(the birth rate)與死亡率(the mortality rate)的製約,在經濟發展較快的國家和地區,由於科學技術(sd teology)的進步,營養結構(nutrient structure)的改善和醫療事業(medical industry)的進步而使老年人的體質改善(physical improvement),壽命(life expansion)延長,死亡率降低;同時,由於年輕一代生育意願(fertility iion)減弱,或國家推行計劃生育政策(Family Planning Policy),使人口出生率降低,社會老齡化的速度大大提高。一些經濟發展非常緩慢的國家,由於科技水平(teological level)低下、醫療衛生條件(health dition)惡劣,人們的壽命通常都極低,出生率卻比較高,人口老齡化的速度也較緩慢。
Key words & Sentences
aging society 老齡化社會
the elderly population 老年人(總稱)
active labor force 勞動力
pension funds 養老金,退休金
social rvice 社會福利事業
nior citizens 老年公民
to resped care for the elderly 尊老愛老
Our try has ehe aging society in the 2lst tury, so it is urgent to improve inhabitation enviroal quality of the old people.
It also explores the impact of aging population upoh care system ah policies suitable to the aging society.
It was felt that the aging of society was socially and eically undesirable.
Aging has bee a social problem.
With the speeding up of aging in a, the occurrence of 4-2-1 family mode makes endowment as a social problem.
The old should share the achievements of the society development, and step into the well-to-do society together.
Assuring medical welfare for the old is the key of promoting the quality of their life.
Establish a unity-tered system of the welfare rvice for the old.
Develop the ption industry for the old, and promote the quality of the olds life.
Take advantage of the old with ability suffitly, and make the old talents participate in ae to the development of the society.