Housing 住房問題(2 / 3)

The Scottish Gover is itted to ensuring that by 2012 every uionally homeless person will be entitled to perma aodation.

In addition, the Energy Assistance Package and Home Insulation Scheme have also been introduced to tackle fuel poverty and improve energy efficy.

住房保障製度(housing curity system),簡單說,就是在社會發展中,買不起房子的人也得保障他們有房子住。這是一個文明社會起碼的目標。因為住房是人生存的必要條件,這是市場經濟下政府必須提供的一個“公共產品”(public goods)。

“宅基地(cartilage)”、“福利分房(welfare-oriented public housing distribution system)”都是住房保障製度的一種具體形式。它們是低生產力(productivity)水平下保障“人人有房住”的製度。依靠市場配置住房資源,並不等於說人人都隻能依靠自己的收入買房子住,也不等於說人人都隻能靠市場化競爭(market petition)、自主分散決策來獲取住房。在市場經濟(market ey)條件下,為了保障每個人都有房子住,政府要實施一些特殊的政策措施,幫助單純依靠市場解決住房有困難的群體。這個政策體係的總稱,就叫做住房保障製度。住房保障製度和失業保障(unemployment curity)、養老保障(social curity)、醫療保障(medical curity)等都是社會保障體係的組成部分。

Key words & Sentences


There’s a growing need for cheap housing in the larger cities.


When you rent a hou, you pay its owner a fix monthly amount to live there.


There is a wide variety of rental housing in a. Iies, this mostly means apartments.


The rising demand and the current raising of prices by iors are to blame.


It is unrealistic to help each person purcha an apartment of hisbrher own.


The real estate industry should focus on developing reasonably priced ercial housing for ordinary people.


A whopping 80 pert believe that real estate prices would tio ri this year, and 30 pert fear it would do so at a greater pace.


Many people prefer to live he ter of cities, but becau hous there are expehey often ute from suburbs.


Me slave is adopted to describe tho people whe payment is more than half of their monthly salary.


Buying a hou for most of the people is on a lifetime decision, which means people decide to do so only after ing across the ideal hou.


When you buy a property for the first time, it is usually a small flat, simply becau you ’t afford a bigger place.