Fag the population ge, we have to be more ed about many issues, including how to relieve the population pressure in big cities, and how to improve the development of small cities.
Another issue is urban sprawl. This is where cities expand into rural areas, sometimes at a much faster rate than urban population growth.
Sprawl is on in the Uates. Ameris move a lot. In a ret study, Art Hall at the Uy of Kansas found that people are moving away from the major cities to smaller cities. He es a trend toward “de-urbanization” across America.
But urban eies still provide possibilities that rural areas do not. Sabirick at the Uy of Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, is an expert on cities. She hat urbanizatis social ge that empower women.
SABIRICK: “Womeering the labor force is one big ge and that always goes up with urbanization aainly will proceed in many, many tries where urbanization is increasing rapidly.”
Sabirick has cloly studied Pittsburgh from the loss of its main industry, steel, to its rebirth as a smaller city with different industries. She says the reu of existing land and spaces and the reiion of urban life is important if cities are to succeed.
Professor Deitriotes that a city’s ability to educate and train its people is important to jobs and new industries. Even new industries bad on old ideas.
Around the world, people leave rural farm jobs to go to the city. Yet now there is growing demand for farm products grown clo to the cities where they are ud. Urban farming is taking hold in some of the world’s biggest cities. Sabirick says studies show that urban farming is one area where woman earn more than men do.
所謂人口壓力指數(population pressure index),是指一個區域現有人口數量(current population)與經濟人口容量(eic population capacity)之比。當人口壓力指數小於1時,人口容量相對富裕(relatively rich),說明該地區相對人口壓力不大,還有一定的人口擴容餘地(room for expansion);當人口壓力指數大於1時,則人口容量超負荷(population capacity overload)。人口壓力指數與人口經濟密度密切相關。如果以全國平均水平為1來計算,東部地區人口壓力指數平均為0.65 (the average population pressure index),表明東部地區有人口擴容的能力。事實也表明,中、西部地區的人口向東部地區的流動遷移(mobility and migration)是主流;中部地區的人口壓力指數為1.14,除了吉林、黑龍江兩個省的人口壓力指數低於1外,其他中部地區省份的人口容量都超負荷。如果人口過多的遷入,對經濟發展、生態隻會造成負影響。西部地區人口壓力指數更大,除內蒙古外,其餘地區人口容量已滿負荷。
Key words & Sentences
city size 城市規模
mega-cities 百萬人口的大城市
untrolled urbanization 城市化失控
urban population growth 城市人口增長