Drug Quality Control 藥品質量監督(2 / 3)

(2) Provided with the business operation premis, equipment, ware hous and enviro required f distribution.

(3) Having the quality trol units or personnel adaptable the drugs to be distributed.

(4) Establishing rules and regulations to govern the quality s to be distributed.

e crude drugs be sold at fairs in urban and rural areas, except for tho specified by the State cil. No pharmaceutical preparations dispended by medical institutions are permitted to be marketed.

根據國家食品藥品監管局(the State Food and Drug Administration,簡稱SFDA)發布的報告顯示,國家藥品不良反應監測中心(a’s National ter)2010年收到了692,904份藥品不良反應(adver drug rea,簡稱ADR)報告,報告數量相比2009年增長了8.4%。報告顯示,我國藥品安全風險主要集中在抗感染藥(anti-iis)和中藥注射劑(traditional e medie treatments)。除了藥物本身的作用,藥物濫用(abu of medication)也會引起不良反應。

Key words & Sentences


The state should reinforce the supervision quality.


What are the quences of taking medies without drug quality testing?


The unqualified medies will verely damage people’s health.


The quality aspect of the medial product is indepe of its traditional u so that nation should be made with regard to the necessary physico-chemical, biological and microbiological tests.


Watg doctor and taking medie are unavoidable in our lives.


Drug quality trol is esntial for people’s lives ah.


CEPs are certificates issued by the EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medies), to firm that a certain active substance is produced acc to the requirements of the relevant monograph of the European Pharmacopoeia or of the monograph on TSE.


The drug producer and distributor must strictly ply with pharmaceutical produ and quality ma standards.


The drugs should ply with the National Drug Standards.


Drug quality supervision is an important po of social curity system.


The state adopts a prote system for certain traditional e medies.


The drug monit is to be strengthened.
