Conditions of Medical Care 醫療保健(1 / 3)

“Putting prevention first” is an important experience of a’s health care wover health departments at all levels have always followed this principle, and have worked hard to prevent and trol iious, local and parasitic dias that are detrimental to the people’s health. The administrative areas at all levels have formed a national health care anti-epidemietwork with anti-epidemic stations and other prevention institutions as the mainstay. In the early 1960s, a had already eliminated smallpox, more than 10 years earlier than in the world as a whole.

To trate efforts on eliminating or trolling iious and local dias gravely threatening the people’s health, the e gover promulgated the Law on the Prevention and trol of Iious Dias, the National A Plan for Eliminating Poliomyelitis in 1995, the a Outline of the Program for Eliminating Iodine Deficy Dias in 2000 and al dots, thus further strengthening the prevention and trol of dias. Thanks to a’s remarkable achievements iing and trolling dias, the Department of Dia trol of the Ministry of Health has been awarded a special achievement prize by the World Health anization.

“Putting prevention first” is an important experience of a’s health care wover health departments at all levels have always followed this principle, and have worked hard to prevent and trol iious, local and parasitic dias that are detrimental to the people’s health. The administrative areas at all levels have formed a national health care anti-epidemietwork with anti-epidemic stations and other prevention institutions as the mainstay. In the early 1960s, a had already eliminated smallpox, more than 10 years earlier than in the world as a whole.

To trate efforts on eliminating or trolling iious and local dias gravely threatening the people’s health, the e gover promulgated the Law on the Prevention and trol of Iious Dias, the National A Plan for Eliminating Poliomyelitis in 1995, the a Outline of the Program for Eliminating Iodine Deficy Dias in 2000 and al dots, thus further strengthening the prevention and trol of dias. Thanks to a’s remarkable achievements iing and trolling dias, the Department of Dia trol of the Ministry of Health has been awarded a special achievement prize by the World Health anization.

“預防為主”是中國衛生工作的重要經驗之一,各級行政區域(administrative region)均建立以衛生防疫站(health and epidemic prevention station)等預防保健機構(prevention ah care institution)為主、具有衛生監督管理(hygiene supervision)和防病職能的機構,形成了全國性的衛生監督和防疫網絡(health monit and preventiowork)。以為居民提供預防為主、綜合治療與保健(prehensioment and care)為基本特征的社區衛生服務(unity health rvice),近幾年在城市醫藥衛生體製改革和社區建設的推動下,已由個別城市逐步擴展到大多數城市,並越來越受居民的歡迎。社區衛生服務的發展,適應了城市化(urbanization)、人口老齡化(aging population)、疾病普遍化及社會階層的變化,為改善衛生服務提供了切實的方案。現在,一個以社區衛生服務中心(站) (unity health ter)為主體,其他基層醫療機構(primary health care institution)為補充的社區衛生服務網絡正在全國各大中城市逐步形成。