Conditions of Medical Care 醫療保健(3 / 3)


In order to better promote reform and development of health programs, the State cil has begun formulating a plan for deepening the reform of the Medie and medical and heal care systems in order to resolve the difficulty of obtaining medical rvice, an issue of on .


However, it has also proved that this practice ot go with the current socialist market eic reform, and quent problems are iable, such as: increasing cost in medical treatment, unsatisfied health care rvice, unreasonable distribution of medical facilities, and waste of medical resources, etc.


As a’s socioeic system moves increasingly market-oriented and the role of the gover as a provider of public rvices dimihe try’s health care system, traditionally one of core elements of e socialism, is suffering.


When a began its eic reform in early 1980s, the old medical system was dismantled as a attempted to switarket-oriented health system. But the gover has failed to establish a viable substitute.


Let’s Talk!


Emma: Oh, I don’t feel very good.


Lucy: You look sick. You should go to the hospital.


Emma: Are the hospitals in Beijing very good?


Lucy: You go to the Beijing United Family Hospital. It has excellent inpatient wards where mariates receive medical care.


Emma: I’ve heard that it is a nice hospital. Do many e people u it?


Luot many. It’s extremely expensive. But the e gover is taking many steps to improve the medical treatment for lower-ine e people.


Emma: I have heard about barefoot doctors who go door-to-door to treat people in rural areas.
