Do you u the I as a way of esg from problems or of relieving a dysphonic mood (e.g., feelings of helplessness, guilt, ay, and depression)?
Respos who answered “yes” to five or more of the criteria were classified as addicted I urs (Depes) and the remainders were classified as normal I urs (Non-Depes) for the purpos of this study. The cut off score of “five” was sistent with the number of criteria ud for Pathological Gambling. Additionally, there are prently ten criteria for Pathological Gambling, although two were not ud for this adaptation as they were viewed non-applicable to I usage. Therefore, meeting five of eight rather than ten criteria was hypothesized to be a slightly morous cut off score to differentiate normal from addictive I u. It should be hat while this scale provides a workable measure of I addi, further study is o determis struct validity and ical utility. It should also be hat the term I is ud to denote all types of on-liivity.
I addict指的是“有網癮的人”,網癮就是I addi,簡稱為 addi。由於現在的 addict越來越多,尤其是 teenager addict,所以為了他們的身心健康,決定對他們進行 addi treatment。teenager addict經常是video-game addiputer game addict(對電腦遊戲上癮的人)。
許多人都是骨灰級遊戲高手(ashes-level gamer)。還有很多人沉迷於網上聊天(online chatting)。他們如果不是在家裏對著電腦,就是上網吧(I bar)。現在還出現了許多研究網癮現象的文章,把網癮現象稱作“互聯網成癮綜合症”(I addi disorder,簡稱IAD),也稱網絡成癮症,或者“病態網絡使用”(Pathological i u,簡稱PIU)。他們建議網民要解除網癮,進行信息“節食”(Information “diet”)。
Key words & Sentences
Which websites do you like best?
Do you ofte information through the ?
Do you think you improve ylish by surfing the I?
What do you think are the advantages of web surfing?
Do you often go to cyber bars?
How many I urs are there in your uy?
I am hooked oer.
He spends most of his time online chatting with friends from all over the try.
Addicted webworms lo not only their time, but money as well.
Through the I, you buy goods from far alaces.
Don’t spend too much time chatting o.