Innovation is a tradition here at Daimler. While one of the exhibitions dots the advances made over the last 123 years to the prent day, the other focus on future developments of the Mercedes-Benz brand.
The have t andards in terms of fort, safety and drive systems–from the introdu of supercharger teology and direct fuel iion to the u of diel engines for produ pasnger cars and alternative teologies such as hydrogeric or hybrid drive systems.
Shengdong Coal Sea industry tourism district is ri tourism resources.
It has a superior location and tourist market with great potential,but it is in the primary development stage due to its late start.
The oil industry traveling product is one kind of preheraveling product,who culture subject,demonstration landscape as well as the enviro and rvice should be designed systematically in the development.
At the same time, its development strategy should follow five principles,namely: gover forerunner,market leadership,gradual advances,restrictive exploitation and unity participation.
With the prence of local officials and dignitaries, I-Mei Foods launched a tourism factory in Luchu Township.
Let’s Talk!
MARY: We still have one more day to go before we return home. What will we e tomorrow?
JIM: No idea. We’ve enjoyed both the natural sery and the city sights. What el is there to e?
MARY: What about a factory tour?
JIM: You mean visit a factory?
MARY: Yes. I heard there’s a lager motor pany nearby whick open to the public every weekend. We go to e how a car is manufactured and learn more about the automobile industry.
JIM: Good idea! I’ve always been ied in that. How much is the entrance fee?