The Most Appropriate Gift 最適合十二星座的禮物(1 / 3)

Capri is the tenth astrological sign in the Zodiac, inating from the stellation of Caprius. In astrology, Capri is sidered an introvert sign. It is also sidered ah sign and one of the four cardinal signs. Capri is ruled by the pla Saturn. Being the tenth sign of the zodiac, Capri has been associated with the astrological tenth hou. Individuals borhe Sun was in this sign are sidered Capri individuals. Uhe tropical zodiac, the Suers Capri by definition at the moment of winter solstice, hly at December 21, and leaves it around January 20. Iern astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the stellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. Uhe sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly from January 15 to February 15.

Capri is sometimes depicted as a a-goat, and sometimes as a terrestrial goat. The reasons for this are unknown, but the image of a a-goat goes back at least to Babylonian times. Furthermore, the Sumerian god Enki’s symbols included a goat and a fish, which later bined into a single beast, the goat Capri, reized as the Zodiacal stellation Caprius.

Capri is the tenth astrological sign in the Zodiac, inating from the stellation of Caprius. In astrology, Capri is sidered an introvert sign. It is also sidered ah sign and one of the four cardinal signs. Capri is ruled by the pla Saturn. Being the tenth sign of the zodiac, Capri has been associated with the astrological tenth hou. Individuals borhe Sun was in this sign are sidered Capri individuals. Uhe tropical zodiac, the Suers Capri by definition at the moment of winter solstice, hly at December 21, and leaves it around January 20. Iern astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the stellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. Uhe sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly from January 15 to February 15.

Capri is sometimes depicted as a a-goat, and sometimes as a terrestrial goat. The reasons for this are unknown, but the image of a a-goat goes back at least to Babylonian times. Furthermore, the Sumerian god Enki’s symbols included a goat and a fish, which later bined into a single beast, the goat Capri, reized as the Zodiacal stellation Caprius.

2 十二星座統治的國家和地區的表達方式

Aries: England, Germany


Taurus: Iran, Iraq, Ireland


Gemini: Belgium, Wales
