What Blood Type Are You 你是什麼血型(2 / 3)

Blood group A A型血

Blood group A is associated with high frequencies in Europe, especially in Sdinavia aral Europe, although its highest frequencies occur in some Australian Abine populations and the Blackfoot Indians of Montana.

Blood group O O型血

Blood group O (or blood group zero in some tries) individuals do not have either A or B antigens on the surface of their RBCs, but their blood rum tains IgM anti-A and anti-B antibodies against the A and B blood group antigens. Therefore, a group O individual receive blood only from a group O individual, but donate blood to individuals of any ABO blood group (i.e., A, B, O or AB).

Blood group AB AB型血

Individuals have both A and B antigens on the surface of their RBCs, and their blood plasma does not tain any antibodies agaiher A or B aherefore, an individual with type AB blood receive blood from any group (with AB being preferable), but donate blood only to aype AB individual.


Key words & Sentences


In the year just ended, four of Japan’s top 10 best-llers were about how blood type determines personality.


There is, there is A, type A, type B, type AB, and type O.


The only difference is what sugar molecule is added to that point.


So for you to have O, both of your parents must be O. An O tribute an O.


A person who type blood is O may be safely transfud into persons with other blood types.


It is absolutely necessary to type the patient’s blood before a blood transfusion.


In a transfusion, donor and recipient should be of the same blood group to prevent agglutination.


In the mid-1950s it was found that fetal cells in the amniotic fluid could be ud to determial x and blood type.


Handt radiation caud dia made differeo blood type of patient.


The ABO antigens make certain Blood types inpatible for transfusion.