
“Thus passed the 25th of March. Night had come on. Outside could be heard the howling of the wind and the monotonous sound of the surf breaking on the shore. The waves rolled the shingle backwards and forwards with a deafening noise. The reporter retired into a dark corner after having shortly noted down the occurrences of the day; the first appearance of this new land, the loss of their leader, the exploration of the coast, the incident of the matches, etc.; and then overcome by fatigue, he managed to forget his sorrows in sleep. Herbert went to sleep directly. As to the sailor, he passed the night with one eye on the fire, on which he did not spare fuel. But one of the castaways did not sleep in the cave. The inconsolable, despairing Neb, notwithstanding all that his companions could say to induce him to take some rest, wandered all night long on the shore calling on his master.三月二十五日這一天就這樣過去了。夜幕已經降臨。外麵寒風虎嘯,浪濤拍打海岸,發出單調的聲響。波濤拍打海岸,發出單調的聲響。波濤在來回衝刷著沙石,發出令人生煩的聲音。那位記者又回到昏暗的通道盡頭,簡短地記下當天發生的事情:這片新土地的首次出現,這位工程師的失蹤,探查海岸,火柴事件等等,但疲勞很快襲來,他沉沉睡了過去,暫時忘了心中的傷痛。赫伯特則是躺下不久便進入了夢鄉。至於那位水手,他要在火爐旁度過這一夜,留意著隨時給爐內添加燃料。隻有一位遇險者沒有在“煙囪管道”裏睡覺。這就是傷心絕望的納布,無論他的同伴怎樣勸他,要他休息,他還是整夜在海灘上徘徊,呼喊著他的主人。小朋友們,今天的閱讀課就到這裏,你們可以自由活動了。去找一下禾禾老師的教室好嗎?”