第20章法國假醫生滅門(二)(2 / 2)


不止如此,他還收獲了巨大的“名譽”。當年等待審判時,Romand與作家Emmanuel Carrère通信,講述了自己的人生故事和事件細節。他的故事被改編為小說和電影,隨著流行文化傳遍世界。


有網友這麼評論道\\\"26 years for taking all those lives? Now he is free? Can\\u0027t call it juseia aaare.\\\"(“殺了那麼多人,關了26年還能出來?這已經完全不能稱作正義了吧。”)

另一位網友說:\\\"He should have spent the rest of his life behind bars. There\\u0027s no parole for mucaaee.\\\"(“他應該在監獄度過餘生,謀殺者怎麼能假釋呢...”)

也有網友這麼評價,\\\"So... This man managed to convince his whole neighbourhood and family, that he was a Doctorand working for an international organisation... And he then murdered 5 people and a dog. So thejudicial people in France, believe that he\\u0027s now turned to God and has repented? This man is acold, calculated liar... Who on earth would believe a thing he said?... He will mosaiTitagain, he should never have been released, or even listened too.\\\"(“這人能讓家人鄰居相信自己是醫生、為WHO工作,殺了五個人和一隻狗。然後法國的司法人員相信,他已經向上帝懺悔了??一個殘忍的、有計劃性的騙子,為什麼他的話還能被相信??他肯定會再次殺人,根本不應該被釋放!!”)

