local\/lkl\/ n. someone who lives in the place where you are or the place that you are talking about 本地居民
logistics\/ldstks/ n. organization of supplies and services for any complex operation 後勤
lucrative\/lukrtv/ adj. producing much money; profitable 賺錢的,獲利多的
outsource\/atss/ vt. send (work, for example) to an outside provider or manufacturer in order to cut costs 外包,轉包
overhear\/vh(r)/ vt. accidentally hear what other people are saying, when they do not know that you have heard 無意中聽到
paramount\/prmant/ adj. more important than anything else 極為重要的
quaint\/kweInt\/ adj. unusual and attractive, especially in an oldfashioned way 少見的,古怪的
ruthlessly\/rulsli\/ adv. so determined to get what you want that you do not care if you have to hurt other people in order to do it 無情地,冷酷地
senator\/sent(r)/ n. a member of the Senate 參議員
snippet\/snpt/ n. a small piece of news, information or conversation片斷
1. at the close ofat the end of 在……結束時
2. bring alongto take someone or something with you帶來,隨身攜帶
3. bring...to an endcause something\/somebody to be finished; end 使結束
4. contend withto have to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation 與……作鬥爭
5. face off againstface with麵對
6. fight offresist or repel somebody\/something by fighting 擊退
7. fly inarrive...by plane 乘飛機到達
8. lead up tolead to 導致
9. negotiate withdiscuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics 協商,談判
10. of laterecently 近來,最近
11. on sightas soon as somebody\/something is seen 一看見立刻
12. over the horizonabout to happen;imminent 即將發生,臨近的
13. put...in harms wayput...in danger 處在危險之中
14. ramp upto increase the speed, power or cost of something 加強,加大
15. scramble totry to do something difficult very quickly 急忙,匆忙做某事
16. tag alongfollow closely 緊緊跟隨
17. tall ordera formidable task or requirement 離譜的要求,苛求
18. tech companytechnological company 科技公司
19. when it comes towhen it refers to當提到……
Department of Defense國防部
Esperanto\/esprnt/ 世界語(1887年創造的一種人工語言)
Northern Virginia北弗吉尼亞
Pashto\/pt/ 普什圖語(阿富汗和巴基斯坦西部部分地區的主要方言)
Persian\/pn/ someone from Iran 波斯人(現為伊朗)
Swahili\/swhili/ 斯瓦希裏語(坦桑尼亞官方語言,在東非或中東非被廣泛地使用)
Ⅰ. Reading Comprehension
Direction: Choose the best answer to each question with the information you have got from the text.
1. Why is it much easier for both sides to surrender in the American Civil War?
(A) Both sides wanted to finish it quickly.
(B) Both sides spoke the same language.
(C) Both sides were in the same country.
(D) Both sides knew each other well.
2. What is the main difference between language and most other military skills?
(A) The main difference is that learning language is a timeintensive process.
(B) The main difference lies in their different features.
(C) The main difference is their different functions.
(D) The main difference lies in the ways of using them.
3. What are the two factors that determine the importance of languages to the army?
(A) The geopolitic factor and the cultural factor.
(B) The languages status and the people who will use it.
(C) The scale of the war and peoples attitudes toward the war.
(D) The location of the conflict and the type of war being fought.
4. Why are military translators or interpreters so important in and out of theater?
(A) Because translators can serve as a negotiator in some cases.
(B) Because translators are more familiar with the local situation.
(C) Because translators can save soldiers lives sometimes in the war zone and help with logistics and diplomacy after the war.
(D) Because translators can translate everything and help with communication.
5. How to become a translator in the U.S. Army?
(A) He needs to pass the Defense Language Proficiency Test.
(B) He can take the Defense Language Aptitude Battery.
(C) According to his real level, he can choose to take the Defense Language Proficiency Test or the Defense Language Aptitude Battery.
(D) He can become an American Armys translator if he can do several translation tasks in the critical areas.
Ⅱ. Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words learned from text B. The first letter of each word has been given.
1. Foreign Language Proficiency b is a special pay given to members of the United States Military who demonstrate proficiency in one or more foreign languages.
2. The PLA takes steps to o other services, such as generalpurpose materials storage and integrated civilianmilitary equipment maintenance.
3. U.S. Marines with Military Police Company(憲兵連), Headquarters Battalion(司令部直屬營), 1st Marine Division(陸戰一師) a a simulated village during a training exercise at San Mateo on Camp Pendleton, Calif., on Aug.13, 2009.
4. Exhausted by the i in Iraq, America now struggles to deal with the more acute threat of weapons of mass destruction(大規模殺傷性武器) posed by Irans nuclear program.
5. In an attempt to d the crisis, Washington said last month it was willing to give Pyongyang(平壤) unspecified security assurances in exchange for a verifiable(能證實的) and irreversible(不能改變的) end to the Norths suspected weapons program.
6. Without the former it cannot be called a dual revolutionary policy and, c, if we ignore the latter, the policy wont work.
7. I suspect that were going to e those kinds of barriers. Thats inevitable in the rough, very rugged terrain along the Southwest border.
8. A military m executed in order to change the direction of movement of a formation, as of troops or ships, in which the formation is maintained while the outer unit describes an arc and the inner or center unit remains stationary as a pivot(中心).
9. Among the Pentagons other concerns is that an aerial assault(空襲) on a suspected biological or chemical stockpile(儲備) might i release toxic substances into the air.
10. The Departments ability to assist service members and their families to prepare for separations during short and long term deployments is p to sustaining mission capabilities and mission readiness.
Section B
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.
scramble to
on sight
negotiate with
over the horizon
tag along
fight off
bring...to an end
contend with
1. Wherever the three party leaders went in their election campaigning a crowd of press and TV reporters were sure to behind.
2. The sentry was ordered to shoot to protect himself from being killed by the enemy.
3. From ancient times Chinese rulers have to powerful nonChinese neighbors and potential conquerors.
4. The Secretary of Defense must be a man of vision(先見之明) who can see threats still and prepare our nation to meet them.
5. Military personnel race to keep ice from melting in the hot southern sun, and aircrews load up with baby products, which are in high demand.
6. They were able to the enemy, knowing that we were there to help if needed, but they didnt need us.
7. This scandal(謠言) must end and we must seek to develop a unified political position to see if we can develop sufficiently unified political position to .
8. At the beginning of the AntiJapanese War, Mao Zedong, head of the CPC(中國共產黨), guided the deputies(代表) of the CPC and the Red Army in Southern part of China to Guomingdang and chose right persons to contact the guerilla forces and guide their work.
Part Ⅲ
Additional Themerelated Activities
Section AListening, Watching & Speaking
Passage Listening
Words & Expressions
administration\/dmnstren/ n. 行政
aim to計劃,打算
basic\/besk/ n. 基礎知識
call for要求,提倡
in exchange for交換
instruction\/nstrkn/ n. 教育
propose\/prpz/ vt. 建議
Proper Names
Arabic\/rbk/ n. 阿拉伯語
Department of Education[美]教育部
Department of State[美]國務院
Director of National Intelligence[美]國家情報總監
Farsi\/fsi/ n. 波斯語
Hindi\/hndi/ n. 北印度語,印地語
National Security Language Initiative國家安全語言倡議
Urdu\/du/ n. 烏爾都語
Task 1Spot Dictation
Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the exact words youve heard.
1. The hope is to bring more foreign language speakers into (1) . And it calls for expanding (2) begun three years ago to increase the number of those who speak foreign languages.
2. They say too many American children learn only (1) . They say only (2) of American high school students take any foreign language. And (3) of those are learning (4) .
Task 2Gap Filling (Summary)
Directions: Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given in the word bank. Make changes where necessary.
call for
aim to
The new plan “the National Security Language Initiative”(1) teach foreign languages to more children, as early as the age of four and increase foreign language instruction in college and graduate school. It also calls for(2) an effort begun three years ago to increase the number of military officers who speak foreign languages. The plan also (3) sending more American students to other countries for part of their college studies. And it calls for bringing more foreign language teaching (4) to the United States. He says it will also show that Americans (5) enough about other cultures to learn to speak their language.
Task 3Roleplaying (Oral Work)
Directions: Listen to the passage for the third time. Then try to imitate the speaker with the help of the following key words or expressions.
aim to
Video Watching Ⅰ
Words & Expressions
accompany\/kmpni/ vt. 與……一同發生
accomplishment\/kmplmnt/ n. 完成
acquisition\/kwzn/ n. 習得
adapted\/dptd/ adj. 適合的
budget\/bdt/ n. 預算
critical\/krtkl/ adj. 重要的
demonstrate\/demnstret/ vt. 展示
linguist\/lwst/ n. 語言學家
naval\/nevl/ adj. 海軍的
postgraduate\/pstrdt/ n. 研究生
reduction\/rdkn/ n. 減少
relevance\/relvns/ n. 相關性
strength\/stre/ n. 兵力
sustain\/ssten/ vt. 維持
Proper Names
Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center [美]國防語言學院外語中心
Iraq\/rk/ 伊拉克共和國(西亞國家)
John McHugh約翰·麥克休(美陸軍部長)
Pacific\/psfk/ 太平洋
Persian Farsi School波斯語學校
Secretary of the Army[美] 陸軍部長
Task 1Questions and Answers
Directions: Watch the video clip and answer the following questions.
1. Who is John McHugh?
2. According to John McHugh, what is important to the successful accomplishment of missions overseas today and in the future?
3. Which program did John McHugh learn about during his visit to the Persian Farsi School?
Task 2Spot Dictation
Directions: Watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks with the exact words youve heard.
1. What we have learned over the last ten years, especially in places like (1) , that language skills, that is also (2) by cultural level of understanding and skills, are absolutely (3) to get a mission done.
2. Clearly (1) the variety of technology used in the classroom, the Secretary said that (2) have changed, and (3) is “the way of the future.”
3. Despite the armys reduction of (1) due to the Department of (2) , McHugh said that the smaller future force would have to be (3) , and the best of the best retained.
Task 3Summarizing (Oral Work)
Directions: Listen to the video clip for the third time and then summarize the main idea with the help of the following key words or expressions.
Secretary of the Army
language skills
cultural awareness
Persian Farsi School
online programs
defense budget cut
Video Watching Ⅱ
Words & Expressions
capability\/kepblti/ n. 能力
civilian personnel 文職人員
identify\/aidentifai/ vt. 確定
initial\/nl/ adj. 最初的
maximized\/mksmazd/ adj. 最大限度的
move ahead推進
recruit\/rkrut/ v. 征募新兵
updated\/pdetd/ adj. 最新的
Proper Names
Clifford\/klfd/ Stanley\/stnl/ 克利福德·斯坦利
Under Secretary Defense for Personnel \/psnel/ and Readiness\/redns/ [美]負責人事和戰備的國防部副部長
Washington, D.C.(Washington, District of Columbia)華盛頓特區
Task 1True or False Statements
Directions: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True or F for False before each statement.
1. () DoD is pushing the maximized language skills of current and future employees.
2. () The summit is held by the Defense Language Office in Washington, D.C.
3. () The only goal was to find out the way to build on DoDs language and cultural capabilities.
4. () Learning and understanding multiple languages is not just a DoD concern.
5. () The official has identified more than 215,000 military members with foreign language skills.
Task 2Spot Dictation
Directions: Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with the exact words or expressions youve heard.
1. What we do? How do we (1) our military force?He said: “Some look at our entire (2) . Who are we (3) from? And how do you develop language capabilities of our society (4) , which is about, more about America than it is about the Department of Defense.”
2. DoD is pushing the (1) language skills of current and future employees and the official says it is necessary to improve the mission. Dozens recently attended the (2) held by the (3) in Washington, D.C.
Task 3Summarizing (Oral Work)
Directions: Listen to the passage for the third time and then summarize the passage with the help of the following key words or expressions.
initial plan
Section BThemerelated Oral Tasks
Military Linguists Learn Language Skills Vital to Operations
Foreign languages are vital to an effective military force, the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Centers provost said in an interview here. “Its absolutely vital that we have people on the ground who can speak the native language,” said retired Army Col. Donald C. Fischer, a former military linguist.
To ensure the military has those resources, DLI instructs military student linguists in 24 languages requested by the services. Many of those languages must be taught beginning with the most basic concepts, said Madhumita Mehrotra, a native of India and a Hindi language instructor at the center. “We started with basic sounds and script, and within three weeks, they get to know sound and script,” she said of her current class, which is 33 weeks into its 48week program.
Mehrotra is particular about how her students learn her native language. “Im very much particular with their pronunciation, because Hindi is such that one additional...hard vowel attached to the consonant, it changes the whole meaning of the word,” she said. “So they have to be very, very particular with what...kind of sound they are making. It makes the whole word change.”
“Theyre doing pretty good,” she added. “They are at the level where they should be at this time.” Despite the difficulty of learning the language, Air Force Airman 1st Class Chelsye Shaffer said she is enjoying the challenges it presents. “Its a great language,” she said. “The teachers are awesome, and they help a lot.”
Air Force Airman 1st Class Alvertis Bishop agreed, but showed his hand when he explained why he likes studying Hindi. “Ive been telling people that I wouldnt want any other language, because we get all the festivals,” he said with a smile. The two Hindi students sang and Shaffer recited a Hindi poem during an August celebration of Indian culture for their 11student class. Its one thing to study a language in a classroom setting, but quite another to put it, and a knowledge of the culture, to use in real life, a former Marine whos now a soldier has learned.
The Army staff sergeant, who requested his name not be used for security reasons, served a tour in Iraq with the 1st Marines. On patrol near Baghdad one morning, the members of his unit reached the location where theyd been told to establish a roadblock and wait for trucks to come and pick them up.
A group of Arabicspeaking men approached them and began talking. None of the Marines spoke or understood Arabic, but they soon learned the men had been relaying information back to counterparts. Suddenly, the group of men was gone, and three rocketpropelled grenades landed near the Marines, starting a “fullon fight,” the staff sergeant said. “If we would have known any Arabic, we would have caught on to what they were doing before it started,” he said. “So I just didnt want to go back without knowing Arabic.”
But its not easy for a Marine to switch from infantry to linguistics, which is classified as an intelligence job, he said, so he decided to switch to the Army with the intent of studying Arabic at DLI. Now about a year into the 18month Arabic program, he said he realizes how important it is for servicemembers to understand both the language and the culture of other lands.
“When I went there, I had no clue,” he said. “I was completely ignorant to the Middle East. I had no knowledge of it or the culture of Islam. Theres a lot of things that if you do wrong in their culture, then they can take that really offensively. It can antagonize them, and it can actually create a fight that didnt need to happen.”
Just a little bit of knowledge and understanding on servicemembers part goes a long way, he added, noting that DLI conducts culturally based instruction that includes cultural immersion activities. “Just understanding them, I think, allows them to respect us more,” he said.
Words & Expressions
airman\/emn/ n. 飛行員
antagonize\/ntnaz/ vt. 使不滿,使反感
awesome\/sm/ adj. 卓越的,傑出的
catch on to理解
1st Class n. 一等兵
fullon fight最激烈的戰鬥
linguistics \/lIwIstIks\/ n. 語言學
Marine\/mrin/ n. 海軍陸戰隊
on ones part在……方麵, 就……來說
on patrol巡邏
provost\/prvst/ n. 教務長
relay\/rileI\/ vt. 傳達
roadblock\/rdblk/ n. 路障
rocketpropelled grenades火箭推進榴彈
show ones hand吐露自己的意圖,公開自己的計劃
script\/skrpt/ n. 書寫的字母,文字
switch\/swt/ vt. 轉換,轉變
Proper Names
Alvertis Bishop埃爾瓦提斯·比舍普(空軍一等兵)
Army Col.陸軍上校
staff sergeant(陸軍或海軍陸戰隊)上士
Baghdad\/bdd/ 巴格達(伊拉克首都)
Chelsye Shaffer切爾西·謝弗(空軍一等兵)
Donald C. Fischer多納德·C.菲希爾(時任美國國防語言學院教務長)
Madhumita Mehrotra馬德修米達·麥羅特拉
Task 1Questions for Discussion
Directions: Read the passage and then discuss the following questions with your partner.
1. Why are language and cultural skills so critical for the success of missions overseas today and in the future?
2. Can you imagine some challenges in languages and cultures that soldiers may encounter when conducting operations overseas?
3. How much do you know about DLI?
4. Do you think it is necessary for our country to establish a defense language system? And why?
5. In addition to English, which language will you choose to learn as a second foreign language? And why?
Task 2Summarizing
Directions: Summarize the main idea of this passage with the help of the following key words.
Task 3Oral Presentation
Directions: Work in groups to discuss the topic of “The Measures We Can Take to Improve Our National Defense Language Ability.” After that, each of you will be given a chance to make a presentation on your opinions about this topic.
Unit TwoMilitary Ethics
Part Ⅰ
Prereading Activities
Words & Expressions
closeknit\/klsnt/ adj. 緊密的,嚴謹的
integrity\/nterti/ n. 正直,誠實
ponder\/pnd(r)/ v. 仔細考慮,衡量
tight\/tat/ adj. 緊密的,嚴厲的
Task 1Questions for Discussion
Directions: Watch the video clip and then discuss the following questions.
1. What are the seven values of the Army according to the video clip?
2. How can an officer or a leader in general carry out the seven core values according to the video clip?
3. Whats the implication of the Seven Values of the Army for you as a cadet in the military academy?
Task 2Spot Dictation
Directions: Watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks with the words or expressions youve heard.
The Seven Values of the Army really is (1) . Believing in loyalty, honour, personal courage, integrity—all those things are really what makes us special (2) . These seven Army values come up every day. When I get up in the morning and put on this uniform every day, I think about those seven Army values. Its not that I sit there and ponder them; its just putting on this uniform (3) . As an officer or a leader in general, youre trying to (4) . With your soldiers, you wanna try to make sure that not only theyre carrying it out but youre carrying it out as well. Selfless service, making sure that you are putting forth the same effort in leading from the front that your soldiers are doing, just all the little, little things that add up. Loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honour, integrity, personal courage, you learn them when you are in Basic. Thats what is expected of you to make a really closeknit, tight group. Thats what you want out of a unit: Its very closeknit, work with your guys well, so (5) .
Part Ⅱ
Readingcentered Activities
Text A
West Point Honour System
—Its Objectives and Procedures
1The Honour System at West Point is the outgrowth of many years of development and experience. The need for such a system is implicit in the mission of the Military Academy to develop military leaders. These leaders must have strength of character as well as intellectual and physical vigor.
2Honour, as it is understood by the Corps of Cadets, is a fundamental attribute of character. Honour is a virtue which implies loyalty, courage, truthfulness, selfrespect, justice and generosity. Its underlying principle is truth. It is not a complicated system of ethics, but merely “honest dealing and clean thinking.” If a cadet is true in thought, word and deed, there is no question about his meeting the standards of the Corps. On the other hand, quibbling, evasive statements, or the use of technicalities to conceal guilt are not tolerated at West Point.
3The Honour System is effective at West Point because it has the loyal support of the authorities and of the Corps of Cadets. Graduates in retrospect regard it as one of the most important instruments in the shaping of their lives. General Eisenhower wrote to the present superintendent, “I think that everyone familiar with West Point would instantly agree that the one thing that has set us definitely aside from every other school in the world is the fact that for a great number of years it has not only had an Honour System but that the System here actually worked. This achievement is due to a number of reasons, but two of the most important ones are: First, that the authorities of West Point have consistently refused to take advantage of the Honour System to detect or discover minor violations of regulations; and second, that due to the continuity of the Corps and of the instructional staff we have succeeded early in the cadets career in instilling in him a respect amounting to veneration for the Honour System. The Honour System as a feature of West Point seems to grow in importance with a graduate as the years secede until finally it becomes something which he is almost reluctant to talk about—it occupies a position in his mind akin to the virtue of his mother or his sister.”
4Noteworthy is the fact that for its success the Honour System depends more upon the Corps of Cadets than upon the supervision of the officers. Each year the cadets select from among themselves an Honour Committee for the purpose of interpreting the Honour System to the Corps of Cadets, explaining the principles upon which it is based, and bringing honour violations into the open in order to get rid of the guilty by constituted authority. Years ago, this group was a Vigilance Committee operating outside the law although frequently connived at by the authorities. In more recent times, the Honour Committee has been set up as a recognized and respected agency within the Corps of Cadets. Its procedures are codified, and its members are clothed with responsible authority. The work of the Honour Committee includes the indoctrination of the new cadets in the principles of the Honour Code[1] and the transmission of these principles from class to class. It guards against the appearance of practices inconsistent with the Code. It inquires into irregularities of conduct, personal or official, which may have been committed by members of the Corps in violation of the principles of honour. In this latter respect, it acts as a grand jury reporting possible violations to the Commandant of Cadets. The Committee has no punitive powers, its functions being entirely investigative and advisory. If a cadet is reported to the Commandant by the Committee as possibly guilty of an honour violation, the Commandant then sets in motion all the official machinery to make a careful investigation of the facts. In the course of this investigation, the legal rights of the cadet are protected in accordance with the prescriptions of military law.
5Although there are many cadet regulations which are related to the Honour System, the System has never outgrown its simple meaning—that a cadet will neither lie, cheat, nor steal. A cadets spoken or written word must always be acceptable without question. For their part, the authorities are careful not to use the Honour System to prevent the violation of regulations. Only if a cadet indicates by a statement that he has complied or will comply with a particular regulation does the Honour System enter into consideration. When such a statement is made, it must, of course, be true. Sometimes a cadet is required to give a promise to comply with regulations in exchange for a privilege. For example, a cadet taking advantage of a dining privilege is required to sign his departure and return in a book. His signature means that he has taken no undue advantage of the privilege during his absence from barracks. If he is not willing to enter into this promise, he does not receive the privilege. Having once accepted the privilege, he is honour bound to report himself for any violation which he commits while absent from barracks.
6In another situation, a cadets simple word is taken in lieu of a complicated official report. For example, a cadet crossing a sentry post tells the sentry, “All right.” “All right” in this case means that he has legitimate business for crossing the post and is not going to take undue advantage of the privilege. The phrase is elsewhere used in a variety of circumstances as an official formula with a specified meaning. For example, “All right” may be used as the oral report of a cadet who has just performed a specific duty, or as an indication that the authorized occupants of a room are present at a given inspection. The system of “All right” is carefully explained to all new cadets so that there can be no mistake about its significance.
7Cadets who are found guilty of violations of the Honour Code are either allowed to resign or required to stand trial by courtmartial. Cases of trial are comparatively rare, for most erring cadets prefer to leave the Academy quietly. Records of all alleged violations in which the evidence does not warrant trial are kept in a confidential file as long as the cadet remains at the Academy. When he leaves, this file is destroyed.
8The Honour System is an essential element in the character molding which goes on at the Military Academy. It is a vital influence in the daytoday life of every cadet. Instances are constantly occurring which show how much the system means to the Corps. Cadets are constantly reporting themselves for unintentional violations of the Honour System. A cadet may be reported by one of his closest friends for an honour violation because the men of the Corps feel that the Honour Code is bigger than any individual or any personal friendship. A few years ago a foreign cadet became involved in an honour violation and resigned. Three years later when his former class was approaching graduation at West Point, he returned at his own expense and called upon the Superintendent. He recalled the circumstances of his resignation, explaining that after leaving West Point he had meditated deeply upon his offense. As a form of reparation, he had decided to dedicate himself to the cause of developing in the schools of his own country standards of honour comparable to those at West Point. Becoming an instructor at his own nations Military Academy, he founded an Honour System like the one he had known as a cadet. He came back to West Point to appear before the Honour Committee once more and to report upon his work abroad.This work, he hoped,would make amends for the offense that he had formerly committed against the standards of honour of West Point.
9For all who have had contact with the Honour System at West Point, the influence of this way of life has been marked and lasting, and the devotion of the Corps of Cadets to the Honour System continues to be very real and deeply rooted.
(1,353 words)
Honour Code榮譽準則West Points Cadet Honor Code reads simply that “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
barracks\/brks/ n. [pl.] 兵營,營房
Commandant of Cadets軍校訓練長(西點軍校負責軍事訓練部門的最高長官)
confidential\/knfdenl/ adj. 秘密的,機密的
Corps of Cadets西點軍校學員旅
sentry\/sentrI/ n. 哨兵,警衛
superintendent\/sjuprintendnt/ n. (陸海軍學校等的)校長
attribute\/trbjut/ n. quality regarded as a natural or typical part of sb./sth. 屬性,(人或物的)特征
codify\/kdfa/ vt. arrange (laws, rules, etc.) systematically into a code 將(法律、規則等)編成法典
connive\/knav/ vi. disregard or seem to allow (a wrong action) 視若無睹,默許,縱容
evasive\/vesv/ adj. having the aim or intention of avoiding capture, of not giving a direct answer, etc. 逃避的,推托的
implicit\/mplst/ adj. virtually contained 內含的,固有的
indoctrination\/ndktrnen/ n. teaching someone to accept doctrines 灌輸
outgrowth\/atr/ n. natural development or result 自然的發展或結果
punitive\/pjuntv/ adj. intended as punishment 處罰的,懲罰性的
quibble\/kwbl/ vi. argue about 對……詭辯
reparation\/repren/ n. compensating for damage 補償,彌補
secede\/ssid/ vi. withdraw (from membership of an organization, state, etc.) 退出,脫離(組織等)
technicality\/teknklti/ n. detail of no real importance不重要的細節
veneration\/venren/ n. deep respect崇敬,崇拜
1. be akin tosimilar; related 類似,相當於
2. be clothed withbe empowered to do sth. 使具有權力(或特性),賦予(權力,特性等)
3. comply withdo as one is requested, commanded, etc.; obey 遵從,順從,服從
4. guard againstuse care and caution to prevent sth. 預防,提防
5. honour bound (to do sth.)required to do sth. as a moral duty but not by law 道義上應做某事的,理應做的(非硬性規定的)
6. in lieu (of sth.)instead (of) 代替
7. in retrospectlooking back on a past event or situation 回顧,追溯
8. instill sth. (in/into sb.)cause sb. gradually to acquire (a particular desirable quality) 逐漸使某人獲得(某種可取的品質),逐步灌輸
9. make amends forcompensate sb. (for an insult or injury given in the past)(對所施加侮辱或損害)賠償某人
10. meditate uponthink deeply, esp. about spiritual matters 深思,沉思,冥想(尤指精神方麵的問題)
11. set sth. in motioncause sth. to start moving or operating 使某物開始運動或運轉
12. stand trial (for sth.)be tried in a lawcourt 受審判
Honour Committee榮譽委員會
the Honour System榮譽製度
Vigilance\/vdlns/ Committee 警戒會,保安委員會
Ⅰ. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: Answer the following questions based on the information provided in the text.
1. What effects does the Honour System exert on cadets?
2. What is Honour Committee responsible for?
3. What will be done if a cadet is found possibly guilty of an honour violation? And what about the cadets who are found guilty of an honour violation?
4. What does “All right” mean when a cadet crossing a sentry post tells it to the sentry?
5. How did the foreign cadet who was involved in an honour violation and resigned compensate for his offense?
Section B
Directions: Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false according to the text. Write T for True or F for False before each statement.
1. In addition to intellectual and physical capability, the military leaders West Point cultivates must have strength of character.
2. The Honour System has distinguished West Point from every other school in the world, according to General Eisenhower.
3. The Honour Committee has been a recognized and respected agency within the Corps of Cadets.
4. The Honour Committee is empowered to punish the cadets who are found guilty of violations of the Honour Code.
5. Even if a cadet suspects his closest friend of an honour violation, he may not report him or her to the Honour Committee.
6. The authorities make use of the Honour System to prevent cadets from violating regulations.
7. Most of the cadets who are found guilty of violations of the Honour Code are willing to stand trial since they think they have committed an offense.
8. Everyone familiar with the Honour System at West Point is greatly influenced by it.
Ⅱ. Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Make changes where necessary.
1. During military you will be taught basic military customs and courtesies,basic uniform assembly and requirements, inspection procedures and training requirements.
2. He began to sneak into the U.S. militarys database, hoping to find information on aliens.
3. A expedition is a military journey undertaken to punish a state or any group of persons outside the borders of the punishing state.
4. There is deep resentment over the of Japanese war veterans in the Yasukuni Shrine(靖國神社), where a number of war criminals are enshrined(入廟祀奉).
5. A soldier must give obedience to his officers.
6. In the decades following the war, the international community continued to expand on and the laws of war and the basic inalienable(不能剝奪的) rights of all peoples.
7. Three U.S. Navy vessels took actions after five Iranian boats buzzed the ships transiting the straits of Hormuz.
8. China paid staggering(令人吃驚的) 21 million tael(銀兩) of silver as war when the British defeated China in the First Opium War.
9. The report identifies and describes some of the critical of groups or individuals who might carry out criminal actions against U.S. nuclear programs.
10. The Weinberger Doctrine(溫伯格原則) was an of the collective lessons learned from the Vietnam War and the desire of the U.S. government to avoid such quagmires(困境) in the future.
Section B
Directions: Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the text with the help of the Chinese given in the brackets.
1. After the war, the new German government decided to Hitlers crimes.(補償)
2. A U.S. soldier accused of killing five fellow servicemen at a military combat stress center in Baghdad in 2009 has been ordered to in a U.S. military court, officials said on Friday.(受審判)
3. European governments have taken action to terrorist attack, and some have spoken publicly about the heightened threat conditions.(防止,防範)
4. God promises if we will His word day and night and obey it, then we will make our way prosperous and then we will have good success.(深思,沉思)
5. , the manipulation of a war between Iran and Iraq to weaken both states seems to be strategic planning in preparation for future military operations against them.(回顧,追溯)
6. The U.N. action on Syria should the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter and the basic norms guiding international relations.(服從,遵守)
7. The team leader of the allinone joint logistics support reform pilot program of the Jinan Military Area Command declared that the allinone joint logistics support system is officially .(使某物開始運轉)
Basic training has been overhauled to the warrior ethos every new recruit—with more time devoted to the skills needed to survive and succeed on todays battlefield:marksmanship, physical fitness,urban warfare and much more.
Ⅲ. Reading Practice
Directions: Read the passage through carefully and select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in the following word bank. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
(A) hesitation
(B) fueled
(C) agendas
(D) moral
(E) selfish
(F) contradict
(G) compromise
(H) secondary
(I) dedication
(J) required
(K) entrusted
(L) innovation
(M) paramount
(N) coincide
(O) essential
Integrity, service and excellence. These simple words epitomize(概括) the core values of our military profession.
The foundation is integrity, fortified(增強) by a commitment to the service of our country, and (1) by a drive in excellence in all that we do. The Air Force recognizes integrity first, service before self, and excellence as its core values. These are values every member must believe in, and more importantly, must live by.
We start with integrity because it is the (2) element or the foundation on which other values are built. Its being honest with others as well as with yourself, and doing whats right at all times. Integrity remains the very bedrock of the military profession. Servicemembers possessing integrity will always do whats right, regardless of the circumstances, even when no one is looking. They will make no (3) in being honest in small things as well as great ones.
Next is our military service—an uncommon profession—that calls for people with an enduring commitment and (4) to the mission. It requires us to have a sense to service before self. Each member must realize his or her needs are (5) to the needs of our great country. This is a 24houraday commitment, and one that requires many personal sacrifices. Personal goals are important and often (6) with air force goals. However, there is no room for personal (7) that interfere with the needs of the U.S. Air Force or the interests of our government.
This brings us to excellence, our third core value. Military members have been (8) by all Americans with our nations security. This encompasses many things, among which is the care of the resources of our nation, the most treasured of which are the lives of those who serve. This makes competence or excellence in all things we do (9) . Doing the very best you can is not just a professional obligation, its a(n) (10) one as well.
Integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all things we do. These core values serve as our road map and set the standard for our behavior. They serve to remind us of the importance of the profession we have chosen, the oath we took, and the demands placed upon us as members of the profession at arms. Learn these lessons well. They will serve you well in your professional career and your personal life.
Ⅳ. Translating Practice
Section A
Directions: Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.
In most cases, servicemen and women learn about military ethics as soon as they enroll in the military. During military training, or “boot camp,” there are certain ethical guidelines that are reinforced and instilled in service members. Some of the most common military ethics include concepts that involve responsibility, honour, trust, accountability and loyalty. During basic military training, service members learn what these ethics mean to the military and are required to abide by them to remain in the military. Eventually, military ethics become a part of military life and become habitual standards that servicemen and women live by.
Section B
Directions: Translate the following passage from Chinese into English.
Ⅴ. Writing Practice
Directions: Write a summary of text A with no less than 200 words following the outline given below.
1. 西點軍校榮譽的內涵;
2. 榮譽委員會的職責及運作方式;
3. 榮譽製度對學員日常生活的影響。
Text B
Military Orders
—To Obey or Not to Obey
1When one enlists in the United States Military, active duty or reserve, they take the following oath:
I do solemnly swear(or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice[1].
2National Guard enlisted members take a similar oath, except they also swear to obey the orders of the Governor of their state.
3Officers, upon commission, swear to the following:
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
4Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. Recruits are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right from dayone of boot camp.
5Military members who fail to obey the lawful orders of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 90 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) makes it a crime for a military member to willfully disobey a superior commissioned officer. Article 91 makes it a crime to willfully disobey a superior Noncommissioned or Warrant Officer. Article 92 makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order(the disobedience does not have to be “willful” under this article).
6In fact, under Article 90, during times of war, a military member who willfully disobeys a superior commissioned officer can be sentenced to death.
7Seems like pretty good motivation to obey any order youre given, right? Nope. These articles require the obedience of lawful orders. An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders—if the order was illegal.
8“I was only following orders” has been unsuccessfully used as a legal defense in hundreds of cases(probably most notably by Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg tribunals following World War Ⅱ). The defense didnt work for them, nor has it worked in hundreds of cases since.
9The first recorded case of a United States Military officer using the “I was only following orders” defense dates back to 1799. During the war with France, Congress passed a law making it permissible to seize ships bound to any French port. However, when President John Adams wrote the order to authorize the U.S. Navy to do so, he wrote that Navy ships were authorized to seize any vessel bound for a French port, or traveling from a French port. Pursuant to the Presidents instructions, a U.S. Navy captain seized a Danish Ship(the Flying Fish), which was en route from a French port. The owners of the ship sued the Navy captain in U.S. maritime court for trespass. They won and the United States Supreme Court upheld the decision. The U.S. Supreme Court held that Navy commanders “act at their own peril ” when obeying presidential orders when such orders are illegal.
10The Vietnam War presented the United States military courts with more cases of the “I was only following orders” defense than any previous conflict. The decisions during these cases reaffirmed that following manifestly illegal orders is not a viable defense from criminal prosecution. In United States v. Keenan, the accused(Keenan) was found guilty of murder after he obeyed in order to shoot and kill an elderly Vietnamese citizen. The Court of Military Appeals held that “the justification for acts done pursuant to orders does not exist if the order was of such a nature that a man of ordinary sense and understanding would know it to be illegal.” (Interestingly, the soldier who gave Keenan the order, Corporal Luczko, was acquitted by reason of insanity.)
11Probably the most famous case of the “I was only following orders” defense was the courtmartial(and conviction for premeditated murder) of First Lieutenant William Calley for his part in the My Lai Massacre [2]on March 16, 1968. The military court rejected Calleys argument of obeying the order of his superiors. On March 29, 1971, Calley was sentenced to life in prison. However, the public outcry in the United States following this very publicized and controversial trial was such that President Nixon granted him clemency. Calley wound up spending three and a half years under house arrest at Fort Benning Georgia, where a federal judge ultimately ordered his release.
12In 2004, the military began courtmartials of several military members deployed to Iraq for mistreating prisoners and detainees. Several members claimed that they were only following the orders of military intelligence officials. Unfortunately(for them), that defense wont fly. The mistreatment of prisoners is a crime under both international law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice(see Article 93—Cruelty and Maltreatment).
13Its clear, under military law, that military members can be held accountable for crimes committed under the guise of “obeying orders,” and there is no requirement to obey orders which are unlawful. However, heres the rub: A military member disobeys such orders at his/her own peril. Ultimately, its not whether or not the military member thinks the order is illegal or unlawful, its whether military superiors(and courts) think the order was illegal or unlawful.
14Take the case of Michael New. In 1995, Spec4 Michael New was serving with the 1/15 Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army at Schweinfurt, Germany. When assigned as part of a multinational peacekeeping mission about to be deployed to Macedonia, Spec4 New and the other soldiers in his unit were ordered to wear United Nations(U.N.) Helmets and arm bands. New refused the order, contending that it was an illegal order. News superiors disagreed. Ultimately, so did the courtmartial panel. New was found guilty of disobeying a lawful order and sentenced to a bad conduct discharge[3]. The Army Court of Criminal Appeals upheld the conviction, as did the Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces.
15What about an order to participate in a dangerous mission? Can the military legally order one to go on a “suicide mission”? You bet they can.
16In October, 2004, the Army announced that they were investigating up to 19 members of a platoon from the 343rd Quartermaster Company based in Rock Hill, South Carolina, for refusing to transport supplies in a dangerous area of Iraq.
17According to family members, some of the troops thought the mission was “too dangerous” because their vehicles were unarmored (or had little armor), and the route they were scheduled to take is one of the most dangerous in Iraq.
18According to reports, these members simply failed to show up for the predeparture briefing for the mission.
19Can they be punished for this? They certainly can. An order to perform a dangerous mission is lawful, because its not an order to commit a crime. Under current law and the Manual for CourtsMartial[4], “An order requiring the performance of a military duty or act may be inferred to be lawful and it is disobeyed at the peril of the subordinate. This inference does not apply to a patently illegal order, such as one that directs the commission of a crime.”
20In fact, if it can be shown that one or more of the soldiers influenced others to disobey, they may find the crime of Mutiny, under Article 94 added to the list of charges. Mutiny carries the death penalty, even in “peace time.”
21So, to obey, or not to obey? It depends on the order. Military members disobey orders at their own risk. They also obey orders at their own risk. An order to commit a crime is unlawful. An order to perform a military duty, no matter how dangerous, is lawful, as long as it doesnt involve commission of a crime.
(1,378 words)
[1] the Uniform Code of Military Justice《軍事審判統一法典》 the foundation of military law in the United States. It was established by the United States Congress in accordance with the authority given by the United States Constitution in Article Ⅰ, Section 8, which provides that “The Congress shall have power... To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval forces.”
[2] My Lai Massacre美萊村屠殺the Vietnam War mass murder of between 347 and 504 unarmed civilians in South Vietnam on March 16, 1968, by United States Army soldiers of “Charlie” Company(三連) of 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade of the American Division(亞美利加師). Most of the victims were women, children, infants and elderly people.
[3] bad conduct discharge因品德不端被勒令退伍A bad conduct discharge can only be given by a courtmartial(either Special or General) as punishment to an enlisted servicemember. Bad conduct discharges are often preceded by a period of confinement(禁閉) in a military prison. The discharge itself is not executed until the completion of both confinement and the appellate(受理上述的) review process.
[4] Manual for CourtsMartial《軍事法庭手冊》 the official guide to the conduct of courtsmartial in the United States military. An Executive Order[(美國總統頒布的具有法律效能的)行政命令] of the President of the United States, the Manual for CourtsMartial(MCM) details and expands on the military law in the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
1\/15 Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army美國陸軍第三步兵師第一營及第十五營
343rd Quartermaster\/kwtmst(r)/
Company 第343軍需連
arm band臂章
boot camp[口] 新兵訓練中心,新兵營
briefing\/brif/ n.(軍事行動前的)下達簡令
discharge\/dstd/ n. 退伍,退役
mutiny\/mjutni/ n. 兵變,嘩變
National Guard[美] 國民警衛隊
Spec4(Specialist4) 四級專業軍士
acquit\/kwt/ vt. declare sb. to be not guilty (of a crime, etc.) 宣告某人無罪
allegiance\/lidns/ n. support of or loyalty to a government, ruler, cause, etc. (對政府、統治者、事業等的)擁護,忠誠
clemency\/klemnsi/ n. mercy (esp. when punishing sb.) 仁慈(尤指懲罰某人時)
contend\/kntend/ vt. put forward(sth.) as ones opinion; argue; assert 主張(某事物),爭辯,認為
conviction\/knvkn/ n. a final judgement of guilty in a criminal case 定罪,宣布有罪
detainee\/diteni/ n. someone held in custody 被拘留者
en route\/nrut/ adv. on the way 在路上,在中途
evasion\/ven/ n. keeping out of the way of sb.; avoidance 躲避,規避,逃避
fly\/flaI\/ vt. flee from(sb.\/sth.) 從某人(某物)處逃走
massacre\/msk(r)/ n. cruel killing of a large number (of people or animals) 大屠殺
nope\/np/ interj. no! 不!
outcry\/atkra/ n. strong public protest 公開的強烈抗議
patently\/petntli/ adv. unmistakably; obviously 明白無誤地,明顯地
peril\/perl/ n. serious danger (esp. of death) 嚴重危險(尤指死亡中)
premeditated\/primedtetd/ adj. characterized by deliberate purpose, previous consideration and some degree of planning 預想的,預謀的
prosecution\/prskjun/ n. the institution and conduct of legal proceedings against a defendant for criminal behaviour(被)檢舉,(被)告發,(被)起訴
pursuant\/psjunt/ adj. proceeding from and conformable to依照的
sue\/su/ vt. make a legal claim(against sb.) 控告(某人),(對某人提起)訴訟
the rub\/rb/ n. difficulty or drawback 困難,障礙
trespass\/tresps/ n. entry to anothers property without right or permission 非法侵入
tribunal\/trabjunl/ n. group of officials with the authority to settle certain types of dispute (被授權解決某種糾紛的)審理團,特別法庭
uphold\/phld/ vt. support (a decision, etc.) against attack 維護,支持(決定等)
viable\/vabl/ adj. sound and workable; feasible 切實可行的,可實施的
willfully\/wlfli/ adv. deliberately, intentionally 蓄意地,故意地
1. at ones perilwith a risk of harm to oneself (esp. when advising sb. not to do sth.) 冒險(尤用於勸某人不做某事)
2. pursuant toin conformance to or agreement with 依據,依照
3. under house arrestdetention in ones own house, not in prison 受到軟禁
4. under the guise ofunder cover of 在……的幌子下(假借,假裝)
5. wind upfinish結束,終止
Army Court of Criminal Appeals美國陸軍刑事上訴法院
Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces武裝力量上訴法院
Court of Military Appeals軍事上訴法庭
Fort Benning(佐治亞州的)貝寧堡基地
Macedonia\/msdnj/ 馬其頓共和國,馬其頓地區(希臘北部)
Rock Hill羅克希爾(美國南卡羅來納州北部一城市)
the United States Supreme Court美國最高法院
United States v. Keenan美國訴基南案
Ⅰ. Reading Comprehension
Direction: Choose the best answer to each question with the information you got from the text.
1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true about obedience to orders from the superiors?
(A) An enlisted member swears to obey the orders of the officers appointed over him or her.
(B) Military members are taught to obey orders from their superiors, immediately and without question.
(C) Article 90, 91 and 92 of UCMJ prescribe that it is a crime to willfully disobey any lawful order.
(D) A military member can be sentenced to death if he fails to obey the lawful orders of his superiors during the war time.
2. How many examples are listed in which the defense “I was only following orders” didnt work?
(A) 3(B) 4(C) 5(D) 6
3. What happened to First Lieutenant William Calley?
(A) President Nixon was annoyed with Calleys crime.
(B) The courtmartial held that Calley disobeyed the orders of his superiors.
(C) The public was indifferent to Calleys case.
(D) Calley was released after being put in prison for several years.
4. Why does the author say a military member takes risks when he or she disobeys orders?
(A) Because he or she is not accountable for his or her action.
(B) Because its military superiors and courts that decide whether the order was illegal or not.
(C) Because a military member is not allowed to question his or her superiors.
(D) Because there is something wrong with his or her ordinary sense and understanding.
5. What is the message the author intends to convey?
(A) Military members should obey orders, no matter whether they are lawful or not.
(B) Whether military members should obey or disobey the order rests on the order itself.
(C) The subordinates are allowed to disobey orders if the mission is dangerous.
(D) When one or more soldiers influence others to disobey, the order is proved to be illegal.
Ⅱ. Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words learned from text B. The first letter of each word has been given.
1. Enlistees are required to sign the enlistment agreement and, in most cases, to take the oath of a.
2. Top officers of Unit 731 were not p for war crimes after the war, in exchange for turning over the results of their research to the Allies.
3. SERE is a military acronym for Survival, E, Resistance, and Escape, a program that provides military personnel, Department of Defense civilians and private military contractors with training in evading capture, survival skills and the military code of conduct(行為準則).
4. Five years on, the worlds one and only superpower has not found a tangible(切實的) way to reconstruct the warravaged(受戰爭破壞的) country and a v exit from it.
5. Sergeant Javal S. Davis was charged with dereliction(玩忽職守) of duty for w failing to protect detainees from abuse, cruelty and maltreatment.
6. Service members holding a blue d were subjected to discrimination in civilian life, such as having difficulty in finding work.
7. Germanys president has refused a c request from a former leftwing terrorist who took part in killings carried out by the notorious Red Army Faction[紅軍派(德國的恐怖組織)] three decades ago.
8. President Ma Yingjeou called on all senior officers to u the militarys honour and integrity while eradicating(根除) deception and fraud.
9. A secret blueprint for U.S. global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a p attack on Iraq to secure “regime change” even before he took power in January, 2001.
10. With Iranian Presidents announcement that his country intends to build 10 new uranium enrichment(鈾濃縮) facilities, it should now be p clear that the effort to dissuade Iran from developing nuclear weapons has failed.
Section B
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.
take an oath
at ones peril
be bound to
date back to
under the guise of
be scheduled to
wind up
be guilty of
1. The frequent occurrence of war cause great damage to society.
2. The Netherlands is regarded to be one of the countries that have maintained the oldest standing army, the 16th century.
3. An Australian detainee held by U.S. authorities at Guantanamo Bay(關塔那摩灣), Cuba, be formally charged with providing material support for terrorism in a preliminary hearing Monday.
4. Chinese soldiers in front of a Chinese Communist Party(CCP) flag in Wuhan, central Chinas Hubei province.
5. The troops from Britain, the United States, Romania and Hungary a sixday military exercise on Friday in Romanias Black Sea city of Constanta.
6. An individual criminal may genocide(種族滅絕) even if he kills only one person, so long as he knew he was participating in a larger plan to destroy the group.
7. As a commanderinchief, youd better not deploy so many personnel and weapons since youre not completely sure about the whole situation.
8. dualuse infrastructure, Iraq has undertaken an effort to reconstitute facilities that were closely associated with its past program to develop and produce chemical weapons.
Part Ⅲ
Additional Themerelated Activities
Section AListening, Watching & Speaking
Passage Listening Ⅰ
Words & Expressions
abuse\/bjus/ v. 濫用,虐待
acute\/kjut/ adj. 嚴重的,激烈的
combatant\/kmbtnt/ n. 戰士
dilemma\/dlem/ n. 困境,進退兩難
inadvertently\/ndvtntli/ adv. 不經意地
outrage\/atred/ v. 激起憤怒
override\/vrad/ vt. 不顧,踐踏
spy\/spa/ n. 間諜,密探
trump\/trmp/ v. 勝過
vehemently\/vimntli/ adv. 激烈地
wage\/wed/ vt. 發動,開展
Proper Names
Child Soldiers Protect Act兒童士兵保護法案
Task 1True or False Statements
Directions: Listen to the passage for the first time and then decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True or F for False before each statement.
1. The recruitment and conscription of child soldiers is particularly acute in Africa.
2. To address this problem, the U.S. passed the Child Soldiers Protection Act in 2008 and strictly abides by the Act.
3. The Act prohibits the U.S. from providing military training, and defense assistance to other countries.
4. U.S. provides assistance to Iraq and claims that if the aid were pulled, the counterterrorism missions could be undermined and Americans be put at risk.
5. Human rights activists are outraged to accuse the Obama administration of abandoning child soldiers.
Task 2Spot Dictation
Directions: Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with the exact words or expressions youve heard.
1. Thousands of children, serving in militaries around the world, are used as combatants, , spies and military personnel. The problem is particularly in Africa, where children as young as nine are cheap and in the war.
2. In 2008, the Child Soldiers Protection Act was passed but the Obama administration has repeatedly chosen to this federal law and provides military, training and assistance to four of the nations that use child soldiers, including .
3. The administration defends its assistance to Yemen by pointing out that the country is a key partner in Americas operations against alQaeda. If U.S. pulled its aid to Yemens military, the counterterrorism missions could be and Americans put .
4. Human rights accuse the Obama administration of abandoning child soldiers. They say President Obama is supporting violators of international law when he should be for reform in countries with a proven history of abuse. And by lending U.S. assistance to Yemens military, U.S. taxpayers are funding the recruitment and of child soldiers in Africa.
5. Child soldiers and foreign aid raise an important ethical : Should allies that use child soldiers receive U.S. military aid, even if it our opposition to the practice?
Task 3Summarizing
Directions: Listen to the passage for the third time and then summarize the main idea with the help of the following key words or expressions.
child soldiers
human rights activists
Passage Listening Ⅱ
Words & Expressions
amplify\/mplfa/ vt. 放大,擴大
counterinsurgency\/kantnsdnsi/ n. 反叛亂,反暴亂
jeopardize\/depdaz/ v. 危及,危害
shelter\/elt(r)/ vt. 庇護
vicious\/vs/ adj. 惡意的,惡性的
Task 1Questions for Discussion
Directions: Listen to the passage for the first time and then discuss the following questions.
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
2. What cases are mentioned to illustrate the moral purpose behind a war?
3. What are the three competing demands in a war? Please say something about them based on your understanding of the passage.
Task 2Gap Filling
Directions: Listen to the passage again and then complete the following sentences with the information you get from the passage.
1. There is no bigger ethical choice than and there should be behind a decision to fight.
2. must be balanced, which are amplified in a like Afghanistan.
3. First, young combatants are ethically given . Next, it is difficult to in Afghanistan. Nevertheless, there is an ethical requirement to keep them safe. Finally, in battles, usually causes a tension between implementing the strategy and risking soldiers or civilians.
4. Balancing these three competing demands can be . Emphasizing mission puts , killing civilians jeopardizes the mission and limiting increase soldiers risks.
Task 3Discussion
Directions: Listen to the passage for the third time. Then try to discuss in groups how you choose missions to fight a war effectively, while minimizing civilian deaths and meeting the obligation to your soldiers.
Video Watching
Words & Expressions
allegation\/len/ n. 主張,斷言
corpse\/kps/ n. 屍體
double down雙倍下注
exceed\/ksid/ v. 超過,勝過
infamous\/nfms/ adj. 聲名狼藉的,無恥的
moral\/mrl/ adj. 道德的,精神上的
mortality\/mtlti/ n. 死亡率
remains\/rmenz/ n. 殘餘,遺骸
scandal\/skndl/ n. 醜聞,流言蜚語
sociology\/susildi/ n. 社會學
suicide bomber自殺式炸彈,人體炸彈
upheaval\/phivl/ n. 動亂,軍事行動
urinate\/jurnet/ v. 小便,撒尿
Proper Names
Abu Ghraib阿布格萊布(監獄)
My Lai美萊村(大屠殺)(越南南方村莊,1968年美軍在此進行大屠殺)
Task 1Questions for Discussion
Directions: Watch the video clip and then discuss the following questions.
1. Why do we say “War is always violent”?
2. How many examples are given to illustrate the horrors of war? Please list them.
3. Do Americas top military leaders pay much attention to military ethics? And what do they usually do?
4. Is there any conclusion about the teaching of military ethics? If yes, what are the different opinions?
Task 2Gap Filling
Directions: Watch the video clip again and then complete the following sentences with the information you get from the video clip.
1. War always causes devastating social upheavals and often leads to .
2. The example of the recently released images of American soldiers in Afghanistan is given to illustrate .
3. Due to some infamous cases, U.S. servicemen have been accused of violating core American values, so many worry that they illustrate .
4. The courses of military ethics are supposed to teach soldiers in the complex world of reallife warfare.
5. Some are against teaching military ethics, because they believe that ethical theories can not be applied to but only learned while others say military ethics training is vital to .
Task 3Discussion
Directions: Watch the video clip for the third time. Then try to discuss in groups whether it is necessary for military academies to offer courses of military ethics.
Section BThemerelated Oral Tasks
What Are Military Ethics
In the military, there are ethics and standards that military members are expected to abide by. The ethics often represent values that are core beliefs. These beliefs should motivate the actions and attitudes of military members and help them to carefully consider their behavior at all times. For example, in the United States Army, the core values or ethics that members abide by are loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honour, integrity and personal courage. These ethics form the acronym LDRSHIP.
In most cases, servicemen and women learn about military ethics as soon as they enroll in the military. During military training or “boot camp”, there are certain ethical guidelines that are reinforced and instilled in service members. Some of the most common military ethics include concepts that involve responsibility, honour, trust, accountability and loyalty. During basic military training, service members learn what these ethics mean to the military and are required to abide by them to remain in the military. Eventually, military ethics become a part of military life and become habitual standards that servicemen and women live by.
One of the main reasons that military ethics are established is to help servicemen and women adhere to a high standard of integrity, ensure that conduct is ethical and legally correct, and to promote trust among service members. To reinforce military ethics, soldiers are often forced to memorize creeds. The creeds are poetic sayings that repeatedly remind the solider of their necessary duties. Military creeds are considered dogma, which means that the creeds are considered authoritative and are not to be disputed. Creeds are also meant to serve as a reminder that military members have an obligation to never disgrace their “uniform” or country.
When military ethics are violated, there is often a price to pay. The military member that has violated the ethic will likely incur a reprimand or other consequence such as being subject to administrative actions. If the ethic that was violated has resulted in criminal misconduct, disciplinary action may extend into the military justice system and military members will be held accountable for criminal activities and misconduct.
Its important to understand that military ethics vary from country to country. A militarys ethics often reflect the same ethics of the society or nation that the military is a part of. Some codes of conduct that may be considered acceptable in an American military may seem unethical to another nations military system and vice versa.
Words & Expressions
abide\/bad/ by vi. 遵守
accountability\/kantblti/ n. 有義務,有責任
adhere\/dh(r)/ to vi. 堅持,遵守
creed\/krid/ n. 信條,教義
dogma\/dm/ n. 教條
habitual\/hbtul/ adj. 習慣的,慣常的
reprimand\/reprmnd/ n. 譴責,訓斥
misconduct\/mskndkt/ n. 不端行為
Task 1Questions for Discussion
Directions: Read the passage and then discuss the following questions with your partner.
1. How do you understand the military ethics?
2. When do servicemen usually learn the military ethics according to the passage? And what ethical theories do you, the cadets, learn in the military academy?
3. What punishment will be done if you violate the military ethics?
Task 2Retelling
Directions: Work with your partner by retelling the passage to each other. Use the evaluation chart to evaluate your partners retelling.
Grading: 5=Excellent; 4=Good; 3=Fairly Good; 2=Should Improve; 1=Must Improve
Unit ThreeMilitary Exercises
Part Ⅰ
Prereading Activities
Words & Expressions
drill\/drl/ n. 操練,訓練
vessel\/vesl/ n. 艦,輪船
warplane\/wplen/ n. 戰鬥機,軍用機
Proper Names
Russias Pacific Fleet俄羅斯太平洋艦隊
Task 1Questions for Discussion
Directions: Watch the video clip and then discuss the following questions.
1. When and where will the drill take place?
2. According to Chinas Defense Ministry, what will the drill focus on?
3. What else do you know about the joint military exercises between China and Russia? Please name a few more.
Task 2True or False Statements
Directions: Watch the video clip again and then decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True or F for False before each statement.
1. China and Russia will hold a joint maritime drill from April 22 to 27.
2. China will send 16 vessels including destroyers, frigates, support and medical ships, and two submarines for the exercise.
3. The drill will also involve five warships from Russias Pacific Fleet.
4. Both sides have sent submarines in this joint military drill.
5. Since last year, China and Russia have conducted seven joint military exercises.
Part Ⅱ
Readingcentered Activities
Text A
Bold Alligator
1The Navy and Marine Corps kicked off the drive to revitalize their amphibious warfare capabilities in a big way last month, assembling more than twodozen ships, more than 120 fixedandrotarywing aircraft and about 17,000 personnel for a complex exercise off the East Coast.
2The exercise, Bold Alligator 2012(BA12), was the largest and most intricate amphibious maneuver in more than a decade and was intended to be the beginning of a series of such operations to restore a partnership that is essential to conducting what the two services consider one of their core capabilities.
3The twoweek drill, which involved real and simulated forces in the air, on land, and on and below the surface of the Atlantic, was designed to get Marines back to sea after 10 years of sustained ground combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.
4But its primary focus was to enable Navy and Marine Corps commanders and their staffs to regain their mastery of the myriad details of launching and supporting assault forces ashore.
5“Its enormously important for the Navy to start learning an awful lot about Marine Corps operations and getting a landing force ashore, and how that land force operates,” said Adm. John C. Harvey Jr., who directed the effort that led to Bold Alligator.
6“And its enormously important for the Marine forces to understand what it took to get the naval force to the position where you could land the assault forces and sustain those assault forces,” the Fleet Forces commander told a Jan. 31 Defense Writers Group breakfast in Washington. “That part of this education, I think, will be the greatest benefit to this exercise.”
7Lt. Gen. Dennis J. Hejlik, Harveys partner in shaping BA12, said that when they started studying the idea in 2008, “We found we had lost a lot of knowledge on what we had to do...how to operate an amphibious task force(ATF) at sea, how to develop a landing plan, how to sustain a force ashore.”
8“We have to have a totally integrated naval battle,” the Marine Forces Command leader added. “Bold Alligator is the first and foremost a learning experience for the NavyMarine Corps force.”
9Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert, Chief of Naval Operations(CNO), made the same point.
10“I believe we have a polarity of senior officers who dont understand the details of amphibious operations. We dont have the officers with the kinds of experience that we need,” he told reporters Feb. 4 on the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, the flagship for BA12.
11To correct those deficiencies, Greenert said he and Gen. James F. Amos, now the Marine Corps commandant, while in lower positions in 2008 crafted a document that detailed amphibious operations. But because the Marines were so heavily engaged in Iraq and gearing up in Afghanistan, they could not implement it.
12“This is the culmination of that, to get back to sea with the Marine Corps,” the CNO said.
13BA12, which ran from Jan.30 to Feb.13, involved three main commands and a host of supporting units.
14The primary units were Expeditionary Strike Group 2(ESG 2), commanded by Rear Adm. Kevin D. Scott; 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade(MEB), led by Brig. Gen. Christopher S. Owens; and the Enterprise Carrier Strike
Group(CSG), under Rear Adm. Walter E. Carter Jr., with Vice Adm. David H. Buss, Harveys deputy, as overall commander.
15The Navy provided ten amphibious ships, including four “bigdeck” assault ships, the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, at least ten surface combatants, two submarines and an array of supporting minehunting, logistics and Maritime Prepositioning Force ships.
16The MEB supplied the assault force of about 10,000 marines and sailors, real and simulated, from Regimental Combat Team Two, Combat Logistics Regiment 25, Marine Air Group 29 and the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit(MEU).
17Naval Expeditionary Combat Command was a major supporting element, providing Seabees, Riverines, civil affairs, intelligence exploitation, beach master and cargohandling units.
18That array of moving parts is indicative of the complexity of a largescale amphibious operation.
19The U.S. Coast Guard Port Security Unit 308, based in Kiln, Miss., took part as well to provide its insight and expertise into port protection. The Coast Guard provided security for aidstonavigation, protected against hazards around the port, and contributed an additional defensive presence in waterways and near Forward Operating Base Gallant.
20“We were able to learn a lot from the other(security) units as they were able to learn from us in terms of what our mission is and how we complete our mission. It will help for future operations to have that basis of knowledge of those units and what they bring to the table,” said Coast Guard Landside Security Officer Lt. Danny Welch.
21And the scope of BA12 was widened by the participation of combat units, staff officers and observers from 11 allied nations, a reflection of the growing importance of coalitions to deal with security, humanitarian relief and disaster assistance challenges.
22For the combat forces, France provided its bigdeck amphib, Mistral, a surface combatant and 300 marines; Canada supplied 2 minehunting ships; and Great Britain and the Netherlands contributed Royal Marines.
23Wasp was awash with officers from those countries and others, there to study or to help plan the exercise. They included Lt. Cmdr. George Pastoor of the Royal Netherlands Navy[1], who was the chief planner.
Shaping the Scenario
24Although the scenario for BA12 was not aimed at any specific threat, it clearly was shaped by realworld conditions.
25In the scenario, the amphibious operation was triggered by an appeal from a friendly nation, Amber, which was invaded by its southern neighbor, Garnet. A neutral nation to the north, Amberland, agreed to allow coalition forces to come ashore to help Amber.
26But to get the amphibious force close enough to launch the landing force, the task force had to pass through a simulated long, narrow strait that was contested by Garnet with sea mines and swarming fastattack boats. Those are the kinds of threats posed by Iran in the Strait of Hormuz[2].
27And Amberland was infested by a terrorist cell that had landbased antiship missiles, such as those used by Hezbollah to damage an Israeli corvette during the 2006 conflict in Lebanon.
28“Just about everything were going to do could be applicable to a situation that could come to us in the vicinity of the Strait of Hormuz,” Harvey said.
29He cited mines and the “large numbers of smallboat threats, irregular threats. Those are not easy to identify in the complex littoral environment, which describes just about all the Arabian Gulf,” he added, using the U.S. name for the Persian Gulf. “Were going to have to be able to deal with all that.”
30During the transit of the simulated strait the day before DDay, two Canadian minehunters, which had been sweeping the simulated minefield, led the way, “like mother hens”. The rest of the amphibious task force followed, “one by one like ducks in a row,” Pastoor said.
31To counter the smallboat threat, “were practicing the use of an arm we normally dont have—the MEB with its air arm—to help protect the amphibs,” he said.
32The BA12 planners took advantage of the fact that the Enterprise CSG, the Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group(ARG) and the 24th MEU would be conducting their predeployment qualification tests and incorporated them into the exercise.
33As part of its certification process, a company from the MEU conducted a longrange raid from the ARG into the Army National Guards Fort Pickett[3], Va. The marines made the flight of more than 160 nautical miles in CH53 helicopters and MV22s, the first time the tiltrotor Ospreys were used in such an exercise.
34At Pickett, the 250 marines also helped the Marine Warfighting Laboratory conduct a limited objective experiment, testing longdistance communications and a variety of systems intended to reduce the need for resupply. That was only one of many innovations tested in BA12.
35BA12 also tested the seabasing concept, designed to reduce the need to put large amounts of equipment and supplies ashore to support the landing force.
36In addition to supplying the marines from the amphibious ships, the exercise used the aviation logistics support ship Wright to provide major repairs for the marine aircraft and the maritime prepositioning force ship Obregon to provide fuel and water via a milelong floating hose system.
37The landing force also would be commanded from the sea base, with the 2nd MEB commander and his staff remaining on Wasp, instead of going ashore.
38“You can put a force ashore, great!” Hejlik said. “Now, what do you do for command and control? How do you sustain that? Well be doing that from the sea. Thats really the value of a naval force. You dont really need a seaport, an airport, to project forces or to sustain them.”
39Although BA12 involved thousands of people and hundreds of pieces of equipment, the primary purpose was to give the CSG, ESG and MEB staffs the chance to plan and direct such a complex operation.
40That put the main focus on getting the land forces ashore and then supplying and controlling them. Once on land, the Marines reverted to normal unit training at Camp Lejeune, N.C.
41“Thats a more effective use of the units,” Pastoor said.
42The DDay assault started in the predawn darkness of Feb.6, with the landing time set for 5:15 a.m.
43The first units actually hit Camp Lejeunes Onslow Beach 75 seconds early, Pastoor said.
44Responding to a question about the likelihood of conducting a large, realworld amphibious landing in the era of longrange precision weapons, Owens said: “Sooner or later, the nation is going to require a sizeable force to go somewhere where folks dont want us to go.” It will not be another Iwo Jima or Tarawa[4], he added, “But nevertheless, when we go to shore some place where were not wanted ashore, we have to be ready to defend the force, to accomplish the mission and then to sustain the force.”
(1,673 words)
[1] Royal Netherlands Navy荷蘭皇家海軍The navy of the Netherlands. In the mid17th century the Dutch Navy was one of the most powerful navies in the world and it played an active role in the wars of the Dutch Republic and later those of the Batavian Republic and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. In recent years, the Royal Netherlands Navy takes part in expeditionary peacekeeping and peace enforcing operations.
[2] the Strait of Hormuz霍爾木茲海峽A narrow but strategically important strait between the Gulf of Oman(阿曼) in the southeast and the Persian Gulf. On the north coast is Iran and on the south coast is the United Arab Emirates(阿拉伯聯合酋長國) and Musandam(穆珊旦), an exclave(飛地) of Oman.
[3] Fort Pickett匹克特堡基地A Virginia Army National Guard installation, located near the town of Blackstone, Virginia. It is named for the United States Army officer and Confederate General George Pickett.
[4] Tarawa塔拉瓦島(西太平洋島國基裏巴斯的主島)An atoll(環礁) in the central Pacific Ocean, previously the capital of the former British colony of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands(吉爾伯特和埃利斯群島). It is the location of the capital of the Republic of Kiribati(基裏巴斯), South Tarawa. The island is best known by outsiders as the site of the Battle of Tarawa during World War II.
air arm航空兵
Air Group航空大隊
Army National Guard陸軍國民警衛隊
Amphibious Ready Group(ARG)兩棲戒備大隊
amphibious task force(ATF)兩棲特遣部隊
Carrier Strike Group(CSG)航母戰鬥群
Chief of Naval Operations(CNO)海軍作戰部長(美國)
Coast Guard海岸警衛隊(美國)
Combat Logistics Regiment\/redmnt/ 戰鬥勤務團
commandant\/kmndnt/ n. 總指揮,司令
corvette\/kvet/ n. 輕型護衛艦
Expeditionary Strike Group 2(ESG2)遠征打擊第二大隊
flagship\/flp/ n. 旗艦
land force地麵部隊
maneuver\/mnuv/ n. 演習,機動
Marine Expeditionary Brigade(MEB)海軍陸戰隊遠征旅
Marine Expeditionary Unit(MEU)海軍陸戰隊遠征大隊
Maritime Prepositioning Force海上預置部隊
minefield\/manfild/ n. 雷區
Regimental Combat Team團戰鬥隊
Royal Marines英國皇家海軍陸戰隊
surface combatant水麵作戰艦
tiltrotor Ospreys“魚鷹”傾斜旋轉翼飛機
USS(the United States Ship)美國軍艦
amphibious\/mfbs/ adj. operating or living on land and in water兩棲作戰的,兩棲的
culmination\/klmnen/ n. the final or highest point that is reached after a long period of effort or development 極盛期,頂點
hose\/hz/ n. a long rubber or plastic tube which can be moved and bent to put water onto fires, gardens, etc. 軟管,膠皮管
indicative\/ndktv/ adj. to be a clear sign that a particular situation exists or that something is likely to be true 指示的,象征的
intricate\/ntrkt/ adj. containing many small parts or details that all work or fit together 複雜精細的, 錯綜複雜的
mistral\/mstrIl/ n. a strong north wind that blows in France during the winter (法國南部幹冷而強勁的北風或西北風)密史脫拉風,幹燥寒冷的北風(文中指法國“西北風”號兩棲攻擊艦)
myriad\/mrd/ adj. a large indefinite number of無數的,多種的
n. a large indefinite number 極大數量
nautical\/ntkl/ adj. relating to ships and sailing 海上的,航海的
osprey\/spre/ n. large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years 魚鷹(文中是指“魚鷹”傾斜旋轉翼飛機)
rotary\/rtr/ adj. turning or able to turn round a fixed point 旋轉的
simulated\/smjletd/ adj. ① being an imitation of the genuine article 模仿的,模擬的② not genuine or real假裝的
swarm\/swm/ v. move in large numbers 雲集,湧往
n. a moving crowd 一大群
transit\/trnzt/ n. a journey usually by ship (船等)運輸
v. make a passage or journey from one place to another 通過,穿越
wasp\/wsp/ n. a thin black and yellow flying insect that can sting you 黃蜂
waterway\/wtwe/ n. a navigable body of water 水路,航道
1. gear upmake ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc. 使……做好行動準備
2. kick offcommence officially 開始
3. in terms ofconsidering 就……而言
4. in the vicinity ofin the neighboring, near 在……附近,與……接近
5. revert togo back to 回到,恢複到
Camp Lejeune, N.C.南卡萊羅納州的萊潔恩營
Christopher S. Owens克裏斯托弗·S.歐文斯準將
Danny Welch丹尼·韋爾奇(美國海岸警衛隊地麵安全軍官)
David H. Buss戴維·H.巴斯(哈維上將的副手)
Defense Writers Group國防作家團體
Dennis J. Hejlik丹尼斯·J.黑吉利克中將
George Pastoor喬治·帕斯圖爾(皇家荷蘭海軍中將)
Iwo Jima硫黃島(日本)
James F. Amos詹姆斯·F.阿莫斯上將
John C. Harvey Jr.約翰·C.哈維上將(美國海軍艦隊部隊司令部司令)
Jonathan W. Greenert喬納森·W.格林納特(美國海軍作戰部長)
Kevin D. Scott凱文·D.斯科特少將
the Persian Gulf波斯灣
Walter E. Carter Jr.沃特·E.卡特少將
Ⅰ. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: Answer the following questions based on the information provided in the text.
1. According to Commander Harvey, what is the greatest benefit to this exercise?
2. How many other countries participated in the exercise? What are they?
3. What does the concept “seabasing” mean? Try to explain it in your own words.
4. What is the primary purpose of BA12?
5. Do you think amphibious task force will become more important in the navy? Why or why not?
Section B
Directions: Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false according to the text. Write T for True or F for False before each statement.
1. BA12 was the largest and most intricate amphibious maneuver in more than a decade.
2. The drill which involved only simulated forces lasted for two weeks.
3. Most naval officers are very clear about how to operate an ATF at sea, how to develop a landing plan and how to sustain a force ashore.
4. The primary units of this drill were ESG 2, 2nd MEB and CSG with Harvey as the overall commander.
5. Combat units, staff officers and observers from 11 allied nations attended the drill which reflects the growing importance of coalitions to deal with security, humanitarian relief and disaster assistance challenges.
6. The scenario for BA12 was not aimed at any specific threat, so it was shaped only by imagination.
7. The exercise used the Aviation Logistics Support ship Obregon to provide major repairs for the Marine aircraft.
8. According to Owens, sooner or later, the U.S. will conduct a large, realworld amphibious landing.
Ⅱ. Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Make changes where necessary.
1. If a of honeybees doesnt sound like your typical military unit, how about a battalion of beetles, a legion of lobsters and a gaggle of geckos? Theyve all been drafted into a DoD effort to explore, and possibly harness, the natural capabilities of the zoological kingdom.
2. The flight conducted by the European Space Agency was designed to test the physiological and psychological impact of a journey to Mars.
3. Mesa Verde is the third transport dock ship in the San Antonio class. As a critical element in future expeditionary strike groups, the ship will support the Marine Corps “mobility triad,” which consists of the landing craft air cushion vehicle(LCAC),the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) and the Osprey tiltrotor aircraft(MV22).
4. The crew from 771 Squadron found the dismasted(折斷桅杆的) vessel about 100 miles off the Cornish coast.
5. When Abid Hamid Mahmud alTikriti was captured in 2003 by U.S.led forces, he was number 4 on a list of mostwanted Iraqi officials.
6. It was said that several Syrian children were forcibly taken from their homes and “used by soldiers and militia members as human shields, placing them in front of the windows of buses carrying military personnel into the on the village.”
7. Today was a very proud day; it was a of all the effort that started over two years ago with predeployment training.
8. The MoD says in the leaflet that the missiles will not pose a to residents and “will only be authorized for active use.”
9. Syria is a diplomatic both for those struggling to overthrow the regime and for Western powers contemplating how to help them do it.
10. The Iranians(伊朗人) call the the Persian Gulf, while Arab countries often refer to it as the Arabian Gulf.
Section B
Directions: Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the text with the help of the Chinese given in the brackets.
1. Operation Kerkesner will in two weeks at Fort Indiantown Gap. Pa., providing many of the students their first basic combat skills training in a field environment, explained Navy Lt. Chris Stede, a physiologist serving as the course director.(開始)
2. Cooperation with Pakistan is the United States, and the Defense Department is working hard to shore up(支撐,支持) the damaged relationship, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said today.(必要的)
3. The second annual Warrior Games, a joint endeavour between the U.S. Olympic Committee and the U.S. Department of Defense, is for competition with practice sessions, to include wheelchair basketball.(做好準備)
4. U.S. and Chinese leaders expressed how important and beneficial the training was, both building cooperative ties and development of techniques to counter piracy.(根據;就……而言)
5. The report also makes clear that the U.S. military a robust range of operations to target ISIS and associated forces, including those in Somalia and Yemen.(從事於)
6. According to an eyewitness, there was a huge blast and debris(碎片,殘骸) flew in different directions injuring people , the Nation newspaper reports.(在附近)
7. The latest clash the death of a man from Zintan(津坦) after he was stopped at a checkpoint, which Zintan militias have blamed on the Mashashya tribe.(由……引發)
8. Another activist group, the Local Coordination Committees(LCC), reported intensified artillery and mortar fire villages in Jabal alAkrad(敘利亞一地區).(針對; 以……為目標)
Ⅲ. Reading Practice
Directions: The passage below is followed by 5 multiplechoice questions. Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answer.
The U.S. and South Korea have begun a joint military drill to improve combat readiness on the Korean peninsula.
The annual Ulchi Freedom Guardian exercise brings together 530,000 forces in Korea and abroad, using computer programs to simulate war situations.
North Korea has reacted furiously to the exercises, which run for 10 days.
It called them “an undisguised military threat” and “a wanton(惡意的) challenge to peace” in the official Rodong Sinmum newspaper last week.
InterKorean relations, the article said, “are getting tenser as the days go by,” and the exercises “would further aggravate the alreadystrained situation on the peninsula.”
In a separate development, South Koreas Yonhap News Agency said a source had informed it that the North had installed surveillance cameras and reinforced barbed wire(帶刺鐵絲網) along its border with China to try to stem defections and smuggling.
Thousands of North Koreans have escaped into China in recent years, many with the ultimate aim of defecting to South Korea. North Korea also fears smugglers bringing mobile phones, TVs and radios into the North from China which may challenge Pyongyangs control.
Iraq lessons
The 10day drill links bases in South Korea with U.S. military headquarters in the Pacific and the U.S., reports the BBCs Lucy Williamson in Seoul.
This year, local media say the training will shift more responsibility from the joint command to South Korean military chiefs, to prepare for the handover of wartime operational authority in 2015.
The commander of U.S.South Korean forces, U.S. Gen. James D. Thurman, said they were “applying lessons learned out of Iraq and Afghanistan” in the training exercises, “as well as those garnered by the Alliances recent experiences with North Korean provocations on the peninsula.”
A spokesman for the force said troops would train for a “wide variety of missions including those involving the location and security of chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological threats,” reported AFP News Agency.
The North, meanwhile, depicted the exercise as “realistic war drill to remove our nuclear facilities with a mobile unit” seeking to bring war to the Korean peninsula as a way to “extricate itself from its worsening economic crisis.”
In an open letter last week, Pyongyang called for a peacekeeping mechanism to replace the armistice(停戰,休戰) that ended the 19501953 Korean War.
North Koreas nuclear envoy has held talks with both South Korea and the U.S. in recent weeks, to try to find a way back to sixparty talks on North Koreas nuclear program last held in late 2008. But relations between the two Koreas are still fragile, after two attacks on the South last year, our correspondent says.
1. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to North Korean official newspaper?
(A) The U.S. and South Korea joint military exercise is an undisguised threat.
(B) The situation on the Korean peninsula becomes tenser.
(C) Before the joint exercise, the situation on the Korean peninsula was very peaceful.
(D) The U.S. and South Korea joint military exercise is a challenge to regional peace.
2. North Korea has installed surveillance cameras and reinforced barbed wire(帶刺鐵絲網) along its border with China in order to .
(A) protect the borders
(B) restrain defections and smuggling
(C) prevent Chinese from going into North Korea
(D) make the borders more beautiful
3. What does the underlined word “garner” in Paragraph 12 most probably mean?
(A) Govern.(B) Make.
(C) Collect.(D) Accumulate.
4. Which of the following statements about the joint exercise is TRUE?
(A) In the training exercise, troops would apply lessons learned out of Iran and Afghanistan.
(B) During the exercise, troops would train for a wide variety of missions including joint escort, maritime search and rescue.
(C) The North depicted the exercise as a threat to Pyongyangs control.
(D) The training will shift more responsibility from the joint command to South Korean military chiefs.
5. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that .
(A) North Korea wants to find a peaceful way to reduce tensions
(B) North Korea wants to talk with South Korea
(C) the relations between the two Koreas will always be tense
(D) North Korea will declare war against South Korea
Ⅳ. Translating Practice
Section A
Directions: Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.
China has criticized a JapanU.S. military exercise and said its efforts to resolve tensions on the Korean peninsula were being condemned unfairly. A Chinese leader also told a visiting North Korean delegation that ties between the two countries would survive current “tempests” and be “replenished.” The weeklong exercise that starts today was planned long before the latest tensions but its scale—40,000 personnel involved in the simulated defense of an island—reflects concern about Chinas rapid emergence as a military power.
Section B
Directions: Translate the following passage from Chinese into English.
4月22日(上周日),中俄海上聯合軍事演習在中國青島附近黃海水域拉開帷幕,演習將持續至27日。 中方參演兵力包括艦艇16艘、潛艇2艘。俄羅斯海軍太平洋艦隊派出4艘軍艦和3艘補給艦。聯合演習的主題是“海上聯合防禦和保衛海上交通線作戰”,重點演練聯合護航、聯合搜救、聯合反潛以及解救被劫船舶等科目。
Ⅴ Writing Practice
Directions: Write a composition with no less than 150 words to illustrate why joint military drills seem essential to militaries all over the world. Give a proper title by yourself. You should focus on the points given below.
1. 全球範圍內聯合軍演現狀;
2. 聯合軍演的目的;
3. 聯合軍演的作用。
Text B
U.S. Military Exercises
1The more you sweat in peace time, the less you bleed in combat.
2The CJCS[1] Exercise Program is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs principal vehicle for achieving joint and multinational training. The Joint Staffs exercise budget funds only the transportation of personnel and equipment to these worldwide exercises. The program provides combatant commanders with their primary means to train battle staffs and forces in joint and combined operations, to evaluate war plans, and to execute their engagement strategies. It provides an opportunity to stress strategic transportation and C4I systems and evaluate their readiness and supportability across the full range of military operations. This critical program also provides a vehicle for the Department of Defense to assess the militarys ability to satisfy joint national security requirements and to enhance and evaluate interoperability between the Services, as well as exercise critical Serviceunique deployment and redeployment skills.
3Another notable departure from servicecentric tradition is the decision to phase out socalled Title 10 war games, which typically had been conducted by each service to showcase their individual capabilities. That is no longer acceptable at the Pentagon. Title 10 war games are being replaced by joint war games.
4CJCS Exercise Program supports all DoD corporate goals but most particularly “shape the international environment and respond to the full spectrum of crises by providing appropriately sized, positioned and mobile forces.” The CJCS exercise program, a key component of the Joint Training System(JTS), is the chairmans principal vehicle for achieving joint and multinational training. In addition to the obvious contributions to readiness and strategic access, this program provides political and diplomatic returns well beyond its relatively low cost. Exercises demonstrate U.S. resolve and capability to project military power anywhere in the world in support of U.S. national interests and in support of U.S. allies.
5These combined exercises include both CJCS exercises and other CINC exercises that are not under the CJCS exercise program. Further, the CJCS exercise program includes combinations of joint, combined, and single Service exercises. Combined exercises are defined as those exercises, both overseas and CONUS[2], which have foreign nation participation. Some of these exercises, such as the Partnership for Peace(PFP)[3] or the New Horizons series exercises, can include numerous exercises combined within those headings(i.e. for FY[4] 2000 USEUCOM[5] has 16 exercises combined under PFP).
6To reduce the impact of OPTEMPO on people, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs directed an overall 30 percent reduction in joint exercise mandays between FY96 and FY01—a goal that was met. Additionally, this directive resulted in reducing the number of joint exercises from 277 in FY96 to 189 in FY00. The additional FY00 Congressional reductions in the CJCS Exercise Program Service Incremental Funding made it more difficult for this important program to match essential training with the need to reduce OPTEMPO/
PERSTEMPO. In accordance with Defense Planning Guidance, the Joint Staff rebaselined this program, having achieved the 30 percent requirement for cumulative manday reductions by FY 2001.
7United States military forces are permitted to carry out humanitarian assistance projects and activities as part of training operations overseas. These deployments are an integral aspect of maintaining a forward U.S. military presence, ensuring operational readiness to respond to crises, and preparing the Reserve Components for their wartime missions. Humanitarian and Civic Assistance(HCA[6]) activities are conducted in conjunction with authorized military operations and are authorized by 10 USC Section 401.
8Experience with live ordnance and exposure to live fire conditions are essential to combat readiness and are prerequisites for those who may be called to engage in combat. Foregoing this experience, for whatever reason, is likely to result in increased casualties and suboptimized performance in battle. Exposure to live ordnance rivets the attention of those who manage, handle and employ it with a combination of fear and reverence that inert ordnance cannot convey. The uncertainty and intimidation when working in a live fire environment can be significantly reduced by the practical experience of live ordnance training. Exposure to live ordnance in a high stress environment, as similar to actual combat conditions as reasonable, instills confidence in comrades, seniors and subordinates, and in their procedures and equipment. It provides an opportunity to practice the critical tasks and coordination essential to survival and success in combat. There is no realistic simulation for this experience.
9The use of live ordnance validates every aspect of weapon employment, including combat systems, fusing and arming of weapons, as well as the human factors involved. For effective delivery of live ordnance, ship, aircraft and combat systems must perform flawlessly from “magazine to target.” The performance of individuals using weapons loaded with live ordnance is based on actual results and target damage. Live ordnance training develops individuals who know when to—or when not to—deliver fires. Such skills are highly perishable, and practice is absolutely necessary to ensure accurate delivery of fires.
10The safety of U.S. forces in combat is significantly enhanced through the conduct of live ordnance training. Conventional ordnance incident reports, which document systems, equipment and procedural issues that affect the safety and reliability of weapons are generated largely from experience gained by training with live ordnance. The corrective action taken to remedy ordnance deficiencies improves combat readiness, equipment reliability and personal safety.
(917 words)
[1] CJCS參謀長聯席會議主席(美國)The acronym for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who is by law the highest ranking military officer in the United States Armed Forces, and is the principal military adviser to the President of the United States, the National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council and the Secretary of Defense. While the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff outranks all other officers, he does not have operational command authority over the Armed Forces; however, the Chairman does assist the President and the Secretary of Defense in exercising their command functions.
[2] CONUS美國本土;美國大陸A technical term used by the U.S. Department of Defense and General Services Administration(總務署), which has been defined both as the continental United States, and as the 48 contiguous states. The District of Columbia is not always specifically mentioned as being part of CONUS.
[3] the Partnership for Peace(PFP)和平夥伴關係(計劃)The acronym for Partnership for Peace, which is a North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO) program aimed at creating trust between NATO and other states in Europe and the former Soviet Union; 22 states are members. It was first proposed as an American initiative at the meeting of NATO defense ministers in Travemünde(特羅弗明德), Germany, on October 2021, 1993, and formally launched on January 1011, 1994 NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium.
[4] FY財政年度The acronym for fiscal year(or financial year, or sometimes budget year), which is a period used for calculating annual(“yearly”) financial statements in businesses and other organizations. In many jurisdictions(管轄區域), regulatory laws regarding accounting and taxation require such reports once per year, but do not require that the period reported on constitutes a calendar year(that is, January 1 to December 31). Fiscal years vary between businesses and countries. The “fiscal year” may also refer to the year used for income tax reporting.
[5] USEUCOM美國歐洲司令部The acronym for the United States European Command, which is one of nine Unified Combatant Commands of the United States Military, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany. Its area of focus covers 21,000,000 square miles(54,000,000 km2) and 51 countries and territories, including Europe, Russia, Iceland, Greenland and Israel. The Commander of EUCOM simultaneously serves as the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe(SACEUR) within NATO.
[6] HCA人道主義及民事援助The acronym for Humanitarian and Civic Assistance, which is the United States Department of Defenses(DoD) term for relief and development activities that take place in the context of an overseas military exercise, training or operation. Under the HCA program, U.S. military personnel participating in overseas deployments carry out humanitarian activities such as road and school construction, vaccination(接種疫苗) of children and animals, and welldigging. HCA programs are often executed with the involvement of hostcountry civilian and military personnel. U.S. National Guard or reserve units are involved in many HCA activities.
CINC(Commander in Chief)武裝部隊總司令
C4I(Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and [Military] Intelligence)指揮、控製、通信、計算機與情報
Defense Planning Guidance防務計劃指南
Joint Staff(美)聯合參謀部
Joint Training System(JTS)聯合訓練係統
live ordnance實彈(訓練)
Operations Tempo(OPTEMPO)作戰節奏
Personnel Tempo(PERSTEMPO)全體人員作戰速度
Reserve Component預備役部隊(美國)
war game軍事演習
cumulative\/kjumjltv/ adj. increasing by successive addition 累積的,漸增的
flawlessly\/fllsli/ adv. perfectly; with no flaw無瑕地,完美地
incremental\/krmentl/ adj. increasing gradually by regular degrees or additions增加的
inert\/nt/ adj. unable to move or resist motion 不動的,靜止的
interoperability\/ntrprblti/ n. (computer science) the ability to exchange and use information(usually in a large heterogeneous network made up of several local area networks) 互聯性,協同能力
intimidation\/ntmden/ n. being made to feel afraid or timid 恐嚇,脅迫
ordnance\/dnns/ n. ① large but transportable armament 軍械(如彈藥、軍車等)② military supplies 軍用品,軍需品
perishable\/perbl/ adj. ① liable to perish 易消亡的② subject to destruction or death or decay 易腐敗的
prerequisite\/prirekwzt/ n. something that is required in advance 先決條件,前提
reverence\/revrns/ n. a profound emotion inspired by a deity 尊敬,敬畏
rivet\/rvt/ v. direct ones attention on something 吸引住
n. metal pin or bolt for fastening two pieces of metal together 鉚釘
showcase\/kes/ v. present someones abilities in an attractive way 展現,展示
suboptimized\/sbptmazd/ adj. 次最優化的,局部最優化的
supportability\/sptblti/ n. the quality or state of being able to be supported 可支持,可忍受
validate\/vldet/ vt. ① declare or make legally valid 使合法化② prove valid 使生效③ show or confirm the validity of something 批準,確認
1. in accordance within agreement or harmony with 與……一致,依照
2. phase outterminate gradually 逐步結束
the Pentagon五角大樓(美軍國防部辦公大樓,通常指代美國防部,位於美國弗吉尼亞州)
Ⅰ. Reading Comprehension
Direction: Choose the best answer to each question with the information you got from the text.
1. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the CJCS Exercise Program?
(A) It is a principal vehicle for achieving joint and multinational training.
(B) It provides a vehicle for DoD to assess the militarys ability to satisfy joint national security requirements.
(C) It is a key component of the Partnership for Peace.
(D) It provides combatant commanders with their primary means to train battle staffs and forces in joint and combined operations.
2. What do exercises in CJCS exercise program?
(A) U.S. resolve and capability to project military power anywhere in the world in support of U.S. national interests and in support of U.S. allies.
(B) U.S. resolve and capability to conquer any country in the whole world.
(C) U.S. resolve and capability to fight against terrorism with other countries.
(D) U.S. resolve and capability to show its military power to the whole world.
3. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs directed an overall 30 percent reduction in joint exercise mandays FY 96 and FY 01 in order to .
(A) match essential training with the need to reduce OPTEMPO
(B) reduce the impact of OPTEMPO on people
(C) assess the militarys ability to fight against terrorism
(D) practice the critical tasks and succeed in combat
4. What is said about “live ordnance training” in the passage?
(A) It is essential to combat readiness and a prerequisite for engaging in combat.
(B) It can cause fewer casualties and optimized performance in battle.
(C) It can increase the uncertainty and intimidation of the people in combat.
(D) It is a good opportunity to work with people from other countries.
5. It can be inferred from the passage that the safety of U.S. forces in combat is .
(A) totally decided by live ordnance training
(B) awfully neglected by U.S. Military
(C) only important to soldiers in U.S. Military
(D) of great importance in U.S. Military
Ⅱ. Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words learned from text B. The first letter of each word has been given.
1. An initial assessment was carried out by an explosive o disposal team, which traveled to the scene from Edinburgh.
2. Mo did not want to be ruled by anyone and it is n that she never allowed the men in her life to eclipse(超越) her.
3. Terrorizing a community was perhaps not in your mind but the c effect meant the people lost trust in the community they lived.
4. Small, who also tried to i his former girlfriend into giving him a false alibi(不在犯罪現場的證明), was ordered to serve a minimum term of 34 years. He was convicted of murder last November.
5. But Obama and Putin did not announce any new initiatives to r the Syrian(敘利亞的) conflict, which has been a source of sharp disagreement between the two powers.
6. As Ukraine(烏克蘭) rushed to complete its new stadiums in time for June, the government hoped Euro 2012 would be a s for the country with up to a million visitors expected.
7. The ceremonies proceeded almost f, defying(經得住) speculation that everything from rain to protests to terrorism might disrupt Chinas moment of glory.
8. To avoid negative results, Begley says, some researchers may use only a selected part of the experimental data to produce more clearcut findings, or dont take the time to repeat critical experiments to v the results.
9. Morocco(摩洛哥) is taking the slow, evolutionary road to political development. One issue on which almost all Moroccans agree is r and respect for their young monarch(君主), King Mohammed Ⅵ.
10. Evolutions in technology and packaging mean a company can send its products—even p goods like sweets—anywhere in the world.
Section B
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.
engage in
phase out
in accordance with
in support of
provide a vehicle for
be permitted to
respond to
in conjunction with
1. Observers from the U.S.based Carter Center monitor this election. But they say they may not be able to determine whether the vote is free and fair because of electoral commission restrictions on their movements.
2. Baek says the drills send a message that both South Korea and the United States are strongly determined to jointly further North Korean provocations(挑釁) and demonstrate what Pyongyang could face.
3. Three years before that, the courts allowed an Indiana school board to fire a teacher who told her students that she had honked her car horn(按汽車喇叭) a rally(集會) against the war in Iraq.
4. Politicians should not business affairs that might affect their political judgment.
5. Many countries called for the immediate sanctions against the gulf state and the oilforfood humanitarian program.
6. What you do is to get new funds in as quickly as possible, the way to do that is to expand the shares available and that new funding to come in.
7. The U.S. leaders demanded Pakistan immediately release the doctor. Officials in Islamabad, however, insist Dr. Afridis case was decided the countrys justice system and the United States must respect the legal process.
8. The Deputy Commander of the Force, Maj. Gen. Andrew Foster, says his men are working the Congolese(剛果人的) Army to thwart any attempt by the rebels to advance on the town.
Part Ⅲ
Additional Themerelated Activities
Section AListening, Watching & Speaking
Passage Listening
Words & Expressions
apprehend\/prhend/ v. 逮捕,拘押
competence\/kmptns/ n. 能力,管轄權
mosque\/msk/ n. 清真寺
resilience\/rzlins/ n. 適應力,彈性
trafficker\/trfk/ n. 商人,販子,做(非法)買賣的人
pick up① 撿起② (尤指偶然地、無意地、不費勁地)得到,學會
Proper Names
Dari\/dri/ 達裏語(現代波斯語的一種,主要為阿富汗、伊朗、塔吉克斯坦、烏茲別克斯坦等國家使用)
Fort Riley\/rali/ 賴利堡基地(美國)
Major General少將
Task 1Spot Dictation
Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the exact words youve heard.
1. The training takes place in (1) complete with socalled enactors, usually Afghan Americans, who play the role of villagers and (2) .
2. Carrying out such an operation requires (1) and (2) .
3. Their goal and our goal are the same: (1) ,(2) , the terrorists and (3) .
4. This training is part of an effort to (1) his nations security forces, so that the country can (2) 30 years of war.
5. In the meantime, (1) says the training exercises with Afghan troops here contribute to making U.S. efforts in Afghanistan (2) .
Task 2Putting the Sentences in the Right Order
Directions: The following sentences are given in the wrong order. Put the sentences in order according to what youve heard, and write down the correct number in the brackets.
1. () Nagl and other U.S. officers praise the Afghans for their resilience and hard work.
2. () Gaining a better understanding of the Afghan people is a key factor in defeating alQaida and the Taliban.
3. () Troops from both countries can learn something from each other.
4. () The soldiers are raiding the suspected base of an insurgent group.
5. () This training is part of an effort to strengthen Afghans security forces.
6. () The Afghans train here with the vehicles, weapons and gear they will use back home.
Task 3Discussion (Oral Work)
Directions: Listen to the passage for the third time. Then discuss the following questions with your partner.
1. Why are Afghan soldiers here taking part in these exercises?
2. What do U.S. and Afghan soldiers learn from each other?
3. Do you think Afghan troops will one day be able to operate effectively alone? Why or why not?
Video Watching Ⅰ
Words & Expressions
aviator\/eviet(r)/ n. 飛行員
be committed to獻身於,致力於
dissuade\/dswed/ vt. 勸阻, 勸止
evade\/ved/ v. 逃避,躲避
invincible\/nvnsbl/ adj. 不能征服的,無敵的
provocation\/prvken/ n. 激怒, 刺激, 挑釁
torpedo\/tpid/ vt. 用魚雷進攻,故意破壞
Proper Names
jet fighter噴氣殲擊機
Korean peninsula朝鮮半島
Nimitzclass aircraft carrier尼米茲級
Osan Air Base烏山空軍基地(韓國)
tanker plane空中加油機
Task 1Questions and Answers
Directions: Watch the video clip and answer the following questions.
1. How long will the drill last and what is the codename of the drill?
2. What does the exercise aim at according to U.S. military officials?
3. What do the war games involve?
4. What do you know about USS George Washington according to the video clip?
Task 2Spot Dictation
Directions: Watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks with the exact words youve heard.
1. The exercise is (1) in nature, and designed to (2) and deter further provocation from North Korea.
2. The Republic of Korea Air Force and the United States (1) providing the right combat power with the necessary fire power to protect the Republic of Korea and (2) .
3. The U.S. air forces (1) , the worlds most advanced military aircraft, was also shown at the U.S. (2) , south of Seoul.
4. Jet fighters being (1) by (2) were also shown to media as part of the drill.
Task 3Summarizing (Oral Work)
Directions: Watch the video clip for the third time and then summarize the main idea with the help of the following key words or expressions.
military drill
regional stability
USS George Washington
Video Watching Ⅱ
Words & Expressions
be intended to旨在,以……為目的
besiege\/bsid/ vt. 圍困,圍攻,包圍
boost\/bust/ v. 促進,提高,增加
intervention\/ntvenn/ n. 介入,幹涉
turmoil\/tml/ n. 騷動,混亂
verify\/verfa/ vt. 核實,證明
Proper Names
Shenyang Military Area Command(原)沈陽軍區
Tajikistan\/tdkstn/ 塔吉克斯坦(中亞國家)
Task 1True or False Statements
Directions: Watch the video clip and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True or F for False before each statement.
1. Peace Missions in 2005, 2007 and 2009 between China and Russia were held under the framework of the Beijing Cooperation Organization.
2. Peace Mission 2005 was held in East Chinas Shandong Province.
3. Peace Mission 2007 involved more than 30,000 personnel from almost all members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
4. Peace Mission 2009 was aimed at third countries to enhance the capability to face new challenges and threats in antiterrorism operations.
5. An additional two SinoRussian military exercises will be launched in 2012.
Task 2Spot Dictation
Directions: Watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks with the exact words youve heard.
1. Peace Mission 2005 consisted of combined land, sea and air forces, (1) an intervention in a state (2) by terrorists or political turmoil.
2. Peace Mission 2007 aimed to test the ability to (1) at longdistances, and to provide (2) for rapidly building up combat forces in dealing with (3) in neighbouring regions.
3. Peace Mission 2009 was intended to (1) operation plans and capabilities to respond to (2).
Task 3Debate (Oral Work)
Directions: Watch the video clip for the third time. Then work in groups and debate on the following topic.
Do SinoRussian Joint Military Exercises Show Potential Military Alliance?
Section BThemerelated Oral Tasks
PLA Kicks off the Largest LongRange
Tactical Military Exercise
The Chinese Peoples Liberation Army(PLA) on Tuesday launched its largestever tactical military exercise, involving the deployment of about 50,000 heavilyarmored troops over thousands of miles to test the PLAs longdistance mobility.
According to the PLA General Staff Headquarters, in charge of organizing the exercise “Stride2009”, one army division from each of the military commands of Shenyang, Lanzhou, Jinan and Guangzhou, will participate in a series of livefire drills lasting for two months.
Unlike previous annual tactical exercises, the army divisions and their air units will be deployed in unfamiliar areas far from their garrison training bases by civilian rail and air transport.
The division from northeast Shenyang Military Command will be transported to northwest Lanzhou Military Command. Troops from east Jinan Military Command and south Guangzhou Military Command will be exchanged.
In the unprecedented exercise, one of the PLAs major objectives will be to improve its capacity of longrange projection.
The General Staff Headquarters, which have been preparing for the exercise for three months, will coordinate with Chinas civilian airlines to use passenger and cargo flights to complement Air Force transport.
All heavy weapon systems, such as tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, will be carried by rail, and lightly armored troops deployed to Jinan Military Command will go by China Railway HighSpeed(CRH) trains traveling at up to 350 kilometers per hour.
Although the PLAs logistic capacities have been greatly improved, it still requires greater coordination and efforts to conduct joint operations and longrange force projection.
The livefire drills of the “Stride2009” exercise will be conducted in four tactical training bases respectively in the four military commands. The PLA will introduce a newlydeveloped laserbeam combat simulation system by which the troops in each base will be divided into Red and Blue rivals to carry out fights.
Laser transmitters and receivers installed in the soldiers weapons and helmets, as well as similar laser devices in larger weapon systems, enable the troops to conduct nearly real combat without shedding blood.
The troops involved in the exercise will also adopt Chinas Beidou or COMPASSG2 satellite(北鬥導航衛星) communication and positioning system for an encrypted communication between the PLAs headquarters and the divisions to reduce the dependence on foreign communication systems.
On Tuesday morning, the division from Lanzhou Military Command started to mobilize, heading for the PLAs Taonan Tactical Training Base in Jilin Province of Shenyang Military Command.
More than 700 military vehicles advanced across the Yellow River through a 250meter long pontoon bridge built by the Lanzhou divisions engineering regiment at a ferry place in northwest Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.
The divisions forward command post and special unit took off from a northeast air base on two Boeing 737800 civilian passenger jet airliners. Another group of heavy equipment carried on two chartered trains also departed from railway stations in the regions capital Yinchuan and Qingtongxia.
The personnel and equipment mobilized on Tuesday will be followed up by the rest of the 13,000 troops of the Lanzhou division—which will be transported through five provinces and regions, day and night, to reach the Taonan base.
The Lanzhou Military Command also deployed fighters, attackers and gunships from its army aviation force to provide air cover for the longdistance maneuver and participate in the livefire drills at the tactical training base in Shenyang Military Command.
The exercise will also focus on suppressing adversarys electronic devices and countermeasures under a complex electromagnetic environment, said Maj. Gen. Cui Yafeng, general director of the exercise involving the Lanzhou division at Taonan base.
Chen Hu, executive chief editor of the World Military Affairs Magazine, said longdistance mobility was crucial for the PLA to deal with diversified threats and responsibilities in the future.
“The longrange mobility is a fundamental capacity for the PLA to perform other duties,” Chen said. “The increasing attention to the improvement of the capability especially after the Wenchuan earthquake has become one of the PLAs priorities.”
After the 8.0magnitude quake on May 12 last year, many PLA ground troops headed for the epicenter were stranded outside the mountainous region in the Sichuan Province.
The Air Force units could also provide limited support to relieve the disaster hit local residents due to lack of large helicopters and transporters.
Words & Expressions
coordinate\/kdnet/ v. 協調,協同adj. 同等的, 同等級的
encrypt\/InkrIpt\/ v. 把……加密(或編碼)
epicenter\/epsent(r)/ n. [地]震中,中心
follow up跟著,追逐
involve in使參與(陷入,牽扯到)
livefire drill實彈演習
mountainous\/mantns/ adj. 多山的;巨大的
pontoon\/pntun\/ n. 浮橋平台
projection\/prdekn/ n. 投送;設計;放映
strand\/strnd/ v. 擱淺;陷入困境
Proper Names
China Railway HighSpeed(CRH)中國鐵路高速列車
General Staff Headquarters(原)總參謀部
Guangzhou Military Command(原)廣州軍區
Jinan Military Command(原)濟南軍區
Lanzhou Military Command(原)蘭州軍區
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region寧夏回族自治區
Tactical Training Base戰術訓練基地
World Military Affairs《世界軍事》雜誌
Task 1Questions for Discussion
Directions: Read the passage and then discuss the following questions with your partner.
1. Whats the difference between previous annual tactical exercises and “Stride2009”?
2. Why will the General Staff Headquarters coordinate with Chinas civilian airlines and railways in the exercise?
3. Whats the influence of the Wenchuan earthquake on the building of the PLA?
Task 2Writing
Directions: Boil the passage down to(減縮成) 200 words. In your article, you must include all the key information from the passage.
Unit FourMilitary Holidays
Part Ⅰ
Prereading Activities
Words & Expressions
a cluster of一群,一組,一串
coincide with符合,與……相一致
enterprising spirit進取心,進取精神
entrepreneur/ntrprn(r)/ n. 企業家,主辦人
equality/ikwlti/ n. 同等,平等
fallen/fln/ adj. 倒下的,犧牲的
fire up生火,煽動
in defense of為……辯護,為保證……
ingenuity/ndnjuti/ n. 機靈,獨創性,靈活性
in short總之,簡言之
kick back反彈,平靜下來
patriot/petrit/ n. 愛國者
pay tribute to稱讚,歌頌
porch/pt/ n. 門廊,走廊
prosperous/prsprs/ adj. 繁榮的
reflect/rflekt/ v. 反映,表現
remembrance/rmembrns/ n. 記憶,紀念
resilience/rzlins/ n. 恢複力,順應力
steadfast/stedfst/ adj. 堅定的,穩固的
trench/trent/ n. 溝渠,戰壕
Proper Names
Columbus/klmbs/ 哥倫布(美國俄亥俄州首府)
Concord/kkd/ 康科德(美國新罕布什爾州首府)
Inchon/ntn/ 仁川(韓國西北部一港口)
Khe Sanh溪山(越南)
Lexington/lekstn/ 列克星敦(美國馬薩諸塞州一城市)
Marjah 馬爾賈(阿富汗省份)
Mississippi/msspi/ 密西西比河, 密西西比州(美國州名)
Mosul/msul/ 摩蘇爾(伊拉克北部城市)
Task 1Questions for Discussion
Directions: Watch the video clip and then discuss the following questions.
1 Why did President Obama say “Our calling on Memorial Day is different” according to the video?
2 What are the reasons why America emerged from a cluster of colonies to become the most prosperous, most powerful nation on earth according to President Obama?
3 What happened on April 25, 1866?
Task 2True or False Statements
Directions: Watch the video clip again and then decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True or F for False before each statement.
1 Its fitting every day to pay tribute to the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States of America.
2 There are any number of reasons why America emerged from its humble beginnings as a cluster of colonies to become the most prosperous, most powerful nation on earth.
3 Memorial Day is one such day when we are called to honour Americans whove fought under our countrys flag.
4 An organization of Civil War veterans established what became Memorial Day, selecting a date that coincided with the time when flowers were in bloom.
Part Ⅱ
Readingcentered Activities
Text A
Honouring All Who Served
—Veterans Day[1]
1Many Americans mistakenly believe that Veterans Day is the day America sets aside to honour American military personnel who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained from combat. Thats not quite true. Memorial Day is the day set aside to honour Americas war dead.
2Veterans Day, on the other hand, honours all American veterans, both living and dead. In fact, Veterans Day is largely intended to thank living veterans for dedicated and loyal service to their country. November 11 of each year is the day that we ensure veterans know that we deeply appreciate the sacrifices they have made in the lives to keep our country free.
Armistice Day[2]
3To commemorate the ending of the “Great War”(World War Ⅰ), an “unknown soldier” was buried in highest place of honour in both England and France(in England, Westminster Abbey[3]; in France, the Arc de Triomphe[4]). These ceremonies took place on November 11, celebrating the ending of World War Ⅰ hostilities at 11 a.m., November 11, 1918(the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month). This day became known internationally as “Armistice Day.”
4In 1921, the United States of America followed France and England by laying to rest the remains of a World War Ⅰ American soldier—his name “known but to God”—on a Virginia hillside overlooking the city of Washington, D.C. and the Potomac River. This site became known as “the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,” and today is called “the Tomb of the Unknowns.” Located in Arlington National Cemetery[5], the tomb symbolizes dignity and reverence for the American veteran.
5In America, November 11 officially became known as Armistice Day through an act of Congress in 1926. It wasnt until 12 years later, through a similar act that Armistice Day became a national holiday.
6The entire world thought that World War Ⅰ was the “war to end all wars.” Had this been true, the holiday might still be called Armistice Day today. That dream was shattered in 1939 when World War Ⅱ broke out in Europe. More than 400,000 American service members died during that horrific war.
Veterans Day
7In 1947, Raymond Weeks, of Birmingham Ala., organized a “Veterans Day” parade on November 11 to honour all of Americas veterans for their loyal and dedicated service. Shortly thereafter, Congressman Edward H. Rees(Kansas) introduced legislation to change the name of Armistice Day to Veterans Day in order to honour all veterans who have served the United States in all wars.
8In 1954, President Eisenhower signed a bill proclaiming November 11 as Veterans Day, and called upon Americans everywhere to rededicate themselves to the cause of peace. He issued a Presidential Order directing the head of the Veterans Administration(now called the Department of Veterans Affairs), to form a Veterans Day National Committee to organize and oversee the national observance of Veterans Day.
9Congress passed legislation in 1968 to move Veterans Day to the fourth Monday in October. However, as it became apparent that November 11 was historically significant to many Americans, in 1978, Congress reversed itself and returned the holiday to its traditional date.
Veterans Day national ceremony
10At exactly 11 a.m., each November 11, a color guard, made up of members from each of the military branches, renders honours to Americas war dead during a heartmoving ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery.
11The President or his representative places a wreath at the Tomb and a bugler sounds Taps. The balance of the ceremony, including a “Parade of Flags” by numerous veterans service organizations, takes place inside the Memorial Amphitheater, adjacent to the Tomb.
12In addition to planning and coordinating the National Veterans Day Ceremony, the Veterans Day National Committee supports a number of Veterans Day Regional Sites. These sites conduct Veterans Day celebrations that provide excellent examples for other communities to follow.
Veterans Day observance
13Veterans Day is always observed on November 11, regardless of the day of the week on which it falls. The Veterans Day National Ceremony is always held on Veterans Day itself, even if the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday. However, like all other federal holidays, when it falls on a nonworkday—Saturday or Sunday—the federal government employees take the day off on Monday(if the holiday falls on Sunday) or Friday(if the holiday falls on Saturday).
14Federal government holiday observance(for federal employees, including military) is established by federal law. Federal government establishes the following public holidays for Federal employees: New Years Day, Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., Washingtons Birthday(Presidents Day), Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
15This federal law does not apply to state and local governments. They are free to determine local government closings(including school closings) locally. As such, there is no legal requirement that schools close of Veterans Day, and many do not. However, most schools hold Veterans Day activities on Veterans Day and throughout the week of the holiday to honour American veterans.
Veterans Day around the world
16Many other countries honour their veterans on November 11 of each year. However, the name of the holiday and the types of ceremonies differ from the Veterans Day activities in the United States.
17Canada, Australia and Great Britain refer to their holidays as “Remembrance Day[6].” Canada and Australia observe the day on November 11, and Great Britain conducts their ceremonies on the Sunday nearest to November 11.
18In Canada, the observance of “Remembrance Day” is actually quite similar to the United States, in that the day is set aside to honour all of Canadas veterans, both living and dead. One notable difference is that many Canadians wear a red poppy flower on November 11 to honour their war dead, while the “red poppy” tradition is observed in the United States on Memorial Day.
19In Australia, “Remembrance Day” is very much like Americas Memorial Day, in that its considered a day to honour Australian veterans who died in war.
20In Great Britain, the day is commemorated by church services and parades of exservice members in Whitehall, a wide ceremonial avenue leading from Londons Parliament Square to Trafalgar Square. Wreaths of poppies are left at the Cenotaph, a war memorial in Whitehall, which was built after the First World War. At the Cenotaph and elsewhere in the country, a twominute silence is observed at 11 a.m., to honour those who lost their lives in wars.
Have you hugged your veteran today?
21One of the most personal and meaningful Veterans Day activities for people is to send notes or cards to hospitalized veterans or those living in veterans homes. Or, better yet, visit a veteran in a local veterans hospital or veterans home. The best way to have a “happy Veterans Day” is to do something special to make a veteran happy.
(1,157 words)
[1] Veterans Day美國退伍軍人節November 11, observed in the United States in honour of veterans of the armed services and in commemoration of the armistice that ended World War Ⅰ in 1918. In 1954 it was renamed from Armistice Day and given the added significance of honouring veterans.
[2] Armistice Day休戰紀念日November 11, formerly observed in the United States in commemoration of the signing of the armistice ending World War Ⅰ in 1918. Since 1954 it has been incorporated into the observances of Veterans Day.
[3] Westminster Abbey威斯敏斯特教堂Londons premier church, part of the Church of England. It was built by Edward the Confessor and opened in 1065.
[4] Arc de Triomphe(Arch of Triumph)凱旋門The worlds largest triumphal arch(凱旋門), the Arc de Triomphe stands at one end of Avenue des ChampsElysées(香榭麗舍大街), in the center of Place Charles de Gaulle(戴高樂廣場).
It was conceived by Napoleon I to commemorate his military victories. The arch
was completed in 1836; it stands 164 ft/50 m high, 148 ft/45 m wide and 72 ft/22 m deep. In 1920, the body of an unknown soldier killed in World War Ⅰ was interred(埋葬) beneath the arch and an eternal flame was lit. Every evening at 6:30, the flame is revived.
[5] Arlington National Cemetery美國阿靈頓國家公墓A national burial ground at the Potomac River, in Arlington County, Virginia. It became a military cemetery in 1864 by order of the Secretary of War, and on May 13, 1864, a Confederate prisoner was the first soldier buried there. Since then, some soldiers from all subsequent wars in which the United States has participated have been buried in the cemetery, including a few officers of the Revolutionary War. Memorials located at the site include the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier(無名烈士墓).
[6] Remembrance Day榮軍紀念日The Sunday closest to November 11, observed in Canada and Great Britain in commemoration of those killed in the World Wars.
color guard 護旗隊
exservice member 退役軍人
service member 現役軍人
the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiera memorial to soldiers killed in battle, located at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia 無名烈士墓
veteran/vetrn/ n. an old soldier who has seen long service 老兵,退伍軍人
veterans home 老兵療養院(又叫veterans hospital)
war dead 陣亡將士
act /kt/ n. a law that has been passed by a parliament 法令,法案
adjacent/desnt/ adj. nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space鄰近的,接近的
amphitheater/mft(r)/ n. a sloping gallery with seats for spectators(as in an operating room or theater) 競技場,似圓形劇場的場所
bill/bl/ n. a draft of a proposed law presented for approval to a legislative body 議案, 法案
bugler/bjul(r)/ n. someone who plays a bugle 喇叭手
dedicated/dedketd/ adj. given entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause專注的,獻身的
dignity/dnti/ n. the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect 尊嚴,高貴
historically/hstrkli/ adv. from the point of view of history 在曆史上,從曆史觀點上說
hospitalize/hsptlaz/ v. admit... into a hospital 使……住院
hostility/hstlti/ n. the state of being hostile 敵意,敵對
legislation/ledslen/ n. law enacted by a legislative body 立法,法律的製定(或通過)
observance/bzvns/ n. the act of observing 儀式,慶祝
overlook/vlk/ v. ① look down on 俯瞰,遠眺② not to notice 忽略,忽視
poppy/ppi/ n. annual or biennial or perennial herbs having showy flowers [植]罌粟,深紅色
rededicate /rdedket/ v. dedicate anew 再次奉獻
remains /rmenz/ n. the dead body of a human being 遺骸
representative/reprzenttv/ n. a person who represents others 代表
reverence /revrns/ n. great respect and admiration mixed with love 敬畏,尊敬
reverse/rvs/ v. turn inside out or upside down 顛倒,倒轉
symbolize/smblaz/ v. represent or identify by using a symbol 象征
taps /tps/ n. a signal given on a bugle, drum, etc. indicating that lights are to be put out or as used at a military funeral 熄燈號,葬禮的安息號
thereafter/erft(r)/ adv. from that time on 其後,從那時以後
wreath/ri/ n. arrangement of flowers or leaves, esp. in a circle, such as one given at a funeral 花圈,花環
1 in that[formal] in or into that thing or place 由於,因為
2 make up ofput together, construct or compose 構成,組成
3 refer tomake mention or reference 提到,談到,參考
4 regardless ofin spite of 不管,不顧
Birmingham, Ala[美]阿拉巴馬州的伯明翰市
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.馬丁·路德·金誕辰日
Columbus Day[美]哥倫布發現美洲紀念日
Edward H. Rees愛德華·H.裏斯
Memorial Amphitheater露天會場紀念館
Memorial Day[美]陣亡將士紀念日
Parliament Square[英]議會廣場
Presidential Order總統(行政)令
Raymond Weeks雷蒙德·威克斯
the Department of Veterans Affairs[美]退伍軍人事務部
the Potomac River波托馬克河(美國一河流)
Trafalgar Square[英]特拉法爾加廣場
Veterans Administration[美國]退伍軍人管理局
Veterans Day National Committee[美]退伍軍人節全國委員會
Veterans Day Regional Sites退伍軍人節地區紀念點
Washingtons Birthday華盛頓誕辰紀念日(又叫Presidents Day)
Ⅰ Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: Answer the following questions based on the information provided in the text.
1 Whats the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day according to the passage? Give an example to illustrate it.
2 What is Armistice Day? Please say something about this day.
3 How do American people celebrate Veterans Day at the national ceremony of this day?
4 What day do other countries observe to honour their veterans according to the passage?
5 What is one of the most personal and meaningful Veterans Day activities according to the author?
Section B
Directions: Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false according to the text. Write T for True or F for False before each statement.
1 Veterans Day is the day America sets aside to honour American military personnel who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained from combat.
2 Memorial Day is the day set aside to honour Americas war dead.
3 November 11 of each year is the day that Americans ensure veterans know that American people deeply appreciate the sacrifices they have made in the lives to keep their country free.
4 To commemorate the ending of the “Great War”(World War Ⅰ), an “unknown soldier” was buried in highest place of honour in both England and France.
5 In 1927, the United States of America followed France and England by laying to rest the remains of a World War Ⅰ American soldier on a Virginia hillside overlooking the city of Washington, D.C. and the Potomac River.
6 In 1954, President Ulysses S. Grant signed a bill proclaiming November 11 as Veterans Day, and called upon Americans everywhere to rededicate themselves to the cause of peace.
7 The entire world thought that World War Ⅰ was the “war to end all wars.”
8 One of the most personal and meaningful Veterans Day activities for people is to send notes or cards to hospitalized veterans or those living in veterans homes.
Ⅱ Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Make changes where necessary.
1 The F X16s and other military equipment will help protect Iraqs sovereignty, meet defense needs and the longterm security partnership, according to the joint statement.
2 The government will present both versions to all political parties before it introduces the in parliament for its approval next month.
3 “There is nothing more sacred, there is nothing that is a more profound obligation than treating our fallen with , dignity and respect,” Schwartz said during a Pentagon news conference this afternoon.
4 When patients with SARS massively, the department of nursing administration should take some measures to deploy timely, add and adjust nursing resource flexibly.
5 So this weekend, as we Memorial Day, I ask you to hold all our fallen heroes in your hearts, and if you can, to lay a flower where they have come to rest.
6 I mean, everybody acknowledges this cannot be done with troops alone, but troops are essential at least in the near term to try to the slide in some parts of the country in security.
7 The Palestinians would balk at(回避) that as far too much, even if they got the equivalent acreage(麵積) back, perhaps to the Gaza Strip.
8 House Democrats still have the votes to push the through their chamber(議院) before the outgoing Congress retires at the end of the year, and then dare the Republicans to block it in the Senate.
It would be fatal for the nation to the urgency of the moment.
10 The is one of many in the United States and around the world to mark the 91st anniversary of the ceasefire agreement that ended the battles of World War Ⅰ.
Section B
Directions: Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the text with the help of the Chinese given in the brackets.
1 his historic flight he became an international hero and legend.(由於,作為……的結果)
2 the pursuit of health and respect for animals, people who choose to be vegetarians also say they have no confidence in the safety of meat.(除……之外)
3 The task force, about 160 investigators, analysts, linguists and other specialists, plans to conduct 11 more field activities in 2000, 5 each in Vietnam and Laos and 1 in Cambodia.(由……組成,由……構成)
4 I do not know anyone, the side they took in the initial debate, who thinks this task will be easy; indeed, the battle against Col. Gaddafi is not yet won.(不管)
5 “Our responsibility to the Department of Defense is to ensure that we can still execute the core missions of the department that the president assigns to us, critical infrastructure goes down,” Stockton said.(雖然)
6 When investigating a problem, a system administrator can then this document to quickly identify the affected application(s), and contact the appropriate people who can help further.(參考)
7 Nonetheless, the crew members will know that, if a mission to the Red Planet ever does , they will have played a significant part in it.(發生)
8 He said the terrorist attacks, however devastating, did not succeed, they did not break the spirit of their many victims.(因為)
Ⅲ Reading Practice
Directions: The passage below is followed by 5 multiplechoice questions. Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answer.
Memorial Day, perhaps more than any other holiday, was born of human necessity. Deep inside all of us lie a fundamental desire to make sense of life and our place in it and the world. What we have been given, what we will do with it and what we will pass to the next generation are all part of an unfolding history, a continuum that links one soul to another.
Abraham Lincoln pondered these thoughts in the late fall of 1863 His darkest fear was that he might well be the last President of the United States, a nation embroiled in the selfdestruction of what he described as “a great civil war” testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. He began his remarks with those words as he stood on the battlefield near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 19 of that year. The minutes speech that became known as Lincolns Gettysburg Address turned into what might be called the first observance of Memorial Day. Lincolns purpose that day was to dedicate a portion of the battlefield as a cemetery for the thousands of men, both living and dead, who consecrated that soil in the sacrifice of battle.
About that same time in 1865, a druggist in Waterloo, New York, Henry C. Welles, began promoting the idea of decorating the graves of Civil War veterans. He gained the support of the Seneca County Clerk, General John B. Murray, and they formed a committee to make wreaths, crosses and bouquets for each veterans grave.
Also, as the Civil War was coming to a close in the spring of 1865, Womens Auxiliaries of the North and South moved from providing relief to the families and soldiers on their own sides to joining in efforts to preserve and decorate the graves of both sides. A woman of French extraction and leader of the Virginia Womens Movement, Cassandra Oliver Moncure, took responsibility of coordinating the activities of several groups into a combined ceremony on May 30. It is said that she picked that day because it corresponded to the Day of Ashes in France, a solemn day that commemorates the return of the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte to France from St. Helena.
In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated on the last Monday in May.(Veterans Day, a day set aside to honour all veterans, living and dead, is celebrated each year on November 11.)
Today, Memorial Day is celebrated at Arlington National Cemetery with a ceremony in which a small American flag is placed on each grave. Also, it is customary for the President or VicePresident to give a speech honouring the contributions of the dead and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. About 5,000 people attend the ceremony annually.
Perhaps General Logans proclamation was simply the making official of what the nation yearned for and spontaneously began to form after the near total destruction of the Civil War. It is that sharing of loss, honouring the sacrifices of those who made possible the lives we enjoy today, and family connections across the generations that keep Memorial Day in our hearts...and always will.
1 Why might Lincolns Gettysburg Address be called the first observance of Memorial Day?
(A) Because Memorial Day, more than any other holiday, was born of human necessity.
(B) Because Lincoln feared that he might well be the last Psresident of the United States.
(C) Because Lincoln declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated.
(D) Because Lincoln wanted to dedicate Gettysburg to honour those who fought in Civil War.
2 Where is Memorial Day celebrated?
(A) Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
(B) Waterloo, New York.
(C) Arlington National Cemetery.
(D) Seneca County.
3 Who dedicated to promoting the idea of decorating the graves of Civil War veterans?
(A) Abraham Lincoln.
(B) Henry C. Welles.
(C) Cassandra Oliver Moncure.
(D) General Logan.
4 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
(A) Memorial Day is celebrated on November 11 each year.
(B) Memorial Day was declared a national holiday to be celebrated by Congress in 1865.
(C) Henry C. Welles formed a committee to make wreaths, crosses and bouquets for each veterans grave on his own.
(D) On Memorial Day a small American flag is placed on each grave at Arlington National Cemetery.
5 What is Memorial Day inclined to commemorate nowadays?
(A) Americans who have died in all wars.
(B) Thousands of Americans, both living and dead, who consecrated(犧牲) in Civil War.
(C) All veterans, living and dead.
(D) The return of the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte to France from St. Helena.
Ⅳ Translating Practice
Section A
Directions: Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.
Today, our Nation comes together to honour our veterans and commemorate the legacy of profound service and sacrifice they have upheld in pursuit of a more perfect Union. Through their steadfast defense of Americas ideals, our service members have ensured our country still stands strong, our founding principles still shine, and nations around the world know the blessings of freedom. As we offer our sincere appreciation and respect to our veterans, to their families, to those who are still in harms way, and to those we have laid to rest, let us rededicate ourselves to serving them as well as they have served the United States of America.
Section B
Directions: Translate the following passage from Chinese into English.
Ⅴ Writing Practice
Directions: Write a short essay entitled “The Observance of the Army Day in China” following the outline below. You should finish the essay with no less than 150 words.
1 中國的建軍節日益升溫已成為趨勢;
2 建軍節這天我們國家和個人進行各種各樣的活動;
3 你對這種現象的態度。
Text B
Ten Facts About Memorial Day[1]
1Memorial Day is more than just a threeday weekend and a chance to get the years first sunburn. Heres a handy 10pack of facts to give the holiday some perspective.
It started with the Civil War[2]
2Memorial Day was a response to the unprecedented carnage of the Civil War, in which some 620,000 soldiers on both sides died. The loss of life and its effect on communities throughout the North and South led to spontaneous commemorations of the dead.
3In 1864, women from Boalsburg, Pennsylvania, put flowers on the graves of their dead from the justfought Battle of Gettysburg[3]. The next year, a group of women decorated the graves of soldiers buried in a Vicksburg, Mississippi, cemetery.
4In April, 1866, women from Columbus, Mississippi, laid flowers on the graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers. It was recognized at the time as an act of healing regional wounds. In the same month, up in Carbondale, Illinois, 219 Civil War veterans marched through town in memory of the fallen to Woodlawn Cemetery[4], where Union hero Maj. Gen. John A. Logan delivered the principal address. The ceremony gave Carbondale its claim to the first organized, communitywide Memorial Day observance. Although many towns claimed the title, it was Waterloo that won congressional recognition as the “birthplace of Memorial Day.”
General Logan made it official
5Gen. Logan, the speaker at the Carbondale gathering, also was commander of the Grand Army of the Republic[5], an organization of Union veterans. On May 5, 1868, he issued General Orders No.11, which set aside May 30, 1868, “for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion...” The orders expressed hope that the observance would be “kept up from year to year while a survivor of the war remains to honour the memory of his departed comrades.”
It was first known as Decoration Day
6From the practice of decorating graves with flowers, wreaths and flags, the holiday was long known as Decoration Day. The name Memorial Day goes back to 1882, but the older name didnt disappear until after World War Ⅱ. Federal law declared “Memorial Day” the official name in 1967.
The holiday is a franchise
7Calling Memorial Day a “national holiday” is a bit of a misnomer. While there are 11 “federal holidays” created by Congress—including Memorial Day—they apply only to Federal employees and the District of Columbia. Federal Memorial Day, established in 1888, allowed Civil War veterans, many of whom were drawing a government paycheck, to honour their fallen comrades without being docked a days pay.
8For the rest of us, our holidays were enacted state by state. New York was the first state to designate Memorial Day a legal holiday in 1873 Most Northern states had followed suit by the 1890s. The states of the former Confederacy were unenthusiastic about a holiday memorializing those who, in Gen. Logans words, “united to suppress the late rebellion.” The South didnt adopt the May 30 Memorial Day until after World War Ⅰ, by which time its purpose had been broadened to include those who died in all the countrys wars.
9In 1971, the Monday Holiday Law[6] shifted Memorial Day from May 30, to the last Monday of the month.
It was James Garfields finest hour—or maybe hourandahalf
10On May 30, 1868, President Ulysses S. Grant presided over the first Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery—which, until 1864, was Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lees plantation.
11Some 5,000 people attended on a spring day which, the New York Times reported, was “somewhat too warm for comfort.” The principal speaker was James A. Garfield, a Civil War general, Republican congressman from Ohio and future president.
12“I am oppressed with a sense of the impropriety of uttering words on this occasion,” Garfield began, and then continued to utter them. “If silence is ever golden, it must be beside the graves of 15,000 men, whose lives were more significant than speech, and whose death was a poem the music of which can never be sung.” It went on like that for pages and pages.
13As the songs, speeches and sermons ended, the participants helped to decorate the graves of the Union and Confederate soldiers buried in the cemetery.