Full name: Japan. Japan, an island try in the Pacific O i Asia, brings a distinguished East Asian culture with both modernity and tradition. On Honshu Island, Mount Fuji rises proudly;in Himeji Castle, one could have a glimpse of typical Japanese palace. Kimono, sake, and sushi are the es
sence of Japahnic s.
Japan hosted Tokyo Asian Games(1958), Tokyo Summer Olympic Games(1964, 2020), Sapporo Winter Olympic Games (1972), Hiroshima Asian Games(1994), Nagano Winter Olympic Games(1998). The 20th Asian Games will be held in Nagoya in 2026. Traditional sports in Japan include sumo and kendo, etc.
Mount Fuji
Mount Fuji is an active volo straddling the boundary of Shizuoka and Yamanashi Prefectures. It is the highest mountain in Japan
and is a distinctive symbol of Japan.
Himeji Castle
Himeji Castle is a Japanese castle located in Himeji City. Its white plastered earthen walls have ear the name White Heron Castle.It is also called “the first premier castle in Japan”for its fine preservation.