The Philippines is also called the nation of uts. People in the Philip pireasure uts as the “tree of life”, upon which lots of the nation make a living.



Manila Cathedral

inally built in 1581, the Manila Cathedral is Romanesqu

e architecture.



Chocolate Hills

The Chocolate Hills, located in the middle of the Bohol Island, are fantastiatural series. There are more than 1,000 ical hills which are covered with green grass that turns brown during the dry season, just like chocolate bars.



Pagsanjan Ge

The Pagsanjan Ge, where the Pagsanjan Falls are located, is a narrow and verdant ge w

ith surging rapids and various natural series.



Characters on oe

Along the Pagsanjan Ge, visitors enjoy the valley sery of both cliffs and tropical plants on the oes. Those who prefer adventures have the option to take the oes through the curtain of the falls to feel the powerful casg water heading downstream.