第38章 THE TELEGRAM(4)(2 / 3)

There was a silence,during which all could hear the ticking of the clock on the table,and the three pairs eyes were fixed on Jewel with such varying expressions of amazement and disapproval that the child's breath began to come faster.

"Didn't you drink any of the water?"asked Dr.Ballard at last.

"Yes,out of the pitcher."

"Why not out of the glass?"

"It didn't look enough.I was so thirsty."

They could not doubt her.

Mr.Evringham finally found his voice.

"Jewel,why didn't you obey the doctor?"His eyes and voice were so serious that she stretched out her arm.

"Oh,grandpa,"she said,"please let me take hold of your hand.""No,not till you answer me.Little girls should be obedient."Jewel thought a minute.

"He said it wasn't medicine,so what was the use?"she asked.

Mr.Evringham,seeming to find an answer to this difficult,bit the end of his mustache.

Dr.Ballard was feeling his very ears grow red,while Mrs.Forbes's lips were set in a line of exasperation.

"Grandpa,"said Jewel,and the child's voice was very earnest,"there's a Bible over there on the table.You look in there in the Gospels,and you'll find everywhere how Jesus tells us to do what I've done.He said he must go away,but he would send the Comforter to us,and this book tells about the Comforter."Jewel took the copy of "Science and Health"from under the sheet.