第38章 THE TELEGRAM(4)(3 / 3)

"God's creation couldn't get sick.It's just His own image and likeness,so how could it?And when you can get right into God's love,what do you want of medicine to swallow?God wouldn't be omnipotent if He needed any help.You see I'm well.Isn't that all you want,grandpa?"The appeal of her eyes caused the broker to stir undecidedly."I never did have any use for doctors,"he thought,after the manner of many who,nevertheless,are eager to fly to the brotherhood for help at the first suggestion of pain.Moreover,the humor of the situation was beginning to dawn upon him,and he admired the fine temper and self-control with which the young physician pulled himself together and rose.

"Iam glad you are well,Jewel,very,"he said;"but the next time Iam called to prescribe for a little Christian Scientist I shall put the pellets on her tongue."He smiled as he took up his case and said good-by.

Mr.Evringham followed him down the stairs,heroically resisting the impulse to laugh.Only one remark he allowed himself as he bade the doctor good-by.

"You're quite right,Ballard,in your theory.Jewel has been here only three days,but I could have told you that in doing anything whatever for her,it is always absolutely necessary to consider the personal equation."