When she saw it coming she ran down to the gate and hopped and skipped back beside it,Mr.Evringham watching her gyrations unsmilingly.

As he dismounted at the piazza she clung to his hand going up the steps."Which are you going to do,grandpa,go riding or play golf?""Which do you want me to do?"he asked.

"When you ride it's more fun for me,"she replied.

He seated himself in one of the chairs and she leaned against its broad arm.

"It's rather more fun for me,too.I'm growing lazy.I think I'll ride.""Good!"

"What have you been doing to-day,Jewel?"

"Well,"--meditatively,--"cousin Eloise went to New York,so I had to get my lesson alone.And I didn't braid my hair over."Mr.Evringham looked startled."She'll do it,I dare say,before dinner,"he replied.

"If she has time.She has gone riding with Dr.Ballard.They just trotted away together.Oh,it was lovely!"Mr.Evringham,leaning his head back,looked off under his heavy brows as he responded:--"Across the hills and far away,Beyond their utmost purple rim,And deep into the dying day The happy princess followed him,"and all that sort of business,I suppose.""I don't know what you mean,"said Jewel doubtfully.

"I should hope not.Well,what else have you done?Been treating any rheumatism?I haven't had it since the sun shone.""You never asked me to,"returned the child.

Mr.Evringham smiled."The sunshine is a pretty good treatment,"he observed.