She
is
old,because
she
is
a
big
Oriental
country
with
a
civilization
stretching
back
several
thousand
years.
With
diligence
and
wisdom,the
Chinese
nation
created
a
splendid
civilization
and
made
significant
contributions
to
the
progress
of
humanity.
She
is
young,because
the
People’s
Republic
is
just
years
old,and
the
country
began
reform
and
opening-up
only
years
ago.
The
Chinese
people
established
the
New
China
after
unremitting
struggles
and
ultimately
found
a
development
path
suited
to
China’s
national
conditions
through
painstaking
efforts.
This
is
the
path
of
socialism
with
Chinese
characteristics.
Following
this
path,our
ancient
civilization
has
been
rejuvenated.
The
key
element
of
China’s
reform
and
opening-up
is
to
free
people’s
minds
and
the
most
fundamental
and
significant
component
is
institutional
innovation.
Through
economic
reform,we
have
built
a
socialist
market
economy,where
the
market
plays
a
primary
role
in
allocating
resources
under
government
macro-regulation.
We
have
carried
out
political
reform,promoted
democracy
and
improved
the
legal
system.
People
are
the
masters
of
the
country.
We
run
the
country
according
to
law
and
endeavor
to
build
a
socialist
country
under
the
rule
of
law.
The
essence
of
China’s
reform
and
opening-up
is
to
put
people
first
and
meet
their
ever
growing
material
and
cultural
needs
through
releasing
and
developing
productive
forces.
It
aims
to
give
everyone
equal
opportunities
for
all-round
development.
It
aims
to
protect
the
democratic
rights
of
the
people
and
promote
stability,harmony
and
prosperity
across
the
land.
And
it
aims
to
safeguard
the
dignity
and
freedom
of
everyone
so
that
he
or
she
may
pursue
happiness
with
ingenuity
and
hard
work.
Over
the
past
three
decades,more
than
million
Chinese
have
been
lifted
out
of
poverty,the
average
life