To
basically
achieve
modernization
by
the
middle
of
this
century,we
must
accomplish
three
major
tasks:first,achieve
industrialization,which
Europe
has
long
completed,while
keeping
abreast
of
the
latest
trends
of
the
scientific
and
technological
revolution;second,promote
economic
growth
while
ensuring
social
equity
and
justice;and
third,pursue
sustainable
development
at
home
while
accepting
our
share
of
international
responsibilities.
The
journey
ahead
will
be
long
and
arduous,but
no
amount
of
difficulty
will
stop
the
Chinese
people
from
marching
forward.Through
persistent
efforts,we
will
reach
our
goal.
My
beloved
motherland
is
a
country
that
values
her
traditions
while
opening
her
arms
to
the
outside
world.
The
traditional
Chinese
culture
is
rich,extensive
and
profound.Harmony,the
supreme
value
cherished
in
ancient
China,lies
at
the
heart
of
the
Chinese
culture.
The
Book
of
History,an
ancient
classic
in
China
for
example,advocates
amity
among
people
and
friendly
exchanges
among
nations.
The
Chinese
cultural
tradition
values
peace
as
the
most
precious.
This
has
nurtured
the
broad
mind
of
the
Chinese
nation.
The
Chinese
nation
is
generous
and
tolerant,just
as
Mother
Earth
cares
for
all
living
things.She
is
in
constant
pursuit
of
justice,just
as
the
eternal
movement
of