The
future
belongs
to
the
younger
generation.
It
is
incumbent
upon
you
to
build
an
even
more
splendid
future
of
China-Britain
relations.
Here
and
now,I
cannot
but
mention
Dr.
Joseph
Needham,a
Cambridge
alumnus
who
made
important
contributions
to
cultural
exchanges
between
China
and
Britain.With
his
monumental
masterpiece,Science
and
Civilization
in
China,he
built
a
bridge
between
the
two
great
civilizations
of
East
and
West.
To
honor
tradition
and
innovation
is
the
outstanding
character
of
Cambridge.I
hope
more
of
you
will
turn
your
eyes
to
China,see
my
country
in
the
light
of
her
development,and
act
as
ambassadors
of
China-Britain
friendship.
believe
that
as
long
as
you,the
young
people
of
China
and
Britain
learn
from
each
other
and
strive
for
progress
hand
in
hand,you
will
add
a