diligence
[5dilidVEns]
n.勤勉,勤奮
quote
[kwEut]
v.引用;引述
claim
[kleim]
n.主張,斷言,聲稱
nurture
[5nE:tFE]
n.養育,教養,培育
absorb
[Eb5sC:b]
v.汲取,理解
誦讀名句
With
diligence
and
wisdom,the
Chinese
nation
created
a
splendid
civilization
and
made
significantcontributions
to
the
progress
of
humanity.
The
argument
that
a
big
power
is
bound
to
seek
hegemony
does
not
apply
to
China.
In
the
21st
century,economic
globalization
and
the
information
network
have
linked
us
all
together.
Different
cultures
live
together
and
influence
each
other.
On
Being
Sentenced
to
Be
Hanged
約翰·布朗:被判處絞刑時發表的講話
John
Browne/約翰·布朗
have,may
it
please
the
court,a
few
words
to
say.
In
the
first
place,I
deny
everything
but
what
have
all
along
admitted-the
design
on
my
part
to
free
the
slaves.
intended
certainly
to
have
made
a
clean
thing
of
that
matter,as
did
last
winter
when
went
into
Missouri
and
there
took
slaves
without
the
snapping
of
a
gun
on
either
side,moved
them
through
the
country,and
finally
left
them
in
Canada.
designed
to
have
done
the
same
thing
again
on
a
larger
scale.
That
was
all
intended.
never
did
intend
murder,or
treason,or
the
destruction
of
property,or
to
excite
or
incite
slaves
to
rebellion,or
to
make
insurrection.
have
another
objection;and