隨著蘇聯和西方國家緊張局勢的加劇,不同地區間的通道逐漸縮小。1961年,東西柏林的邊界變成了一堵磚牆,柏林牆把千千萬萬的德國家庭分隔開來,許多居住在東部的德國人無法再去西部上班,許多交通工具無法再在那裏行駛。多年來,很多東德人試圖逃到西邊去。柏林牆建成後,西柏林變成了一片孤獨的、被敵視和被包圍的土地。到了20世紀80年代,柏林牆已經成為冷戰的最持久象征。1987年6月12日清晨,美國總統裏根抵達柏林,此時這座城市正在慶賀其750歲誕辰。在將東西柏林割裂20餘年的分界線--勃蘭登堡門的柏林牆前,裏根發表了這個著名的演說。
單詞注解
profound
[prE5faund]
adj.深深的;深刻的
resist
[ri5zist]
v.抵抗,反抗;抗拒
promote
[prE5mEut]
v.促進;發揚;引起
release
[ri5li:s]
v.釋放,解放
withstand
[wiT5stAnd]
v.抵擋,反抗;禁得起
誦讀名句
Freedom
leads
to
prosperity.
Freedom
replaces
the
ancient
hatreds
among
the
nations
with
comity
and
peace.
Freedom
is
the
victor.
In
a
word,I
would
submit
that
what
keeps
you
in
Berlin
is
love-love
both
profound
and
abiding.
And
would
like
to
say
just
one
thing,and
to
those
who
demonstrate
so.
第一章
Hillary
Clinton
Endorsement
Speech
希拉裏退選演說
Hillary
Clinton/希拉裏·克林頓
Thank
you
so
much.
Thank
you
all.
Well,this
isn’t
exactly
the
party
I’d
planned,but
sure
like
the
company.
want
to
start
today
by
saying
how
grateful
am
to
all
of
you--to
everyone
who
poured
your
hearts
and
your
hopes
into
this
campaign,who
drove
for
miles
and
lined
the
streets
waving
homemade
signs,who
scrimped
and
saved
to
raise
money,who
knocked
on
doors
and
made
calls,who
talked
and
sometimes
argued
with
your
friends
and
neighbors,who
e-mailed
and
contributed
online,who
invested
so
much
in
our
common
enterprise.
To
the
moms
and
dads
who
came
to
our
events,who
lifted
their
little
girls
and
little
boys
on
their
shoulders
and
whispered
in
their
ears,“See,you
can
be
anything
you
want
to
be.”