在很多年以前,男孩們經常去掃煙囪。他們得爬到煙囪裏麵,刮幹淨煤煙,然後把它們掃走,這可是一項艱苦的工作,而且對身體非常有害。這首詩選自《天真之歌》,進一步表明“天真”是超越官能的感官束縛的關鍵,這樣就賦予天真以深刻的內涵。
單詞注解
tongue
[tQN]
說話能力;口才
spoil
[spCil]
損壞;糟蹋
coffin
[5kCfin]
棺材,靈柩
名句誦讀
When
my
mother
died
was
very
young,And
my
father
sold
me
while
yet
my
tongue
Could
scarcely
cry
“‘weep!
weep!
weep!
weep!”
So
your
chimney
sweep,&
in
soot
sleep.
And
by
came
an
angel
who
had
a
bright
key,And
he
open’d
the
coffins
&
set
them
all
free;Then
down
a
green
plain,leaping,laughing
they
run
And
wash
in
a
river,and
shine
in
the
sun;
And
so
Tom
awoke;and
we
rose
in
the
dark,And
got
with
our
bags
&
our
brushes
to
work.
Tho’
the
morning
was
cold,Tom
was
happy
&
warm;So
if
all
do
their
duty,they
need
not
fear
harm.