But in recent years her leader has been reassigned to other cities to take charge of leadership in other parts of China, and the new leader has come to power in a radically different style. She got a lot of losses in the process of running in with the new leader.
Since she has been working in this unit since graduation, the company has made her a success. She has a deep feeling for the company, so now she doesn\\u0027t know whether to stay or leave.
She came to me to see the future in order to make a proper decision.
I can show her the future through my lead and interpreting.
Previews can be linked through Akashic. I led her to ask, and she saw the clear picture -- she saw herself in a conference room with an unconscious face, on the table.
She was very nervous and held my hand when she saw this. I lead her to ask questions, and often after looking, she saw herself again writing on a glass panel, listening to a lot of people below, and she is the keynote speaker in the scene.
As for the meeting room and glass blackboard that she has never seen before, she told me that the company she was working in was about to move, and she did not know whether this was a new office or not.
I continue to guide her to see the future picture, she saw a lot of people, but she did not know what is the new company.
Then she saw the company\\u0027s outdoor outreach.
She sees group embedded training. A group of people playing a cohesive game. But these hundreds of people, they\\u0027re all strangers.
She and I were both aware of the possibility of a new company because of the face of a group of strangers.
When the subconscious mind of the client has seen this, the mind is unwilling to admit it. Then she demanded to see each one clearly. Until seeing the end of the event, the group taking photos, the first row of people pull out of the banner.
The company name on the banner is completely different from her old company.
At this time the client finally gives up on the last ideas, and she believes that she did not stay in the old company to continue working.