1.Overview of the World WarⅠ 一戰概述
World War l(August 1914-November 1918)broke out in Europe but spread to the whole world.At that time most of the countries in world were involved in the war.
War fought mainly between the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente.German Empire and Austria-Hungary formed the Triple Alliance,while the United Kingdom,France,ltaly,the Russian Empire and Serbia formed the Triple Entente.From 1914 to 1918,many countries in Asia,Europe and America have joined the Allies.It was noteworthy that although the ltaly was Entente,but later the United Kingdom,France and Russia signed a secret treaty with ltaly,promised to give some of the land to ltaly.As a result,ltaly joined the Allies against the Entente.
The fuse of war was Sarajevo event in June 1914.lt divided into eastern front(Russia\\u0027s war Germany and Austria),Western line(Britain and France over war against Germany)and Southern line(also known as the Balkan front,Serbia Austria-Hungary lmperial combat).The mostfiercest battle was the west line.The famous battles in western line were Marne Verdan and the Somme.
This war was one of the most damaging wars in the history of Europe.About 65,000,000 people was involved,10,000,000 people lost their lives,and 20,000,000 people were injured.
2.Meat-grinder—Verdun 絞肉機——凡爾登
The Battle of Verdun was one of the critical battles during the First World War on the Western Front.lt was fought between the German and French armies,from 21 February-18 December 1916,on hilly terrain north of the city of Verdun-sur-Meuse in north-eastern France.The Battle of Verdun ended in a French victory since the German High Command failed to achieve its two strategic objectives:the capture of the city of Verdun and a much highercasualty count inflicted on the French adversary.As a whole,the Battle of Verdun resulted in more than a quarter of a million battlefield deaths and at least half a million wounded.Verdun was one of the longest battle and the most devastating in the First World War and more generally in human history.