the
point
has
been
missed:
Happiness
is
already
there.
Disappointments
and
tragedies
in
life
will
come
and
go,but
happiness
never
leaves
you.
The
human’s
capacity
to
be
resilient
to
trials
is
unfathomable.
We
can
lose
our
jobs,but
be
grateful
for
our
spouses.
We
can
lose
our
homes
to
nature,but
be
thankful
to
be
alive.
Happiness
is
a
perception
of
each
individual.
We
are
instinctively
compelled
to
find
fault
in
our
lives.
By
human
nature,we
begin
our“fault-finding”mission
the
moment
we’re
capable
of
free-thinking.
It
is
then,that
we
lose
sense
of
self-worth
and
the
bigger
picture
of
vitality
altogether.
Stuck
in
the
patterns
of
the
happiness
paradox,we
simply
cannot
find
where
our
happiness
has
gone.
It’s
not
a
matter
of
bargaining,it’s
not
an
issue
of
money
or
fame-
instead,happiness
is
what
you
resolve
to
accept.
If
we
live
through
optimistic
hope;if
we
dare
to
dream;if
we
empower
ourselves
to
fully
live;then
we
have
regained
our
sense
of
happiness.
There
is
no
in
between.
There
is
no
other
replacement.
We
only
have
one
physical
life
to
live-
we
have
no
choice
but
to
make
the
most
of
it.
矛盾幸福感
蒂莫西
“幸福”是什麼?幸福是擁有豪華的汽車、理想的居室、名貴的裘皮和珠寶等物質上的富足嗎?或者,簡單的隻是有個遮風避雨的住所,冰箱裏有食物,有孩子、寵物、遊泳池、個性的包,有父母、子孫、有愛情、金錢和理想的工作,彩票中獎了呢?
在《美國傳統字典》中,幸福是從中古英語“Hap”一詞演變而來的。“Hap”意為“好運”。但是,幸福真的與“好運”有關聯嗎?基於此,想想看,如果你在一場必死無疑的交通事故中幸免於難,卻因此遲到,導致被老板炒魷魚。對此,你會感到“幸福”嗎?這是好運嗎?還是要看個人如何看待這個問題呢?或許,確切地說,幸福的定義應當直接從它的詞源來看--事實上,幸福或許就是命中注定要發生的事情。
你能回憶起你5歲時對幸福的理解嗎?那時,幸福是從聖誕樹上摘下的一隻小狗嗎?或者爸爸媽媽離婚了,你唯一的願望就是他們能和好如初,重新生活在一起?當你漸漸長大,你希望有人會邀請你參加舞會,希望所有的日子都凝固在那一天、那一刻。上大學期間,考試得了高分讓你無比開心,但這種幸福感都是短暫的。因為在現實中,你得找一份工作,而社會競爭也相當激烈。於是,你就會想,這是一個雇主的世界。隨後,你找到了一份理想的工作--現在的你很開心,是嗎?
生活向我們索要的遠比我們想要的多。一個人必須明白,要想真正找到幸福,他就必須讓自己幸福。可能聽起來有些多餘,但確是如此--生活中,沒有能帶來幸福的現成指南,也沒有揮一揮就能帶來歡樂的魔棒。人性在追求幸福的刺激中不斷升級、完善。我們夢想著、期望著下一個大的轉變--這就是生活中的大冒險了。