正文 第21章 美國主流報紙台海問題報道具體案例(9)(1 / 3)


Chen Shui-bian's election as president of the Republic of China on Taiwan dramatically and instantly raised the stakes for U.S. policy in the Taiwan Strait.

Lee Teng-hui's election in 1996 was the first direct,popular election of a head of state in Chinese history. President-elect Chen's election marks the first peaceful transfer of power from a ruling Chinese party to its democratic opposition.

Taiwan's democratic transformation,begun by President Lee,is complete. The Republic of China's experiment in democracy is no longer an experiment——it is a proven reality. The nation that was known for the better part of 40 years as “Nationalist China” now is “Democratic China.”



1996 年李登輝的當選是中國曆史上第一次直接的、受歡迎的國家元首選舉。陳水扁在此次選舉中當選,標誌著第一次和平地把權力從一個統治中國的政黨交接到它的民主反對派手上。




Chen's personal story is compelling testimony to all aspiring democrats. Born into an impoverished peasant family in rural Taiwan in 1951,Ah-bian (as he is known) was the best student in his county's primary and secondary schools——earning himself a place in the prestigious Taiwan National University and a law degree. He labored for two decades in the opposition movement,enduring imprisonment and personal tragedy.A bungled assassination attempt on him,allegedly by government intelligence agents,left his wife paralyzed for life. Chen's political ascent included service as a Taipei city councilman,a member of the Taiwan legislature and a mayor of Taipei——a post in which he was immensely popular for improving the quality of life of the city and cleaning up corrupt politics.