正文 第八章 教育新聞(1 / 3)

News Item 1 International Education Plan

Jill Moss Broadcast: May 6, 2002


1.minister n. a high officer of state appointed to head an executive or administrative department of government 部長 an authorized diplomatic representative of a government, usually ranking next below an ambassador 公使

2.announcement n. making known publicly 宣布

3.dispute n. a verbal controversy; a debate 口頭辯論;爭論 an angry altercation ; a quarrel 生氣的爭吵;吵架

4.assistance the act of assisting 幫助 aid; help 幫助;協助

Step One Listen to the news and decide whether they are true or false.

1.International finance ministers have approved a World Bank plan aimed at educating every child in developed countries.

2.Finance ministers at the meeting strongly praised the education plan.

3.The World Bank plans to launch the new education program in the next month.

4.Tanzania, Malawi, Senegal, Bangladesh and Indonesia are among the nations being considered for this project.

5.In time, the World Bank plans to give money to seventy-eight developing countries that have a large number of uneducated children.

Step Two Complete the following blanks with the exact words from the news.

1.The goal of the plan “____ ____ ____” is to provide an education for all children____ the ages of five and eleven by the year____ .

2.The World Bank estimates that about____children between the ages of five and eleven in poor countries do not____ school.

3.The United States wants the ____ to give money called ____ to poor nations instead of____that have to be repaid. European nations are____to this policy.

4.So far, only a few ____ countries, including Germany and the Netherlands, have____ to provide money for the ____ .


1.Netherlands n. 荷蘭,地區名

2.Tanzania n.坦桑尼亞(東非國家)

3.Malawi n.馬拉維(非洲國家)

4.Senegal n.[國名]塞內加爾(西非國家)

5.Bangladesh 孟加拉國(亞洲)

6.國際複興開發銀行(InternationalBank for Reconstruction and Development ——IBRD), 通 稱“世界銀行”(World Bank)。 1944年7月在美國布雷頓森林舉行的聯合國貨幣金 融會議上通過了《國際複興開發銀行協定》,1945年12月27日,28個國家政府的代 表簽署了這一協定,並宣布國際複興開發銀行正式成立。1946年6月25日開始營 業,1947年11月5日起成為聯合國專門機構之一,是世界上最大的政府間金融機構 之一。總部設在美國華盛頓,並在巴黎、紐約、倫敦、東京、日內瓦等地設有辦事處, 此外還在20多個發展中成員國設立了辦事處。世行成立初期的宗旨是致力於戰後歐 洲複興。法國是第一個從世界銀行得到貸款的國家。1948年以後轉向世界性的經濟 援助,通過向生產性項目提供貸款和對改革計劃提供指導,幫助欠發達成員國實現 經濟發展。世界銀行主要下設機構有:最高權力機構理事會,由成員國的財政部長、 中央銀行行長或級別相當的官員擔任理事。每年秋天與國際貨幣基金組織聯合召開 年會。執行董事會由21名執行董事組成,其中5名由擁有股份最多的美、英、法、 日、德委派,另外16名由其他成員國按地區選出。

News Item 2 Schools Around the World

Jerilyn Watson Broadcast: September 5,2002


1.mathematics n. the study of the measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities, using numbers and symbols 數學

2.Czech n. 捷克人(語)adj.捷克斯洛伐克的,捷克斯洛伐克人(語)的

3.Portugal n.葡萄牙

4.supervisor n. one who supervises ; one who is in charge of a particular department or unit, as in a governmental agency or school system 管理人;監督人

5.comment n. a statement of fact or opinion, especially a remark that expresses a

personal reaction or attitude 評論

Step One Try to answer the following questions in your own words as clearly as possible.

1. What is the program called in the news?

2.How do the teachers taking part in the program exchange their work by students?

3.What are the two goals of this program mentioned in this news?

4.How many members are mentioned in the news?

5.Who helps support the program?

6.How do the group members read students&apos work?

Step Two Complete the following blanks with the exact words from the news.

1.Teachers in eight ____ and Hong Kong are taking part in an ____ exchange of____. They are____ excellent work by their students in ____and science.

2.Schools Around the World ____ educators ____ by distance to ____ by computer. They increase________about the subjects they teach. They also learn new ways of____ student learning and progress.

3.About ____ teachers from the same school often________a group to ____meetings. The ____of the school and mathematics and science ____also attend these ____.

4.Members then ____ their own educational ____. They ____ the work they give students to reach those goals. They ____ how well their students ____.

5.The teachers also____suggestions about____and materials. They on the ____of each other&aposs teaching. Educators who have been in the program Schools Around the World for helping them________their skills.

News Item 3 Teacher Shortage

Jerilyn Watson Broadcast: June 27,2002


1.certification n. the act of certifying 證明 a certified statement 合格證明書

2.algebra n.代數學

3.emergency n. a serious situation or occurrence that happens unexpectedly and demands immediate action 緊急情況

4.intensive adj. of, relating to, or characterized by intensity 強烈的

5.cooperate vi. to work or act together toward a common end or purpose 合作

Step One Listen to the news and decide whether they are true or false.

1. Education experts say more than half the people currently teaching mathematics are well prepared.

2.These teachers have not successfully completed examinations for being mathematics teachers.

3.However, other schools in crowded cities and small towns have no problems finding good teachers.

4.Unlike many other areas of the nation, the state of California does not lack mathematics teachers

5.High school students now must demonstrate skill in the mathematics subject called algebra before they can graduate.

Step Two Complete the following blanks with the exact words from the news.

1.State and local governments ____ public schools in the United States. Almost________of current mathematics teachers do not have official state____of their skills. Almost ____ ____ of science teachers also ____ this certification.

2.To deal with this____ , California is employing people to work as____teachers.

Some of these people work in ____industry.

3.However, these teachers lack ____college preparation in____ . And many have never____ school before.