4.Last year, the city ____ fifty teachers ____ arrived from India. They are highly____ people who have taught school in their____country.
Notes :
1.俄亥俄州(Ohio):在很多地方與眾不同,該州的3個最大的城市都是以C字母開頭 的:克利夫蘭(Clevelan)、辛辛那提(Cincinnati)、哥倫布(Columbus)。在俄亥俄州東 北部有著比其他州更多的門諾派教徒。共有21位宇航員出自該州,這要比其他州多 得多。他們是John Glenn, Neil Armstrong 以及Judith Resnick 等。還有7位美國總統 出生在俄亥俄州,(Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Harrison, McKinley, Taft 以及 Harding) 該 州還誕生了很多發明家,像第一架飛機製造者懷特兄弟、電燈的發明者愛迪生以及大 出版商古德裏奇。這些都是令人感興趣的。不但如此,俄亥俄州還是1個旅遊度假的 好去處。有3個國家博物館坐落在俄亥俄州,它們是坐落在克利夫蘭的搖滾樂博物 館、在代頓的職業橄欖球博物館及在阿克倫的發明家博物館。俄亥俄人擅長騎術,這 也許能解釋為什麼該州有如此眾多的宇航員及航海家吧。在俄亥俄州的3個巨大的 遊樂場裏你可以進行各種充滿刺激的遊戲。無論是到Amish Country的Heini&aposs 乳酪 屋,還是到伊利湖島航行或到Centerville的婦女航空博物院參觀,你一定會為這裏的 悠久的民間傳說、友善的人民、曆史古跡所吸引並感受到它帶給您的快樂!
News Item 4
Growing US Sex Education Trend in Teaching Abstinence
Andrew Baroch Washington 13 Jun. , 2001 09: 14 UTC
1.trying adj. causing strain, hardship, or distress 費勁的,難受的
2.adolescence n. the period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to maturity 青春期
3.mentor n. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher 賢明和忠實的顧問或良師
4.reverse v. to turn around to the opposite direction 反轉
5.embrace vt. to take up willingly or eagerly 樂意或渴望地從事於
6.camaraderie n. goodwill and lighthearted rapport between or among friends; comradeship 同誌關係,平淡的朋友關係
Step One Listen to the news and decide whether they are true or false.
1.Fifteen-year old Joy Scales, who attends middle school in Washington, D. C., says boys in her school often pressure her not to have sex.
2.Many of the girls come from poor, minority, single-parent families and may need extra guidance.
3.“ Best Friends” was founded in 1978 at the Georgetown University Child Development Center in Washington,D. C.
4.“Best Friends” mentors take the girls to concerts and art museums, where they meet good “role models” , men successful in their careers.
5.“ Best Friends” also awards college scholarships based on a girl&aposs participation in the group and her academic performance.
6.We know about 17 percent of seventh graders here and about 33 percent of eighth graders are sexually active. “Best Friends” girls in the same schools who are sexually active, are six percent of seventh graders and 5. 4 percent of eighth graders.
Step Two Complete the following blanks with the exact words from the news.
1.Joy Scales says she learned how to ____ sexually- ____ boys by belonging to a group called “________”.
2.The “Best Friends” organization advises girls to____from sex, drugs, and ____. Adult mentors meet with the girls ____ ____ once a week in their school____or classrooms.
3.Founder Elayne Bennett says she was ____ that many of the girls who came for____ were sexually-____and____ -troubled.
4.____ of “ Best Friends “ believe their ____ of camaraderie and ________ isn&apost just a girl thing. Last year, “ Best Friends” branched out and started a group for boys called “________”.
Notes :
1.美國的性教育很大程度上是政府命令和地方政策的拚湊物。但是,近年來,性教 育——特別是推動禁欲作為年輕人惟一方式的性教育——引起了更多的全國性關注。 作為1996年福利法案的一部分,國會為各州提供了2.5億美元,支持校內和社區項 目傳播婚前禁欲的信息。最近,一些右翼勢力甚至要求更多的聯邦基金,推動禁欲作 為惟一方式。因為各州、各學區、乃至各個學校存在的差異,一直以來,沒有什麼資 料能夠反映全國各地在性教育政策和課程上的趨勢。最近對公立學區督察進行了調 查,凱塞(Kaiser)家庭基金會對公立中學校長進行了調査,這些研究表明,目前各學 區的政策和課程中強調的主要信息更傾向是綜合的,也就是,提供包括禁欲和避孕兩 種信息,而不是把禁欲作為惟一的方式。但是,這些性教育方法的缺點和作用還會繼 續受到辯論。
2.“最好的朋友”(Best Friends) 用禁欲項目“負責”進行素質教育的組織。華盛頓特區支 部,項目開始後,400個女孩中隻有1個懷孕了。“最好的朋友”主任Elayne Bennett 說,哥倫比亞特區同樣規模的5~9年級女孩中通常有20到70個懷孕的。“最好的朋 友”的一名解釋說:“我要把我的貞潔留給我嫁給的那個男人。並且,我要讓我的孩 子有個爸爸。”
News Item 5
Foreign Exchange Students Say Good-bye to US
Mike O&aposSullivan Los Angeles 11 July, 2001 08 : 49 UTC
1.bittersweet adj. producing or expressing a mixture of pain and pleasure 苦樂參半的
2.departure n. a starting out, as on a trip or a new course of action 啟程,出發,
3.tearful adj. filled with or accompanied by tears 含淚的
4.farewell n. an acknowledgment at parting; a good-bye 辭別,再見,再會
5.culture shock n. a condition of confusion and anxiety affecting a person suddenly exposed to an alien culture or milieu 文化衝擊
6.reminisce v. to recollect and tell of past experiences or events 細懷,回憶
7.ambulance n. a specially equipped vehicle used to transport the sick or injured 救護車
8.suburban adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a suburb 郊區的
Step One Listen to the news and decide whether they are true or false.
1.Each year, thousands of students from other countries arrive in the United States to attend U. S. schools and live on campus.
2.Eighty-year-old Chiara Valentini of Rome, Italy, says she experienced culture shock when she first arrived in the United States.
3.AFS is an organization that formed to sent drivers in World War I.
4.In 1947,AFS initiated exchange programs for high school students.
5.Laura Garay of Paraguay says her U. S. host family in Reno, Nevada, became a second family during her year in America.
Step Two Complete the following blanks with the exact words from the news.
1.Each year, thousands of foreign ____ students arrive in the United States to attend U. S. schools and usually at the end of the year come ____ departures and ____
2.Ms. Valentini ____about her year as an exchange student in Reno, Nevada, the new friends she____and the____ she lived with.
3.The organization now has ____ programs in more than ____ countries, including ____ ____,the home of Vuyo Mjekula. The high-school student from Johannesburg says her year in California had its____________, but most of her____were good ones.
4.The Egyptian student says she experienced culture____,however. When she saw the____ exchanges between ____ ____ ____ students in her California high school, she says, it was unlike____ in Egypt, and it took some getting used to.
5.There were____and tears all around as these students____buses and____for the airport. Francesco Stenico, an exchange student from Italy, said he felt both sad and happy to____his friends and host family to____to friends and family at home.