正文 第八章 教育新聞(3 / 3)

Notes :

1. Reno 裏諾(美國有名的“離婚城市”,在內華達州西部,凡欲離婚者,隻須在 該市住滿3個月,即可離婚)。20世紀初,內華達州還是一個貧窮的州,但離婚業帶 來的豐厚收入讓內華達州嚐到了甜頭。離婚業的收入非常可觀,僅律師費每個月的 收入就有10萬美元,加上旅館、娛樂場、飯店和購物等收入,離婚業一年帶給內華達 州的收入是500萬美元,占了這個州財政收入的很大一部分。然而,到了 20世紀60 年代,美國社會對離婚的態度開始變得寬容了,人們就沒必要大老遠地跑到裏諾去離 婚,裏諾的離婚業就慢慢衰敗了。

2.外彙管理(Foreign Exchange Control) :廣義上指一國政府授權國家的貨幣金融當局或 其他機構,對外彙的收支、買賣、借貸、轉移以及國際間結算、外彙彙率和外彙市場 等實行的控製和管製行為;狹義上是指對本國貨幣與外國貨幣的兌換實行一定的限製。

News Item 6 Personal Finance Education in the U. K.


1.launch v. to set going; initiate 開展

2.scheme [ ski:m] n. a plan, a chart, a diagram, or an outline of a system 安排,計劃,方 案,圖解,摘要

3.curriculum n. all the courses of study offered by an educational institution 課程

4.citizenship n.公民身份,公民的職責

Step One Listen to the news and choose the correct one according to what you hear.

1 . Britain ____ a new scheme to____ the teaching of____ in schools.

A. was launching; improve; finance B. is launching; improving; finance

C. is launching; improve; finance D. was launching; improving; finance

2.Its teacher ____ a course where people ____ their own business, part of that____ money management.

A. devised; set up; involvedB. devises; setting up; involved

C. devised; setting up; involvingD. devises; set up; involve

3.By____,it&aposs hoped that ____ school children will have had access to personal finance lessons, something that would go down well with parents.

A. 2005; 12,800;B. 2015, 128,000

C. 2005; 128,000D. 2015; 12,800

Step Two Try to answer the following questions in your own words as clearly as possible.

1 . What are the differences between Broadwater and many other schools?

2.According to Nicky Wells, what do the students learn?

3.According to research carried out by BMRB, there are many adults wanted their children to learn personal finance at school, while quite a lot of them wished they&aposd been taught money matters in their own school days. So, what is the percentage respectively?

4.If the project is a success, what is the prospect?

Step Three Complete the following blanks with the exact words of the news.

1. Learning about ____ is already part of the____for some of the____at this school.

2.We want them to be able to put____finance education examples into all different parts of their ____,it could be citizenship, it could be the personal social ____

3.The ____ students leave school, they have to face the ____ of ________ complicated financial forms, as well as things like____and ____.


1.Three Rs: Reading, Writing 和 Arithmetic。

2.BMRB: British Market Research Bureau, 英國市場研究局,是歐洲最大的市場調查和研 究機構,該機構成立於1932年,主要研究英國的財政、管理和行政問題。

News Item 7

Controversy Over Sex Education in the United States

Andrew Baroch Washington 7 Jun.,2001 06: 59 UTC


1.pregnant adj. carrying developing offspring within the bod 懷孕的

2.recreation n. refreshment of one&aposs mind or body after work through activity that amuses or stimulates; play 消遣;玩耍

3.abstinence n. the act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite, as for food 節欲

4.contraception n. intentional prevention of conception or impregnation through the use of various devices, agents,drugs, sexual practices,or surgical procedures 避孕

5.sexual intercourse n. coitus between human beings 性交

6.advocate n. one that argues for a cause ; a supporter or defender 擁護者,鼓吹 者 vt.提倡,鼓吹

7.appropriation n. something appropriated, especially public funds set aside for a specific purpose 撥款

8.quell v. to put down forcibly ; suppress 用武力平息;鎮壓

Step One Try to answer the following questions in your own words as clearly as possible.

1.According to the study, how many girls in the United States will get pregnant at least once

before the age of 20?

2.Thousands of community recreation centers, schools, and churches offer teenagers

pregnancy prevention programs, and there are basically two kinds. What are they?

3.According to Douglas Kirby, what does the overwhelming weight of evidence clearly show?

4.Since the 1990&aposs, how much money has been spent to help fund these programs?

5.What does a teenage boy in the group 18-year-old Marvin say?

Step Two Complete the following blanks with the exact words of the news.

1.At a ____ Washington news conference, the group released ____ that show

________ is the more____ approach.

2.With ____ to programs that____ teach sexual abstinence, Mr. Kirby says that so

far there&aposs no____that they&aposre effective.

3.There&aposs a real difference between the very narrow ‘ abstinence until ____ only ’

____ and what we call the ____ approach: the comprehensive approach respects

young people&aposs____ to make healthy decisions about their sexuality.

4.Opponents of abstinence-only programs say it&aposs not money ____. While ____ of

abstinence-only programs say ____ of contraception is too much, too ____ for


5.A ____ study to ____ the effectiveness of abstinence-only education programs,

ones that do not teach contraception, is ____ to be released________.

Notes :

1.HIV abbr. ( human immunodeficiency virus);人體免疫缺損病毒,艾滋病病毒

2.AIDS. abbr. ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) 獲得性免疫功能喪失綜合症。一 般稱之為艾滋病。它是一種嚴重的細胞免疫功能缺陷,常合並多種機會性感染及惡 性腫瘤的疾病。病原體是人體免疫缺損病毒,即HIV。艾滋病感染者是指艾滋病病毒 抗體陽性,無症狀或尚不能診斷為艾滋病病人者。艾滋病之所以猖狂於全球,就在於 艾滋病病毒HIV侵入人體後直接侵犯人體免疫係統,攻擊和殺傷的是人體免疫係統 中最重要、最具有進攻性的T4淋巴細胞,使機體一開始就處於喪失防禦能力的地位。 艾滋病病毒一旦進入人體,就寄生於T4淋巴細胞內最核心的部位,並與細胞核的遺 傳物質DNA整合為一體,人體沒有能力使其分開,更沒有力量殺滅它,艾滋病就成 為一種“病入基因”的痼疾。艾滋病病毒隨免疫細胞DNA複製而複製。病毒的繁殖和 複製使免疫細胞遭到破壞和毀滅,並放出更多的病毒。新增殖病毒再感染更多的細 胞。就這樣,病毒一代代地複製、繁殖,免疫細胞不斷死亡。