風清揚2013-08-18 09:00
The Triumph of Progressivism:Graduation 2013 and 1968 ByProfessor Robert Reich at 2013 Commencement of University ofCalifornia at Berkeley
進步主義的勝利:1968屆畢業生致2013屆畢業生——羅伯特·萊克教授在2013年加州大學伯克利分校對畢業生的演講(羅伯特·萊克,政治經濟學家、作家、時事評論員,曾於比爾·克林頓執政期間擔任美國勞工部長)Many of you soon-to-be college graduates are determined tomake the world a better place. Some of you are choosing careers inpublic service or joining nonprofits or volunteering in yourcommunities.
But many of you are cynical about politics. You see the systemas inherently corrupt. You doubt real progress is possible.
“What chance do we have against the Koch brothers and theother billionaires?”you"ve asked me. “How can we fight against Monsanto,Boeing,JP Morgan,and Bank of America?They buyelections. They run America.
Let me remind you:Cynicism is a self-fulfilling prophesy. Youhave no chance if you assume you have no chance.
“But it was different when you graduated,”you say.“Thesixties were a time of social progress.”
You don"t know your history.
When I graduated in 1968,the Vietnam War was raging. Overhalf a million American troops were already there. I didn"t know if I"dbe drafted. A member of my class who spoke at commencementsaid he was heading to Canada and urged us to join him.
Two months before, Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated. America"s cities were burning. Bobby Kennedy had justbeen gunned down.