正文 第82章 劉若愚著作目錄(2 / 3)

16.“Towards a Chinese Theory of Poetry”(《中國詩觀的探索》),in Supplement to Yearbook o f Comparative and General Litera-ture,Bloomington,Indiana University Press,No。15,1966.

17.“Review s:Poems of the Late T ang。 T ranslated by A。C。Graham”(《書評:〈晚唐詩〉》),in Journal o f the A meri-can Oriental Society,1966.

18.“Ambiguities in Li Shang-yin s Poetry”(《李商隱詩的多義性》),in Chow Tse-tsung,ed。,Wen-L in:Studies in the Chi-nese H umanities,Madison,University of Wisconsin Press,1968.


20.“Entry on Li Yu”(《李煜詞條》),in E ncyclopaedia Bri-tannica,1969(此乃為《大英百科全書》寫的李煜的詞條)。

21.“The Ly rics o f L iu Yung”(《柳永的詞》)in T amkang Review,Taipai,Vol。Ⅰ,No。2,1970.

22.“Prolegomena to a Study of T raditional Chinese T heories of Literature”(《中國傳統文學理論研究前言》)in L iterature E ast and West,Vol。ⅹ ⅵ,No。3,1972.

23.“World and Language:T he Chinese Literature T radi-tion”(《境界與語言:中國文學的傳統》),in Ar nold Toynbee,ed。,H al f o f the World:The H istory and Culture o f China and J apan,London,T hames&H udson,1973.

24.“Some Literatu re Qualities of the Lyric”(《詞的某些文學特性》),in Cyril Birch,ed,Stud ies in chinese L iterary Genres,Berkeley,U niversity of California press,1974.

25.“Entries on Po Chu-yi,Li Shang-yin,and Yuan Mei”(《〈東方文學辭典〉中白居易、李商隱、袁枚詞條》)in Jaroslay Prusek,ed。,Dictionar y o f Oriental L iterature,New Yor k,Bas-ic Books,1974.

26.“T he Study of Chinese Literature in West:Recent De-velopments,Current T rends,Future Prospects”(《近來西方中國文學研究的發展、趨勢和前景》),in Journal o f Asian Stui dies,Vol。ⅹⅹⅹ ⅴ,No。1,1975.Chinese translation,H sin-chia-p o Wen-yi(Singapore),No。7(1977)。

27.“Biographies o f Sung K e and Shao T s an”in L。 C。Goodrich and Fang Chao-ying,ed。,Dictionar y o f Ming Biogra-ph y(《〈明代傳記辭典〉中宋客和邵璨的傳記》),New York,Co-lumbia U niversity Press,1976.

28.“Reviews:T he Poetry of Meng Chiao and Han Yu by Stephen Owen”(《書評:斯蒂芬·歐文〈孟郊和韓愈的詩〉》)in H ar vard Journal o f Asiatic Studies,1976.

29.“Language-Literatu re-Translation:a bifocal appr oach in a tetradic framewor k”(《語言·文學·翻譯:在四維框架中的雙重焦點方法》)in T。C。Lai,ed。,T he art and Pro f ession o f T ranslat ion,Hong Kong T ranslation Society,n。d。

30.“Reviews:Chinese poetry:Major Modes and Genres。 E dited and Translated by WAI-LIM YIP”(《書評:〈中國詩:主要的模式和類型〉》)in J ournal o f Chinese Linguistics,Vol。4 No。3/2,1976.

31.“T radition and Creativity in Early Ch ing Poetics”(《早期清詩的繼承與創新》),in Ch ristian F。M urck,ed。,Art ists and T radi tion:T he P ast in Chinese Culture,Princeton,Princeton U-niversity Press,1976.

32.“Review:T he Poetry of the Early T ang。 By Stephen Owen”(《書評:斯蒂芬·歐文〈初唐詩〉》)in Journal o f AsianStudies,Yale U niversity Press,1977.

33.“T owar ds a Synthesis of Chinese and Wester n T heories of Literatu re”(《中西文學理論的綜合》)in Journal o f Chinese philosophy,Vol。4,1977(已收入杜國清譯本《中國文學理論》附錄,名《中西文學理論綜合初探》)。

34.“‘T wo entries'in A Sung Bibliography”(《〈宋代文獻〉中的兩頁書目》),H ong Kong,T he Chinese U niversity Press,1978.

35.“Time,Space,and Self in Chinese Poetry”(《中國詩中的時、空與自我》)in Chinese L iterature:Essay s,articles,Re-views,Vol。1,No。2,1979.

36.“Review s:T he T ransformation of the Chinese Lyrical T radition:Chiang K uei and Southern Sung Tz u Poetr y by Shuen-fu Lin”(《書評:林順夫〈從薑夔和南宋諸詞家看中國詞傳統之變化〉》)in H ar vard J ournal o f Asiatic Studies,1979.6.